Seems a lot of people did good from that vapeusa sale, I had never heard of them. Do they do that every once in a while or are they closing down? seems I really am getting lucky with this vendor. I was really glad the bag was already assembled for me.
Any of you Volcano experts got tips for using it with a dinky load?
One night and three loads in:
- Did I mention the thing is Huge?
- The bowl is Huge as well...great for parties, we'll see how it goes for small solo sessions
- Where do I hook my whip up to this thing?
- Fastest bag filler ever
- Still the best valve system out there
- Simple to use and built like a tank
My first load was smaller than I want to use...just enough to completely cover the screen and the first bag was decent. Not enough herb in there for a second one. The second load was what I normally use, which I want to cut back from, and I got three really good bags out of it. Final load was ridiculously large...a little over half the bowl was filled. I could only do one bag, though, as I passed out within the hour!
I've heard this thing can be efficient, so bring it on!
I (jokingly) connected a whip to my Easy valve bowl the other night, tasted and smelled so nice it inspired me to buy a S&B portable sometime!
Try turning down the temp to get more bags from larger loads, and vice versa.
Or try turning up your temp real high and experiment with how little you need to fill a bag.
Did you hear the Volcano can be efficient, or the Solid valve can be efficient? I asked S&B to recommend one for efficiency and that's good with small loads (or has the potential to be good with small loads with any future upgrades) and they recommended Easy valve, dont know why, they are more tight lipped than camels behind!
One thing I do is take out your abv from the heating chamber. then crush it up in my hand. Put it back in the heating chamber.
For a few more bags.
Oh thank god, somebody else does this, I thought I was MAD for doing it!!
just seen your username...
Amen...I was glad it auto-shutoff last night, because I sure as hell did!
It allows you to relax completely!
I remember reading nay-sayers saying "Oh I would get so mad if my Volcano kept switching off like that",
but when I think of it, it would be nothing like the mad I would get if I woke after 8 hrs sleep and the thing had been left on, wasting electricity, and contravening the makers recommendations

! Or burning my face if I rolled on top of it!
If I want to use a really small load I just put a fine screen on top and blow the bag on max temp. Can get a potent bag from next to nothing!
This is well true! And lately, i quit using a screen
or the oil pad on top, and I find no difference it still works as good imo!
How much energy does the 'cano consume?
@warming up?
@keeping heat?
@filling the bag?
i would really like to know.
I estimate:
@warming up? 100W
@keeping heat? 0-100W varying, and cycling on/off
@filling the bag? 111W (air pump and heating the incoming air)
Keeping heat uses a bit as you'l see it cycling with varying intensity but nothing like when it's warming up or filling a bag.
I connected an electricity meter to the Volcano when I got it, as I was afraid I'd use too much power, and the meter couldn't even register the use as it had a min load of around 6A I think.
I made sure to get the digit. I vaguely remembered that auto shut-off was pretty much the only plus, other than the digital screen. I don't regret it. Volcano Digit.. It's like owning.. My Mighty's (screen) grandparent.
How many bags did you pack? lol
I may sound pretty the vapor nerd (which I am) but I want to try the solid valve too.
Or not. Seems too heavy.
I feel like I had a go at the entire S&B family. Which I did.
I started banging the little sister, then went to the bigger one, the Mighty. Then the ugly one, which I don't regret at all, the Plenty. We fucked (combustion) hard and that's the focus.

Plenty's bowl can be very helpful for pain relief.
Then I pointed to mother Volcano which is my best purchase ever.
Like being 12 again.
One other plus is that the Digit can be set as low as 40C, and around 100 or lower can be good for evaporating alcohol from cotton or impregnated oil pads. I used a strange cotton alcohol wipe method for harvesting condensate from the inside of used Volcano bags the other night, and blew off the alcohol with the volcano on low, then vaped the cotton at high.
I too thought I might try the solid valve at one point but I'll save my money. I've heard of people that bought both but never opened one etc
You dont need to save your money though, as you've already owned every S&B vape by the sounds of it! ha!
You can also replace the easy valve bags with turkey bags, or with the solid valve rolls,
So there's very little that you can do with the Solid valve system, that you cant already do with the Easy valve, I think.
Enjoy the vaping!
How many bags do you guys typically get from a load of about .4g?
I've been scouring Craigslist for a long time looking for a cheap Volcano with no luck, so that fire sale at vapeusa was a great opportunity for me to get a bag vape for large groups. I'm very impressed so far.
I outlined some usage a page or two back where I got 9 bags from 0.5g, by dividing the 0.5g into 9 pinches and adding the pinches one by one for each bag with out removing anything.
I also got a 10th bag from regrinding what was in the bowl at the end and running that through again. This was all done at 208C.
I've had strange, seemingly hard to control results from filling large amounts at once and trying to get multiple bags just from temperature adjustment,
but that will be my next experiment.
I'll put 0.25g in at a time, twice, and I'll put in a full 0.5g, and drop the temps way down, see if I can match the 9 or 10 bags good enough.