Venty by Storz & Bickel


Well-Known Member
This is where I am at....I'm very glad I have both.

For me they are both very different vapes. TM2 on water while my Venty is my session device.
Yeah I love my TM2. Only thing is thee is a learning curve for newbies so it's not a great sharing vape. Where as the S&B vapes generally just work well every time.

I just prefer the flavour of TM2 compared with mighty + (not tried venty) and I prefer pure convection so I don't waste herb as I usually just habe a few pulls then turn it off.


B2, Mighty+, M/Omni, Volcano Hybrid, TM2, Anvil
so it's not a great sharing vape
This is a big thing for me, because I like to pack the bowl and share with the better half. She's not a TM fan unfortunately.

Flavour and vapour production TM2 wins hands down, but I still way prefer my Venty to it for a session experience. I love the quickness to vapour, how fluffy it is and the fact I can cram the bowl and share....also dat airflow.


Well-Known Member
The accuracy of the temperature is what has won me over, I can tell the difference between 175C and 180C. The Venty won't replace my vapexhale at home but it will allow me to fill in the 5 minute warm up time! It taught me how to use my Vapexhale at a lower temperature.

I had to buy something cheap when my first vapexhale got sent back, and so I got the Utillian 722 which I risibly saw suggested as a reasonable alternative to the Venty, which is absurd. At it's lowest temperature is too hot I can only do three bowls before coughing my lungs out. Not so with the Venty it is truly a miracle of engineering. And the way the buttons work, are brilliant. Instead of 5 (five), button presses in fast succession to turn it on it's kinda stupid. The Venty, starts where you want with a single button press and a double press will push you up to your own preset, and again, then back down. Because you can set these temps your self, this would be perfect for everyone. It cannot get more minimal and accurate than this. I am fuckin lovin this vape.

Except for the extremely ridiculous orange button that on the top that does nothing at all except release the head, I don't need to have it in my face all the time, this bright orange blob, that also looks like a red hot bowl from the corner of my eye and makes me jump, hopefully I'll get use to it soon, might have to black it out.

I have not seen anyone else complain about how hot the standard mouth piece gets, no one else?


SEARCH for the treasure...
Except for the extremely ridiculous orange button that on the top that does nothing at all except release the head, I don't need to have it in my face all the time, this bright orange blob, that also looks like a red hot bowl from the corner of my eye and makes me jump, hopefully I'll get use to it soon, might have to black it out.

You should have bought the S&B “Blackout Model”. :)

“problem” = SOLVED…..



Well-Known Member
I've noticed it a few times before, but to be honest my session is usually done well before this becomes an issue for me.

This leads me to wonder how long most people take a draw for. For me I'll start at 160, for 30 seconds, then move up to 175 till at least a minute. Or I might start at 200 for 10 seconds then shift down to 160 and back to 175, after two of those it is uncomfortably warm

You should have bought the S&B “Blackout Model”. :)

“problem” = SOLVED…..

When I saw this shot, I was confused for a minute because I did that last night and took almost the identical shot! How much better is it eh?

Firmware update suggestion, at the moment the we have a base temp and two other temps which are called boost meaning they give more heat, but in reality they are only programmable buttons so they should be able to to the opposite of boost, then I remembered there was a plus and minus button. Alas you cannot set a negative 'boost'. Hopefully soon they will allow users to choose the temp for the two other steps, instead of the offset.

Why do I want to do this? Because I currently have it set to 160, 175, 200. Usually I'll just use 160 then boost to 175, but sometimes I'll want to start at 200 then move quickly back down to 160. This way I can get the hit of the higher temp without coughing. Right now I can do that by starting it then double clicking twice. It just allows more flexibility for no extra work.

In order to get out of your face, S and B have done a miraculous job with the buttons, very subtle. The difference between a single click that does nothing and a single click that is just barely long enough to turn it on, or off, is so slight. And the double click is timed so well, that if you're moderately late it will just be two single clicks and therefore to nothing. But you know because you get the haptic feedback. The net result of this fiddlyness is that one you get it, it is perfect. I am astounded that they went to this much trouble. These Germans really understand design and usability.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester, I do not know how I feel anymore. I am receiving my third brand new unit on Thursday. I am not confident about the Venty anymore I believe...I will use it of course but, I will always be worried about it. I have started to use my Volcano lots more. When my Venty comes I don't think I will be using it so much anymore. I am dusting off my TM2 and cleaning some of my beautiful stems...I am done with the Venty drama for a bit.


Well-Known Member
Firmware update suggestion, at the moment the we have a base temp and two other temps which are called boost meaning they give more heat, but in reality they are only programmable buttons so they should be able to to the opposite of boost, then I remembered there was a plus and minus button. Alas you cannot set a negative 'boost'. Hopefully soon they will allow users to choose the temp for the two other steps, instead of the offset.

Why do I want to do this? Because I currently have it set to 160, 175, 200. Usually I'll just use 160 then boost to 175, but sometimes I'll want to start at 200 then move quickly back down to 160. This way I can get the hit of the higher temp without coughing. Right now I can do that by starting it then double clicking twice. It just allows more flexibility for no extra work.
Not sure if you're aware -- if you start at 160 then boost twice and take draw at 200, you can double click to return to base 160. Maybe that's what you meant in your last sentence? But I don't see need for revision about this issue. (wish it would haptic warn us about dropping down from boost though)


Member, I do not know how I feel anymore. I am receiving my third brand new unit on Thursday. I am not confident about the Venty anymore I believe...I will use it of course but, I will always be worried about it. I have started to use my Volcano lots more. When my Venty comes I don't think I will be using it so much anymore. I am dusting off my TM2 and cleaning some of my beautiful stems...I am done with the Venty drama for a bit.

There is a chance you simply got unlucky with faulty units twice in a row. A lot of people had zero issues with it, including myself, hence I wouldn't give up on it yet. Also, if you received 3rd faulty unit (maybe your supplier has a bad batch), you won't know about it if it sits in a drawer. Until it's too late and your warranty expires.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
There is a chance you simply got unlucky with faulty units twice in a row. A lot of people had zero issues with it, including myself, hence I wouldn't give up on it yet. Also, if you received 3rd faulty unit (maybe your supplier has a bad batch), you won't know about it if it sits in a drawer. Until it's too late and your warranty expires.
My initial Venty was working had no faulty issues but S and B obligated everyone to brick it up. I did. Second one was faulty immediately. Now, they are sending me a brand new one. I will have faith...thanks for the post. I love the Venty...I guess I am just one of those people. I have patience...thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Venty having connectivity has me wondering if it can be hacked to operate at higher temperatures, being able to run them 20-30 degrees F hotter would make the S&B portables basically perfect imo


Well-Known Member
I AGREE, but unless feedback is sent to S&B, there is no way for them to know…..
I emailed them with such a request, but unless they receive more input, I doubt they will bother. :(

rest assured, I let them know

When I reported errors for RMA in October, took a screenshot of my overlong and guess-filled post here on page 14 post #332, and emailed it along with YouTube vids. Never got a response about my wild guesses in that post

4-Aces King-High

Well-Known Member
My initial Venty was working had no faulty issues but S and B obligated everyone to brick it up. I did. Second one was faulty immediately. Now, they are sending me a brand new one. I will have faith...thanks for the post. I love the Venty...I guess I am just one of those people. I have patience...thanks again.
My Original Was the best,the second has been repaired and on the Way from Oakland California-Cannot Wait to fire up the Venty Again.


Well-Known Member
going to 440 instead of 410 isn't going to melt the plastic lmao

Yea even ignoring that the temperature inside the actual heating element is not the temperature the surrounding materials are going to be reaching, PEEK can be used at continuous temperatures up to 250C which, again, the surrounding materials would never reach even if the inner part of the metal heater core did lol

It was a silly idea because of the effort that would be required if it were even possible and the potential issues the electronics may have with regulating it, not because of pLaStiC


Well-Known Member
They are temp limited due to the material it’s made of. Plastic.
I would guess it was more about making it idiot proof. The Crafty\Mighty\Venty line is supposed to be the home appliance vaporizer for everyone. You don't need to know anything to use it safely. They don't want it to be possible to scorch your load, even on purpose. That's also why they will probably never support removable batteries, it requires too much customer knowledge to not fuck up the device or cells.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
When my Venty comes I don't think I will be using it so much anymore
Thanks for being an early adopter as problems can get past beta testers (as we have seen).:2c:
I would be the opposite of you though, I would be running it hard while under warranty to make sure I get a unit that is going to last and not fail on you again. So nice they gave it 3 years total for warranty for peace of mind.
I am sure you will get sorted...eventually.:tup:


Well-Known Member
IMO, 210C limit is unrelated to material safety

More likely it's linked to the S&B vision to normalize medicinal cannabis use via vaporization
(and make sales in the process, a win-win)

They spent for testing, hired Dr Arno Hazekamp

I posted this PDF a few years ago in the Mighty+ thread -- page 617 of Mighty thread has plenty of posts regarding this topic of the upper 210C limit

I 'm thinking they planned for a "medical" portable, and found it easier from an engineering/QC/production standpoint to limit 210C for both portables? Also avoids any charring customer complaints after lengthy sessions, and S&B can accurately tout a longer battery life
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