Took the VIP2 with me (us) for the Procession of the Species parade/festival in Olympia today. I think I have the whole draw/hold/exhale down. Picked up a couple of glycerin tinctures at one of our favorite dispenseries. Tried a sativa/THC one during the day, and was able to maintain my "Jack Herer" high (using the NO2 - very light buzz) for the rest of the afternoon, just by hitting the VIP2 every half hour or so. Used almost none of the tincture.
Later, put the CBD heavy tincture in the other mouthpiece/tank, and it has hit very solidly. Now we are home, so I have some serious Indica in the NO2. Too worn out to mess with the E-Nano tonight.
Really quite happy with the VIP2. It's stealthy & yet attractive, and discreet to use.