3/8-inch Internal DiameterPlease do and post it!
What size diameter is your tubing??
3/8-inch Internal DiameterPlease do and post it!
What size diameter is your tubing??
I am still vaping at 446 degrees F as that is the best for extracting the most vapor/potency
446F is that correct? That is too high. 358F give or take is optimal as far as I know.
Find that i get more vapor over 400F thats why i vape so high
I use very minimal amounts so barely get vapor
i assume he said that because the Volcano only goes up to the mac of 445 degrees F
But i do agree with more vapor is produced in the higher 400 degrees temperature range. Nothing wrong with that though, as combustion is at 450+ degrees F. i vape at 445 degrees F every day.
But please do remember the quality and also the amount of herbs you use per dose does contribute to how much vapor is produced.
Any recommendations on bag size?
I am looking to place an order today with S&B for 6 new bags, should i get regular size or XL EZ fill?
Ive heard pros and cons to both just need more opinions from experienced users on here
Also im a little confused as to when to change the bag. Ive been vaping non stop 3-6 sessions a day for the past 2-3 weeks on a bag i opened fresh from the package. No yellowing, definitely not as clear but doesnt look visibly dirty to the eyes. When should i use the new bags that I will be ordering?
Also in regards to vapor production, i use very little amount of bud + liquipad is that the most efficient way to prevent the buds from flying around
Any recommendations on bag size?
I am looking to place an order today with S&B for 6 new bags, should i get regular size or XL EZ fill?
Ive heard pros and cons to both just need more opinions from experienced users on here
Also im a little confused as to when to change the bag. Ive been vaping non stop 3-6 sessions a day for the past 2-3 weeks on a bag i opened fresh from the package. No yellowing, definitely not as clear but doesnt look visibly dirty to the eyes. When should i use the new bags that I will be ordering?
Also in regards to vapor production, i use very little amount of bud + liquipad is that the most efficient way to prevent the buds from flying around
Personally i would buy five rolls of quiet bag material on ebay.
Then watch the youtube vid of someone showing you how to make your own easy valve bags.
I used to have two bags. One small for the first fill.. then a regular one for the others.
This way the small bag stays tasty longer.
And you'll have quiet bags.
Win, win.
No.Are you talking about Reynold's turkey bags?
They are damn expensive to import in EU, but way more silent than the original one for sure!
No.Wow they even came from Germany, I thank you a lot for bringing this to me!
Do they stay silent when clogged or am I dreaming too much?
And again, thanks h3rbalist![]()
Is an easy valve mouthpiece to bubbler adapter possible?
do you also have the Solid Valve system, to make items for it AND the Easy Valve?
HI Silat - I really don't agree with that temp being optimum at all. All of those temp of evaporation tables were done with pure sample of the specific cannabinoid in a vacuum. Add normal atmospheric pressure, mix with other volatile cannabinoids, and put it all in a plant cellulose matrix which still will have plenty of water vapor and I really believe two things:446F is that correct? That is too high. 358F give or take is optimal as far as I know.
Actually, the Digit goes up to 446 as the OP stated. Check out S&B's website on the product.i assume he said that because the Volcano only goes up to the mac of 445 degrees F
But i do agree with more vapor is produced in the higher 400 degrees temperature range. Nothing wrong with that though, as combustion is at 450+ degrees F. i vape at 445 degrees F every day.
But please do remember the quality and also the amount of herbs you use per dose does contribute to how much vapor is produced.
Not sure what Ratchett has come up with but I do support Delta 3D Studios and love what he does and his products. As I said, I don't know what he has come up with but there is a GonG available for EV bags. I have one an found that putting the Volcano bag through a water tool is a mixed bag in terms of results. Bag gets in the way (of course would not if a whip was used between Gong and WT) and bags are diluted enough by the fan in my view and putting it through a WT left me a bit wanting in vapor density. Now, if I'm blasting a 422 F or above sleep time killer, maybe in a dosing capsule with a bit of shatter sandwiched in there, a WT would be great to take some of the harshness out.Prototype built last night, printed first version this morning. Very happy with the results. Still need a bit more work to make it air-tight to glass, but almost there
Would you guys rather have dedicated 14mm and 18mm options, or would you want a 18/14mm all-in-one adapter.
Been lurking here since the Pax first came out.
I just got a Volcano Classic as an "upgrade" from the S&B Crafty, which had its' battery die on me 3 times (and I'm not even a heavy user).
S&B offered to let me upgrade to any of the other products, so I decided to go for the 'Cano Classic. I decided against the Digital since I'm untrusting of S&Bs' electronics QA department.
Might be unjustified, since the Digital has been around for a while, while the Crafty is relatively new to the market, but I've seen capsule style buttons die too many times to count, so figured that rocker switches would be more reliable, and I plan on keeping this sucker for the duration. So $40 extra dollars for the Classic, the Easy Valcve kit, and a reducer made me a happy S&B customer.
Overall I'm extremely happy with it, and I'm able to use .01g and get at least a few good bags' worth. I also have a reducer, but don't know if it helps or hinders extraction with small amounts. Since the airspace is constricted, I assume that there might not be as much contact with the surface area of the material; but I also must consider that the engineering behind the reducer isn't arbitrary. I've combed through this thread, but haven't seen anyone remark on it.
So I've just been using the default bowl & letting the material fly around. =) I periodically open the assembly and reposition the material between bags, which seems to help a little. I usually have the dial "set" between 6.5 - 7.5.
Extraction, as far as by weight, shows a reduction of 50% (ie. .01 before vaping will result in .05 post vaping).
The best part for me is that there's zero resistance when drawing in; by comparison, my Firefly 2 is like sucking cement trough a straw!
Been lurking here since the Pax first came out.
I just got a Volcano Classic as an "upgrade" from the S&B Crafty, which had its' battery die on me 3 times (and I'm not even a heavy user).
S&B offered to let me upgrade to any of the other products, so I decided to go for the 'Cano Classic. I decided against the Digital since I'm untrusting of S&Bs' electronics QA department.
Might be unjustified, since the Digital has been around for a while, while the Crafty is relatively new to the market, but I've seen capsule style buttons die too many times to count, so figured that rocker switches would be more reliable, and I plan on keeping this sucker for the duration. So $40 extra dollars for the Classic, the Easy Valcve kit, and a reducer made me a happy S&B customer.
Overall I'm extremely happy with it, and I'm able to use .01g and get at least a few good bags' worth. I also have a reducer, but don't know if it helps or hinders extraction with small amounts. Since the airspace is constricted, I assume that there might not be as much contact with the surface area of the material; but I also must consider that the engineering behind the reducer isn't arbitrary. I've combed through this thread, but haven't seen anyone remark on it.
So I've just been using the default bowl & letting the material fly around. =) I periodically open the assembly and reposition the material between bags, which seems to help a little. I usually have the dial "set" between 6.5 - 7.5.
Extraction, as far as by weight, shows a reduction of 50% (ie. .01 before vaping will result in .05 post vaping).
The best part for me is that there's zero resistance when drawing in; by comparison, my Firefly 2 is like sucking cement trough a straw!
Hi Kirudub - I did buy a Digit because I wanted very accurate control of temperature but I understand your point about the momentary action switches which I assume hit a digital circuit in the display/control module for on/off. But so far its been rock solid and if I break a switch in a few years, they are easily sourced or I can send it off to S&B. I don't think the Digit has any sort of issues like the Crafty. Actually, the Crafty seems to be their only problem child and its been a real brat with serious reliability issues.
I though I posted somewhere about my experience with the reduced chamber (RC) and dosing capsules (DC). My experience is that putting herb in the RC without a DC ain't the way to go. Herb blew out of the reduced chamber (although not out of the chamber assembly entirely) and didn't seem effective to me. However, the RC with the DC does seem to work well and .15 is about all I can get into it absolute max (with very fine grind and filled to the top). .1 is more like it.
I use the RC/DC when I want to make a sandwich with herb and concentrate. Otherwise, I agree with you, small loads in the regular chamber, blown around by the air stream, seems to work very well. I'm running about .2 g, just enough to cover the bottom screen, and if I'm done before it is, then I just set the chamber aside for the next session without any consequences as far as I can tell.
My best wishes to you and your new best friend. I believe that you will find the Volcano to be effective, efficient, and very reliable.
Yes, indeed...but for what purpose? To me, in the Volcano, the Reduced Chamber seems intended, and works best, with a dosing capsule.You might want to cover the load when using it in the reducer chamber without the dosing capsule.
You can use a crafty/DC liquid pad or the pac man top screen method (if you bought spare screens for the reducing chamber).