Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say that I checked my mouthpiece just now and the cooling chamber has some clear signs of melting 

Mine just cracked in the center part of the cooling unit.
i only vape it at 360 degrees, which is disappointing.
I wonder how much replacement mouthpieces are going to cost from vivant.
note, this is a unit purchased from heaven_gifts.
I love my Alternate, Crafty, Mighty and other plastic vapes but I'm tired of plastic! I'm looking forward to a mostly metal, medical grade vape that is built to last a lifetime. It would have replaceable heaters, replaceable battery, full digital temp control, on-demand full convection heat, draw sense technology, a cooling vapor path and a docking station that would allow you to pump air through it to fill balloons! That's my dream vape.
@Vivant Are you still going to be releasing the videos?
I bought an Alternate a month ago from PIU and it arrived two weeks later (Europe). I haven't had cracking problems (or melting, for what I can see: haven't cleaned it yet) but tbh I haven't used it a lot, less than 15 sessions I'd say. I did notice that the mouthpiece gets really hot above the chamber, so hot that it actually hurts to keep your hand on it for more than a couple of seconds. I don't vape at high temps either, normally I go up to 205 max.
Also, another thing maybe someone can attest to: my little straw doesn't seem perfectly airtight. I mean, if I "open" it all the way and let it rest on the mouthpiece, when I inhale there's a distinct hiss coming from it - definitely air coming in; so I need to bring it back a notch, and then it draws fine. Probably the hole at the bottom of the straw or in the mouthpiece is misplaced/too big: nothing major, just a bit annoying.
Now, about the guys over at @Vivant. I don't wanna burst the wholesome bubble of this thread, and personally I don't appreciate the rude tone I read in some posts a few pages back. It's great to have a place where you can discuss with the actual company that made a product, this doesn't happen like ever. But working in a field somewhat related to CS I just wanted to give you my.
I don't think just being present here and apologise while never give a definite answer is enough. Where is the list of materials you said you were gonna publish like 10 days ago?
But let's just focus on health, and precisely the melting mouthpieces.
I see three scenarios, imo in increasing order of probability: you know the plastic melting is harmful, and you pretend nothing happened. This is just criminal.
You know it's not harmful, and you're not giving us proof of that. ...why?
3: you are not sure. That's fine. Still, at the very first sign of something that's off, I'd bring my chief engineer (or whatever their title is) and put them in front of a computer for an hour, reading this thread, replying to questions, asking for advice. I'm not one of them, but for what I read there are a lot of users here that might very well have more knowledge and especially more experience with vapes than your team. Just pick their brains and use this place at your own advantage.
I tried the Vivant Alternate today, and loved it.
The Alternate is a donation for a Low Income Patient in my local area.
The recipient (undecided yet) will have an enjoyable time with this unit.
I was about to go buy an 18650 battery for it, when I realized I could borrow one from another unit I have in the house.
My experience with the Vivant was a very positive one all the way around.
It takes a couple of minutes to get up to heat, but it does heat up faster than most convection based portables.
It has wonderful convection flavor, and The settings felt precise to me.
I set the unit at 380º (F) and enjoyed many hits, all having the unique convection flavor.
It took two sessions to finish the load.
Here is one of the sessions:
Just to keep the record straight, I have found no issue whatsoever.Even tho this device has its issues right now
Hello @Povertysteak , please DM us or email us at so we can take care of the issue for you. The crack is under warranty so you won't have to pay for it. Also, when the final replacements come in, we will warranty the crack ones with the fixed versions for no fee as well since it is under warranty. Thank you
Hey Emily @Vivant, thanks for replying., I am sorry you felt I was initiating rude tones, there is no rude intent whatsoever, I promise that. Unfortunately when things are typed, different people will read it differently. I wish more than anything I could speak with each one of you in person instead. Also, we are short handed right now so I may have been rushing typing and could have better worded my responses. The reason there is no definite answer right now is because we want to make sure we know the exact causes and find the proper solution before we publicly announce it. It would be unprofessional of us to give false info or info that is not 100% tested first. The list of materials is being asked for already, unfortunately we cannot release the initial form we have as that would let our competitors know exactly how to replicate our product so this is confidential. We are working on a public informational list from our factory right now. Please understand we do as much in our power to be transparent with the community, there is no question whatsoever if the device is deemed unsafe that we would not be recalling all of them. Releasing public info just takes a bit of time especially when it shows too much internal information not because we don't want you to know, but again, because competitors will feed off this information. We have continuously DM'ed individuals for their responses, advice and feedback and take all of this information straight to our designers. I hope you can have positive thoughts of our brand one day. Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions as I will be more than happy to answer them as best as I can. Thank you.
Did you send the unit back?for those thinking there is no recourse if the vape was purchased from china , i received full refunds for all the alternates i purchased from heaven gifts, as well as an apology
Did you send the unit back?
Burn offs do not remove smells, but rather "bakes them in" (in my opinion).even with a dozen or so burn offs
Hi Emily, I hope you are well. Normally, i would take you up on your offer, but i noted that i purchased the unit from heaven_gifts (on dhgate). As much as i would like to take advantage of your offer, it would be just that, taking advavntage.
in any case, if you could let us know when the new mouthpieces are available for sale, that'd be great, as i'm sure many people would like to grab a spare.
Thank you for your attention, and good day to you!
Modnote: Edited to fix quote tags
Hey Emily @Vivant, thanks for replying.
Just to set the record straight, when I said in my previous post "I don't appreciate the rude tone of some messages" I was referring to the ones of other users criticizing you with words like "plasticy crap".
Sorry for the confusion, your posts were always very polite, and this one is no exception.
That said, my mouthpiece melted a bit. Since I'm in Europe, I feel bad asking PIU to pay for the shipment of a replacement all the way to here.
If you can assure us that there's no risk for health I will continue using my Alternate at lower temperatures for now (it does RIP, ime).
But do you have an ETA - even approximate - on the production of the new, more resistant mouthpieces? What about the WPA?
I'd rather wait for them to come out so I can order everything from PIU at once, and maybe buy some other stuff to make it worth their while.
Feel free to PM me for details if you prefer. Thank you!
I completely understand, I guess it was my paranoia about the "new" smell I experienced. My concerns are not with the plastic smell that is no longer there with about 4 weeks of use, but the melting cooling tops and cracking of plastic. For now I will not use the device until possibly an update is made.
Thank you so much for the clarification.. I was literally sitting here saying to myself "word your sentences better so people don't take it wrong" lol Thank you for your kind words, it is truly appreciated. Please email or PM us so we can better assist you but because PIU is one of our wholesalers we work very closely with, I won't mind at all stepping up in this situation to take the responsibility off PIU's hands and into our own. I know as a company spokesperson I shouldn't ever recommend anyone use the device at a lower temp than it was designed to function at a max at, but personally I would say you are doing everything right, keeping it at lower temps until the solution arrives. As for ETA for replacement top caps, I personally estimate 2 weeks but this is not confirmed by the company at this time. I will update as soon as they do though. Also, for the WPA, it will be a little longer as we have prioritized fixing the issues first so I don't have an ETA at all, sorry. Thank you for your continuous support. -Emily
I understand your faith in the manufacturers @Vitolo but could you explain me why some vapes comes free of any plastic/factory smell and others stinks?
If no-smell is something doable is it respectfully to send a stinky unit to a customer?
With all my respect for Vivant (cause they are not alone to sell stinky vapes) a stinky vape is always a bad sign of poor components, manufacturing, cleaning and packaging especially if you can't get the smell out after one load. personnaly i don't want to vape a dozen of bowls of plastic taste, feel unpleasant and totally unhealthy.
It's blows my mind that some people here are just suggesting to do more burnoffs as a fix for the plastic taste and smell. Mouthpieces/cooling units are melting people. Is it worth it to inhale plastic and risk future health problems for a $120 vaporizer from China? Vivant has been excellent in their customer service so far and hopefully they can provide a fix but until then I would stay away. It isn't worth your health! If this vape had been released by Gpen I think the responses here would be much different.