Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses... I'm in the USA.
Buy from Canada at planetvape it's 579CAD$ which means like 400usd
Thanks for the responses... I'm in the USA.
What is the diff between the 'easy' valve and the 'classic' valve?
I know the answer is somewhere in this thread but I can't go through 87 pages today...
Buy from Canada at planetvape it's 579CAD$ which means like 400usd
What is the diff between the 'easy' valve and the 'classic' valve?
I know the answer is somewhere in this thread but I can't go through 87 pages today...
Basically do you want to make your own sized bags or are you happy with 2 or 3 footers already made up for you
If you want the volcano to be even more convenient get the easy valve it's easier to clean/use. Also if you want to use a tiny amount of material like a smidgen or less with the easy valve just place the liquid pad, it help.
Wow, I had shopped around a bit and the best I found was $749 CAD for the Digit, the price you're quoting is for the Classic right? It seems even cheaper now but the Digit is $699 CAD so I'll probably buy from there.
Tbone gave his view having owned the easy valve, I owned the solid valve and think its design is infinitely better. The main benefits to the solid valve is that is has a clever telescoping mechanism for the top filter which makes the herb chamber infinitely adjustable from incredibly small to incredibly huge. The bags also cost a fraction of the price and can be custom sized but you do need to tie a knot at the end and use the provided clip to clip it to the valve, and they tend to last many months so this simple procedure doesn't have to be done often. The easy valve chamber isn't an adjustable size so for smaller amounts you need to add a metal pad to fill up the empty space, this doesn't allow you to use any amount you want like the solid valve as you basically have two sizes, with or without the pad. This metal pad will also inevitably require cleaning and replacing as it wears out.
I think the Volcano's main benefit is the infinitely adjustable size telescoping herb chamber, by getting an easy valve you're eliminating what is to me one of the Volcano's biggest benefits. In fact, I was going to get the Plenty instead but forgot about it when I saw it basically works like the Volcano's easy valve which requires a metal pad for smaller amounts.
I think the main decision factor should be do you want to be able to use any amount you want with a telescoping herb chamber or be limited to only 2 chamber sizes (with or without a pad)? The easy valve may be more convenient by not needing to be cleaned every few weeks or months but that's just because you need to throw it out and buy new expensive valves and bags. The solid valve is easy to clean, I just soaked the parts in iso every few months.
@TheMasterBlaster , I just looked and Vapor Nation has the Digital Volcano with either Solid or Easy Valve for $599 USD. Also includes FREE travel bag that fits it Nicely, I have it, so speak from experience Or Next Day Delivery. But Planet Vape has the Digital Volcano for $559. They have Great Service as well! I've ordered several things from P.V. in the past with no problems!
Good Luck in your Purchase![]()
Honestly I think you could read just the last two pages and you'd get a good idea.
So what is the best non-bag vap? Can someone give me a link to a thread that's discussing that?
I just don't think I want to do the bag thing...
So what is the best non-bag vap? Can someone give me a link to a thread that's discussing that?
I just don't think I want to do the bag thing...
Just found a website offering tested and cleaned used volcanos. They offer buy backs minus a fee of course for up to three months and trade in s.
Thinking about getting the analog for $300 used. A used digital is $400. All I would need to swing for after that is the easy valve starter kit.
Any thoughts for or against me making the purchase?
Go for it.
that's a fair price i would do the analog one and avoid the digi one due to lack of warranty.
((classic one will last you a life time ))
I love my Volcano, but is a group unit imo, better off used with multiple people. It you are coming from bongs, you are best of getting a Silver Surfer and a water piece as the ritual is similar, and it can be loaded for single rips, whereas the Volcano can't, it fills bags at a time from a large bowl.
Both are epic vapes, and each of them are better in each area described above. Buy both![]()
The easy valve chamber isn't an adjustable size so for smaller amounts you need to add a metal pad to fill up the empty space, this doesn't allow you to use any amount you want like the solid valve as you basically have two sizes, with or without the pad. This metal pad will also inevitably require cleaning and replacing as it wears out.
I think the Volcano's main benefit is the infinitely adjustable size telescoping herb chamber, by getting an easy valve you're eliminating what is to me one of the Volcano's biggest benefits. In fact, I was going to get the Plenty instead but forgot about it when I saw it basically works like the Volcano's easy valve which requires a metal pad for smaller amounts.
I think the main decision factor should be do you want to be able to use any amount you want with a telescoping herb chamber or be limited to only 2 chamber sizes (with or without a pad)? The easy valve may be more convenient by not needing to be cleaned every few weeks or months but that's just because you need to throw it out and buy new expensive valves and bags. The solid valve is easy to clean, I just soaked the parts in iso every few months.
and one can always attach a whip to the bag for whatever reason btw bags are great perfect when watching a movie or playing games just fill the bag and inhale as needed.
I had no problems using mine alone, and really like that you can load a lot to get really dense strong vapor, it can kind of make "espresso vapor" (it also has the same type of pump as an espresso machine but for air instead of a weak fan). None of the vapes I had since the Volcano (EQ, Solo, Pax, LSV) are able to have as strong as an effect as I remember from the Volcano.
One thing I remember neglecting with my original Volcano classic was cleaning the screens, I would use it for weeks or months with completely clogged screens which reduce efficiency significantly (and I still loved it). Now that I had a direct draw LSV where you can feel the resistance of a clogged screen I now swap it about daily and keep extras soaking in iso to always have a clean screen. With my next Volcano I will keep the screen clean by keeping extras soaking in iso as I've been doing since having the LSV, this means it will perform much better than my previous clogged Volcano.
When I got my Volcano I remembered seeing that show where they were all sucking on the bags, I lol'd when I looked again and saw it was a Digit with easy valve like mine,The fuck...
I'm starting to get closer to buying the Volcano Digit, one thing that may entice me to get it sooner would be if someone knows if I'll go through less herb than the LSV I have now? I've had both vapes, but never at the same time to compare them. Should I expect the Volcano to be noticeably more efficient than the LSV? From memory I think the Volcano is more efficient probably due to a wider chamber and temperature control.
I'm really hoping to get it in the next few days but I really wasn't planning on making such a huge purchase. I've been saving money since my LSV broke a few weeks ago to buy the Volcano ASAP.