@DarkSm0ke again, if you're telling me to chill because you think I'm agitated, rest assured there's no need. I'm your typical stoner, no one's more chill than me
If your definition of "chill out" is "being silent" tho, I respectfully disagree. Not when there are health concerns.
Jesus man, if you use a vape that smells funky or is melting then stop. Are we going to have to get stupid labels like "do not operate blow dryer while sleeping or taking a shower" for vapes too? I can't imagine someone just randomly buying a vape without any research, and then using it and not stopping if there is an issue with it. I think that person would have won the Darwin award a long time ago by using a blow dryer in the shower or something equally lacking common sense.
Now this is an interesting argument. Let me first specify that I work with safety regulations in the EU, and I don't know a lot about the laws there in the US.
But we need to realise that your example is a little misleading.
One thing is to put "don't drink, smoke or light it on fire" on the cleaning products you use for your floors. Those are misuses, and if you do one of those things, the company can't be held accountable.
If you make a vape tho, which only use is to inhale air through it, you need to be sure that, given that the user operates the product as foreseen by you, it's safe to inhale air through it.
I'll just add that this was my first vape. I consider myself someone informed and careful, but when I started using the Alternate I wasn't sure of the smell. I mean, maybe something new is supposed to smell a bit like plastic, I'll have a few more bowls through it to decide.
After a few days, I got used to the smell. Again, with no comparison available (never tried other vapes), it was hard to tell if something was off or not.
And my sense of taste is probably not the best, if I had to wait for my friends to use it (and tell me something along the line of "this tastes like the smell of new cars") to realise that's probably best if I stop.
Then I came here and found out about all the other complains.
Let me tell you, if I were a bit older, less tech-savvy and with no close friends to give me an opinion on it, I'd be probably still using my Alternate. Instead, and because I have the money to get me a new one, it's collecting dust.
Is it safe? Is it not? That is the question. It's rather important that Vivant give everyone a definitive answer, and no one should back down on health concerns.