I bought my first two vaporizers within a week and a half of each other. The first one I ordered was the Magic-Flight Launch Box. The second one I ordered was the Volcano. The Volcano arrived first, and I love it. I'm not filthy rich at all, but the price was not a concern for me. I did research for months, and settled on the Classic with Easy Valve. I looked at the V-Tower Extreme, but the lack of a valve/nozzle on the bag was a downer for me, because the bag is the primary way I want to vape. I have no interest in whips. Also, based on comments that I read in various places about people breaking some of the Extreme's glass parts, I could see that happening to me. And even if all it takes is to be very careful with the glass parts, I don't want to have to worry about them every time I vape. I don't want to have to remind myself to be cautious and conscientious throughout a vaping session. I just want to sit back and relax, without any more worry than is necessary. The 'cano allows this. The only thing I have to be concerned about is taking the chamber off the top when I've filled a bag.
Part of my decision to go with the 'cano over the Extreme is that I live with my girlfriend, who loves weed as well, and I basically wanted a vape with as small a learning curve as possible, and a high convenience factor so that we could both get to using it quickly and easily. Always having to keep your thumb over the Extreme bag mouthpiece is not convenient, and having to learn proper techniques for the Extreme's other vaping methods is just not something that jibes well with the easy vaping that I wanted both her and I to enjoy. She is not the type of person who would care to read a lot about vaping techniques online, and I don't want to spend my vaping time teaching her how to use the Extreme; as I said, I jus want to sit back and take it easy. I didn't want there to be a point where I was vaping effectively and she was not. I want us both to be on the same page, enjoying the same level of efficiency and enjoyment. The 'cano has definitely served this purpose very well.
With the 'cano, I use only about 1/3 as much weed as I used before I had it... perhaps even less. And the bag with a closed nozzle is very important to me/us, because we pass it back and forth often. Beyond that, I find myself laying the bag down for a few minutes somewhat frequently to do or get something else, and it has occurred to me a number of times that having the Extreme bags, with no closed valve, would be a pain in the ass at these times. Since these times happen somewhat frequently, no closed valve would be frequently annoying. There is nothing that annoys me about the 'cano.
Obviously, everyone has their own tastes, but I would without hesitation recommend the Volcano to anyone.
I love the MFLB, too. With both it and the 'cano, my vaping needs are more than satisfied. I love them both for different reasons, as each can do what the other can't.