Well I was very lucky and the mailman came on Friday morning with my new Volcano Digit with Easy Valve!
I have been so heavily impressed and influenced with it, that I could barely log in here and string a few sentences together

I'm delighted with it, it really suits me.
As others have already said it's all very well thought out and the parts all work together simply.
It can be nice to enjoy this "separating" of the vaporization and consumption that they mention, and I can then relax with a cool bag with no heater, cords, whips or battery/oven weight involved in the consumption process!
The first thing that stood out to me when I got it was, the bowl, and the Easy valve parts are all way smaller than I thought from pictures and videos.
There was a good amount of normal new heater odour, a little more than I had expected, and I probably used it before the odour had completely gone which was stupid of me but I was too excited to wait!
Also could have been a little residue on both the filling chamber and the liquid pad, you should heat those for ages too IMO, yet I don't think it says so in the instructions?
I was really delighted to learn I can use this quite efficiently, and plentifully if the situation requires it!
I did go through a bit more than normal this weekend, but I've been waaay over-experimenting, and my current material is a bit below par, so the Volcano is nowhere near as hungry as I thought it was (but it can be if you like!)
One great use I've found for the large bowl and powerful extraction is, getting rid of trim! Never did even think of that till now but it's great.
Just run it through rough once or twice, grind and run it through again with liquid pad. Brilliant vapor, okay taste, okay effect but it all adds to it!
Very impressed with the taste and extraction.
Put the Volcano away from where you're sitting, and you'll know when you've had enough as it's too much effort to go get another bag!
Put the Volcano near where you sitting (I did this last night), and holy mackerel you'll be hardly able to open your eyes all next day, "Amsterdam feeling" and that's with below par material!
So I have three little questions for other owners,
Is it normal for the ABV to be so pale brown to green, yet you know it's really well extracted, eg. can get little to no more from it using another vape? Like, is that a sign how good the vape is?
The 5 seconds approx. to wait to see vapor before clipping the balloon, this is now in the instruction book, maybe it always was but I thought that was invented on here! So is it better to count about 3 seconds, or not do it at all? I wonder if there are any nice tastes escaping there or is it all that damp, semi-warm early crap that we didn't want anyway? I'm using LED torches to watch for vapor, any hints.
On the Easy Valve bowl, when using the liquid pad on top of ground herb like
@lazylathe described, do you push it all the way down till it touches the herbs to stop them blowing about, or just rest it atop the tapered edge of the bowl so there's some room underneath? Just curious, in some tests I think I've had good-ish results when I've imagined the herbs must be blowing about in there. But I push it all the way down mostly.
After reading these last few posts, I've been playing about with some regular cotton, the liquid pad, and a custom screen this weekend,
and at the moment, I think the liquid pad works best, followed by the screen, while I think the cotton just makes the vapor a little too fine for me, although it might suit other people better (or maybe the organic stuff is better than what i used)
The screen is actually the easiest to position and remove cleanly, and my thinking the liquid pad was better than screen may be only related to me using a little more herb that time! I'll need to run more tests, phew

I made the screen using a stock easy valve screen and rolling the edges over a jewelers eye loupe (think something like a plastic bottle cap, but slightly smaller) these edges point upwards when the screen is in use, so the screen wont get stuck in that lower taper when you try to remove it (easy valve)
@Chezgreendream did you run your liquid pad with fan on at full temp.? I think this should be done for 5 minutes maybe more, or a good few times to remove manufacturing residue. I know you've had your unit a while but that stuff needs to be burned off at high temp IMO.
This is actually an extremely good way of using small amounts!
I actually lol'd at how effective this was after spending a good number of hours trying to figure things out myself!
If anybody with the Digit wants to try it, here are the temps that relate to it...
6.5 = 196C = 384F
7 = 202C = 396F
8 = 214c = 417F
I thought about playing around with the middle temp, to make it more in the middle of the others, or lowering all the temps? I might do some tweaking over time but I can imagine getting to a point where it gets too wispy, or won't do three bags total.
Thanks for the tip though!
I thing I did try was:
Tiny load around 0.1 or less, and follow the temp. guide above^^, and keep that ABV aside....
Then repeat the process from the start, but this time after the second run, at 7=202C=396F,
take out the load and grind it with the ABV from the first sesh, then proceed to third run.
It improves the last bags density!
Thanks again to everybody here for all the advice and suggestions,
and if a Mighty/Crafty gives more buzz than these things per portion, then god help me when I get one of those!
I had a great experience ordering from Namaste Vapes, good prices, very helpful and they saw to it that I got my item really quickly in time for the weekend for no extra charge. And a free credit card grinder to try out!