As time passes and more torches come and go, for me the torch of choice remains the RONXS. Got a Jobon bullet which I really like, but after a few days I found myself drifting back to the RONXS. The bullet flame is a little “jumpy” which makes it hard to RTL in a consistent way. The RONXS has a very consistent flame, and a wide range of power output which can be adjusted in quite a granular way. Perfect for this vape. Can maximise the convection on offer with one bowl and then maximise conduction the next, or anything between really.
I’ve been messing about with heating the atomiser lately. I said previously I didn’t notice a difference, but then caught John saying in a stream that you ideally want to be directly torching it for a third of the total heatup time. Thought I’d best give it a go and see for myself.
What I like to do is set the flame to be the length of the oven, maybe a hair longer. I’ll fill the bowl no more than 3 quarters of the way full, I find this accounts for the herb expanding with heat and keeps the roast even. I’ll count 10 slow seconds heating the atomiser, then move direct centre of the oven and pull the heat at first click. It amounts to roughly 30-35 seconds total heating so I’m about there with John’s recommendation.
Honestly I’m starting to think there is a “something” here. The vapour does feel a little different, and the effects heavier and longer lasting. Flavour though, forget about it. It doesn’t taste bad but you also won’t be getting much of the strain’s specific notes. This heatup however, has become my choice for strongest possible effects. Maybe it’s really the atomiser, maybe it’s extra conduction. It’s something,
My flavour heatup is the same as described earlier, flame length set from top of oven to halfway down atomiser. Heating mid oven to first click. It’s a good, consistent technique. I’m going to start experimenting with the dual flame though, as I think I can get better flavour yet.
If you’re in the market for a cheap torch that’ll unlock as much Tornado functionality as possible, get the RONXS. Whiff is also a big fan of this torch so I’d not be surprised if a lot of the Tornado testing and calibration was actually done with it.
Sales pitch over, now back to our regular programming