If you're in Canada and were holding out on a Hybrid then check out Herbalize Store. Use coupon code VAPOSPY5 to bring the total to $597.84 CAD including taxes and shipping! You can get a Mighty for $265.34 CAD all in as well. Crazy deals.
That's a nice order! I was thinking of the bag roll so I can bring my Hybrid to my work Christmas party and get everyone really stoned with big 'ol bags. The idea of a 10' brings a smile to my face. I was talking to a co-worker yesterday about the Volcano and he told me how they use to go back to his friends house and make 10' bags on his back porch. His neighbor on the back side would see a big bag rise up above the fence and then suck back down and that's how he knew they were home haha.
I'm embarrassed to say I still haven't tried the whip

my box is buried behind a bunch of stuff while I do some home improvements and every time I go to use it I'm reminded that I need some help to get at it.
I'm trying to remember how you use a Vortex on the whip. I know
@ohmygodimsohigh and
@stickstones rigged something up with it but other then the mental picture of them holding it I can't remember what else was involved.