Well-Known Member
Havnt been on FC in a while but Im happy to see this thread is a little more active again
. I still love my cano, havnt regretted trading my evo for it at all. But I do miss my Evo just because it was a great vape.

I also just got a Volcano, Bought it at my local bootsale, House clearance guy who had no idea of what he had or what it was. When I asked how much for the volcano the response caused my missues to grin from ear to ear. The reply he gave was "Any good to you for £2". I thought about saying how about £1.50 and then paid him the full asking priceI have to get a valve starter set but even still I can't complain about a volcano classic for less then £100
Does anyone have a good method for using a volcano bag with a water pipe?
I have some new glass coming and would love to run bags through glass.
I just push the mouthpiece against the downstem opening (14...18... doesn't matter)
Any bubbler will do.
I use a Zapbubbler at
but invert the bag, and set it down on any water device/bong/bubbler.
As Vito stated just use any WT you have!
I have 19mm, 14mm and 10mm WT's and the Easy Valve seals nicely on all of them!
Love my Cano!!
Just bought a Volcano Classic w/ solid valve, extra bags, and a hard black carrying case case with all the stuff (brushes, 2 grinders, screens ect.) all for $180 off Craig's List. Man, I can see what all the fuss is about. Best vape I've ever used by far....
Just bought a Volcano Classic w/ solid valve, extra bags, and a hard black carrying case case with all the stuff (brushes, 2 grinders, screens ect.) all for $180 off Craig's List. Man, I can see what all the fuss is about. Best vape I've ever used by far....
That is a great price! My volcano has been trouble free since I bought it in 09. I shutter to think how much herb has been roasted in it since it was new. IMHO the best bag vape out there.
[/QUOTE]Happy 420 everyone
Happy 420 everyone
A fully erect bag
So what I ended up doing and saving around $300 buck is buying the Volcano accessory kit and then use a wagner heat gun approx $30 and set the temp to 350º. This only takes a couple minutes to heat up and is about 1/5 the cost of a volcano. Not as portable but if your looking for vaping similar to the Volcano I have found this is a great low cost alternative.