Think aluminium never was a good idea to use... it is very soft metal... and there are some questions regarding the use of aluminium for health reasons... also all this plastic s&b uses in their vapes ... times have changed and there is more competition then in the glory days of s&b...
this whole affair made me rethink and reevaluate quite a few things when it comes to vaporization. one conclusion i came to is that i don´t want a device with aluminium and plastic everywhere anymore. too many potential problems that could arise from the use of these materials. as i´ve said i´ve had a Plenty which had an awful plasticky flavour to me, sold that after short use.
used a Mighty for a longer period between 2017 and 2019 but never was really onboard with this device, the haptics were offputting to me. and now with the Hybrid and its issues i come to the conclusion that S & B devices are maybe not for me. they are powerful, no question but i miss something from the effects. even if these are "strong" it is not the kind of high i really want. also, the haptics are just not my kind of thing, too industrial, too "machine" like. which is surely a plus for other people who like to push one button and be ready to vape.
i have discovered that butane powered vapes are giving me more wholesome and "warmer" effects, hard to describe but with those electric devices it is always missing something for me. maybe i am too much of an hippie for electric clouds or that the butane powered vapes come closer to a combustion like feeling, i don´t know what it is but for me there are vast differences in the effects.
at the moment i am exclusively on my Dynavaps and thinking about a Sticky Brick for the new year, never had one but was always interested in one.
currently moving my mind into selling the Hybrid which is giving me some kind of trouble, i really wanted to use this thing for years to come and was so happy to have one... but somehow it is just not what i want and the problems that arose in the last weeks, i just don´t want to deal with this or wait for possible solutions while the Hybrid acts like a 500 bucks brick.
so yeah, currently seriously thinking about selling it off while people have their x-mas money