Many happy returns! Hope you have a green xmas covered in cloudy crystals! Thanks for your input. That's funny about the aching at different temperatures, I'll have to keep my eye on things.
I've been doing half and half, all high temperatures, or starting low and working up.
I do enjoy the buzz at high temps, and I like extracting as much as I can, but I think I can relate to the sleeplessness and have been that kind of zonked but lying on the pillow spaced at a million miles an hour and unable to sleep.
I will probably naturally start to wind back the settings over the next while like I did on my Solo.
This device is extremely powerful alright, I can see how it almost magnifies the effects at each temperature range! While it is also such a gentle extraction in the mid range temps, hardly browning the material.
There are more suggested temps about ten pages back, that has been handy too!
I wont be long finding my favourite set-up, want to try settings from
@zor next! Just looking forward to trying another god damn strain than this! I shouldn't complain!
Thats cool, a lot of people are into the lowest temperatures possible, but I suppose that's with vapes that char material!
I have been really digging the setting 9 or 226C too lately, it suits me because you have everything in the bag, the early tastes, the strength, and it knocks me down!
But I can then control everything with the amount I then use at this high setting, (like it says in the manual about the correlation between Temperature, Quantity, Quality, and Surface area)
a tiny few grains will get an ok bag, a larger pinch will really give a kick! I haven't tried it starting out with so much that I got a decent second (or third) bag at this high setting, but I do add a tiny pinch after each run, about three times, then regrind the lot and get a last bag.
If I'm trying to spare material, I'll whack up the temp to get the most from a tiny pinch, but if I start out with a nice bit I tend to start at mid temps, I suppose in an attempt to keep the temperature/quantity ratio in check!
Do you use nice amounts at this setting 9? Can you get two bags plus this way? I'm laughing at the side effects you describe, I've encountered one of all of them at some point since I started vaping, but not all at the same time like I can imagine with a large amount at high temp.......
think I need to take one for the team here in a minute...

And yes, I dont doubt that Vitolo is an expert! I am always drawn back to this mysterious 192C temperature and it is quite satisfying and is able to give multiple bags, regardless of load size!
I also read with interest about the ideal bag size of 3.5 feet, and would love to experiment with that and the loads it requires to perfectly fill one of those!
In other news, I picked up some turkey bags just to have a look, and realized that if I do use them, I'll have to decide if I leave that ghetto looking square end on, or if I tie them off to look like the originals while sacrificing a bit of volume.
Probably go with the bigger volume! (second thoughts, it would be hard to pull the bag taut with a dopey square end on it!)
I've also found that the low temps of the Digit (eg 40C) can be used to take any dampness out of material, or I suppose you can also do this on higher temps with short bursts of the fan

It will soon be a week since I got the Volcano and I'm still delighted I got it, tasting/performing even better than new now!
Takes a lot of pressure off my portable, and saves a lot of charging hassle
I saw the pics of the S&B factory online, and was thinking, Jeez my dad would be so proud if I could ever do that well out of mixing one of my hobbies

, which at times was negative for the family (because of draconian laws etc), with my electrical or design skills.
Maybe I should go back to college, but meanwhile, I'll definitely keep doing the lottery!!