Don't forget the words of Captain Comply.
While hoptimum and I both go digi... Captain's wife's associate was happy with the classic.
The Volcano is such an investment that you do want it to be as you like.
I prefer the Easy valve system, although I had both. People vary there also...
but as you can see from images at The bag itself was used for over a year, and that is the only mess I got from it.. and it was all salvageable from that bag! (and consumable)
The post at was the only mess I got from the EZ Valve after 3 years of use. It was reclaimable and consumable as well. The notable thing about the 3 year mess was that it was invisible to me for that whole time, and I have a keen eye, and keep my tools very clean.
I did find that the solid Valve needed a bit more maintenance and a touch up with Iso along the road.