@vapeguy , Great choice IMHO. Great German made Quality Product, Solidly built of Quality Materials & Lab Tested for Safety and Purity.

. I love my Digital Volcano, had it almost 9 months now. Works Awesome

. I got the Easy Valve & love it, I use the liquid pad for small loads. I also bought the Solid Valve at same time as well, but have yet to use it. I've read somewhere here in the last few days that it's bowl (solid valve) is adjustable due to plunger? Not sure yet though, but am intrigued now that I've learned that, I'll definitely be pulling it out soon to try & see for myself.
I just got a Plenty on Friday and all I can say is wow, works as advertised

testing continues. More on it later in plenty thread. I mentioned this because I believe that you had mentioned it as well?
Vapeguy good luck in choosing your next Vape
Thanks, in case you missed it I've had the Volcano classic twice before so I know how good it is, but want to go for the Digit this time. I would definitely get the solid valve again which is the one I had on my first 2, I'm the one that said I think it's infinitely better due to the adjustable size chamber, AFAIK it's the only vape with an adjustable size chamber (when used with the solid valve). I wouldn't even consider the easy valve because I don't want to be forced to use large amounts or put a metal pad that will probably get clogged and wear out with time which also basically limits you to only 2 specific amounts while the solid valve lets you use as much or as little as you want by adjusting to how much you fill it.
The solid valve can easily be disconnected from the chamber with a single hand (just press in the release tabs on each side with it over a table and the herb chamber falls off freely), the easy valve has to be pulled off to separate from the chamber which means you need two hands as it won't just drop freely.
I honestly consider that there are 2 Volcanoes (and I don't mean classic or Digit), the solid valve Volcano and the Easy Valve Volcano, since the valve is where the vaporization occurs and their design couldn't be any more different, you'll have a completely different experience with one over the other.
I don't know what S&B had in their Volcano when they came up with the easy valve but I honestly think it never should have been created, I don't think people with a Volcano and easy valve realize how much better it would perform with the original solid valve, it makes it a completely different much better quality vape.
Please try your solid valve and let me know if you agree about the solid valve being better in so many ways (use any amount you want, easier handling, much cheaper and customizable bags).
I think the easy valve was made for those that don't want to cut their own balloons and I think there's nothing to clean as the valve is disposable, but I think you really reduce the performance of the Volcano by using this valve while increasing your costs as the balloons with pre-attached valves are more expensive. I just looked at the cost of easy valve bags, it's beyond absurd, I already hated the easy valve, I hate it even more seeing how it makes you pay a ridiculous amount for bags all while limiting the efficiency of the Volcano.
Again I'm saying this without ever having used the easy valve, but from videos I saw explaining how it works I think they never should have created it, they should have made a pre-made bag option that can work with their solid valve, or at the very least keep the adjustable size chamber mechanism in the easy valve.