VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.


Well-Known Member
Next year is going to be a good year!

Here is a handful of photos of the upcoming stem accessory for VerdaVap. This will be sold separately and will attach to existing VerdaVap 1.5s out there in the wild. It will also of course fit on the upcoming VerdaVap 2.0.

I'm fucking pumped, it puts a smile on my face every time I pick this thing up. Really happy with it, and I think you guys are going to love it as well!



Well-Known Member
Hey, anyone have any issues getting the cap off to put in the beads? Just got mine today and the cap does not budge. I tried heating/cooling, wd40, etc and nothing. I'm assuming it turns counter clockwise but tried both to be safe. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Hey, anyone have any issues getting the cap off to put in the beads? Just got mine today and the cap does not budge. I tried heating/cooling, wd40, etc and nothing. I'm assuming it turns counter clockwise but tried both to be safe. Thanks
I got it, needed a lot more heat, quick ice bath, and it screwed right off.


Well-Known Member
I got it, needed a lot more heat, quick ice bath, and it screwed right off.
Glad you got it off!

It's reverse threaded, so righty loosey when putting the beads in 😂

I made it that way so under normal use, when you're unscrewing the thermal mass chamber to refill, you are actually tightening the cap so there is no way to accidentally unscrew the cap and drop hot beads.

This has tripped a few people up! I have included a QR code with a setup video, but that is easy to miss. I will be making a little instructional initial setup and use document to ship along with the device from VerdaVap 2.0


Well-Known Member
Well, sadly it's over. I hate writing this post, if you go over my post history I'm almost always being super positive about the various devices that I'm using!

But as of 6/2/2025, I think we sadly need to add VerdaVap to the graveyard of great ideas that were ruined with shitty service and communications, and arrogant treatment of customers from one of those companies that we've all experienced, who think they're doing the whole world a favour by developing devices.

The VerdaVap 1.5, designed to be used through a water piece, works really well. It was one of my favourite vapes of 2024!

The VerdaVap 2.0, designed to be used through a newly designed stem, works terribly - the plant matter comes straight through the screen, straight down the stem and into your mouth. It's entirely unfit for purpose

I've spent the last 5+ weeks trying to get a response/public acknowledgement of the problem/suggested resolutions. I didn't need a fix, I just needed some acknowledgement and some ideas.

So far, the only suggestion was to let it get dirtier so the reclaim in the stem might catch the plant matter... I've since been waiting another 3 weeks for further suggestions. (As someone who uses cannabis in part to treat OCD, the notion of having to let a vape get dirty so it will catch the contaminants is literally, physically nauseating to me.)

Got pretty sick of it after all that, I went to their discord, and asked why it had been over 5 weeks, and still no public acknowledgement of the problem or commitment to a resolution.

Since then? They've accused me, one of their biggest supporters (as you can see all over FC), of plotting to take their company down, they've suggested that all the criticism is in bad faith, now their public face is actively abusing their longterm fans, and they've taken to deleting entirely reasonably, good faith feedback.

What a really sad way for a company to go. We can all have a bad day... but they've doubled down for a second day today, and gotten worse in their abuse of people who committed their time, their money, their ideas and their support, so it had to be called out.

To be honest, the Tornado leaves it in the dust as a device anyway...

And believe me, I see the irony of recommending a Vestratto device over anything from a customer service perspective!! I guess Vestratto never broke my heart the way VerdaVap has, cos I hadn't invested so much of my time, my ideas and my kind words into it :(
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Well-Known Member
On the discord channel on the 29th you said you discussed the plant matter situation a month ago. VV apologized for the lack of updates on discord and said he might have to redesign the filter and will definitely be looking into this.

But you kept doubling with posts that were, yes, aggressive.

Today he said he is going on vacation but will try alternative filters, And your response is to post on FC that "it's over" and touting the downfall of the nascent mostly one-man company because problems with the pre-release haven't been fixed - even after the owner said he's looking into it?

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