Venty by Storz & Bickel



I wasn’t impressed 👎🏾 by the Venty attached to the bong with the original mouthpiece connected with a silicone tube to a 14 mil adapter, I’ve expressed my dislike in this thread.


My Delta 3D Mighty’s water piece adapter was able to fit 👀 ❤️(not perfectly) on to the Venty.The Venty performed phenomenally with the Delta 3D mighty water piece adapter through my bong. I was assuming that I would need to use the airflow feature on the mouthpiece for the best experience🤷🏾‍♂️? I feel that you need to take the top off and attach the water piece adapter directly to the Venty it drastically changes the experience. 💯% sure the vapor is better than my Mighty or Mighty plus off the bong. I’m going to have to experiment with more bowls, but I’ve got to say it’s showing me something different!

Going to keep testing I hope that my results are as good as this first bowl ☺️🙏🏾. Also mad as hell that I didn’t attempt this earlier. I thought I heard in the thread somewhere that it didn’t work, so I never attempted. Then again, it might even be in the thread somewhere someone saying, you can cram that bad boy on. Oh welllllll lol 🤦🏾‍♂️
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Well-Known Member
Is the Venty still sensitive to hot air being blown back into the heater?
I feel like using it inverted with a WPA might give you problems eventually (since heat rises). Could be wrong though.
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I Returned mine Today -same-E04 Code ,several attempts with 10 second Reset did not allow for use,
I am not too happy about it and I did write to them and let them know. I think that the admins here in California are answering the mail. I do not think Germany is in on my dilemma...but, I am Jurgens friend on Instagram and have yet to tell him that this sucks. I am sure he knows...but, you know I just have to say. IT SUCKS. I cannot wait to have my unit again. The customer service I have been getting is superb...cannot complain about that.
Good luck with your problem...I hope you have other vapes to use. I have my Volcano and others....


Well-Known Member
Nervous about owning my Venty bricking and also not impressed with the flavor, or lack of. It hits well and fairly smooth, but perhaps the smoothness comes at a compromise to the terps.


B2, Mighty+, M/Omni, Volcano Hybrid, TM2, Anvil
Nervous about owning my Venty bricking and also not impressed with the flavor, or lack of. It hits well and fairly smooth, but perhaps the smoothness comes at a compromise to the terps.
For me the flavour is far superior to the Mighty, not that the Mighty was considered a flavour beast.

Yeah, I am concerned about a potential brick scenario with my Venty but I ain't gonna lose sleep over it. I have other great vapes and S&B customer service has been phenomenal to me in the past. It's wait and see time.
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Company Rep
Did any other Aussie get a Venty? My friend just showed up with one and I downloaded the S&B app but it only shows Crafty or Volcano. The app was a pain to said the app was made for an older version of Android and is not suitable for my 2-year-old phone???
I managed to add the app to a newer tablet with an older version of Android:uhoh::mental:
The unit is rather large but fits the hand well. I had 1x bowl and will say the vapor came on fast and thick, pretty impressive for sure, and gave me a good dose of cotton mouth.
Extraction was complete after about 6 puffs and ABV was very even and not too dark at 200c(well enough done for me)
My friend was pissed that there was no charger, just a USB-C to USB-C cable....he had no wall wart to suit (neither have I).
The Venty is quite large but is more comfortable to hold than a Mighty,


SEARCH for the treasure...
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Well-Known Member
Did any other Aussie get a Venty? My friend just showed up with one and I downloaded the S&B app but it only shows Crafty or Volcano. The app was a pain to said the app was made for an older version of Android and is not suitable for my 2-year-old phone???
I managed to add the app to a newer tablet with an older version of Android:uhoh::mental:
The unit is rather large but fits the hand well. I had 1x bowl and will say the vapor came on fast and thick, pretty impressive for sure, and gave me a good dose of cotton mouth.
Extraction was complete after about 6 puffs and ABV was very even and not too dark at 200c(well enough done for me)
My friend was pissed that there was no charger, just a USB-C to USB-C cable....he had no wall wart to suit (neither have I).
The Venty is quite large but is more comfortable to hold than a Mighty,

Aussie here. If you go to the S&B site there is an online app you can use to change your preset temps etc.


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Company Rep
Aussie here. If you go to the S&B site there is an online app you can use to change your preset temps etc.
Thanks for that, I will pass on the info.:tup:
This charger along with the included S&B USB-C cable can FAST charge at 3 amps.
Cheers, I already suggested this one (I heard Anker are quite good), similar just a little more power if ever needed,


Active Member


Well-Known Member
i've had my venty for 24 hours now. seems like a great vaporizer. the heat up time feels practically instant and the ability to roast a bowl in half the time of the mighty is awesome. i've only used the vape wide open so far, i'd imagine you could slow a session down with less airflow.

overall, i'm happy. i probably should have waited for a sale but still no regrets. coming from the mighty, it's not really a new experience, but the upgrades are much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Did any other Aussie get a Venty

Yep ordered on Wed got it on Friday, I'd only heard about it the day before I bought it, I use the vapexhale for home so that's what I"m comparing the Venty to. It really is awesome it just does what it says perfectly will roast .3g completely evenly all the way through. In fact I can expel the spent puck and then crumble it to check. Even fairly tightly pack it somehow still perfectly vapes the entire bowl.

It has more airflow than the Vapexhale, in fact the only problem I have is that the mouthpiece gets too hot too quickly, even though the vapour is not hot, I don't fully get that but there it is. Maybe a glass mouthpiece will take more time to heat up. But it's annoyingly hot after just a few minutes use.

Regarding chargers. I have a 20W Apple USB charger for my iPhone and it is can deliver 15W of 3A @ 5V and yet it will only slow charge the Venty. However I had another cheap 30W charger that I bought of eBay for like $15 with a USBC and a USBA out. It was only for my little drone battery charger that needed to supply 6 slots with 5V. Point is that using the USBC port, it did charge the Venty on fast charge. In fact I set it to ECO to see how slow that is, I ran the Venty down to 1 bar and then a bit more, then charged it on ECO and it was fully charged in under 2 hours, so I'll be keeping it on that.

I notice that on the Venty box is lists USB-C PD 5.15V 28W, so maybe the 28 Watts are important, even though it only wants 15 Watts, because it won't fast charge on the 20W apple but will fast charge on the 30W cheap charger.

I resisted having to download a special browser because Apple won't allow vape apps, however I relented and downloaded Bluefy and it works better than an app, I was pleasantly surprised at the zero friction. Just opened Bluefy, went to S and B and was greeted with a 'connect' button and so I did and that was it. I was in.

I start on 160 and I've set the boost to plus 15 and plus 10, to top out at 185 which is my max limit other than a one off. This machine is astoundly good at what it does.


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Company Rep
I resisted having to download a special browser because Apple won't allow vape apps, however I relented and downloaded Bluefy and it works better than an app, I was pleasantly surprised at the zero friction. Just opened Bluefy, went to S and B and was greeted with a 'connect' button and so I did and that was it. I was in.
Thanks for the info. My friend is an Apple user so I will let him know how easy you got it working.:tup:


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imor jones

Well-Known Member
To rome
hmm, first one code doesnt work. The second one, they seem to charge 1200 euros !!!!! to ship to netherlands from rome.. :-(

To rome, thats funny. Because i bought mine for 336€ from rome back to germany. But this Shop does not has this discount anymore. But its 409€ there now....
imor jones,


Well-Known Member
Haha. I live in Amsterdam, but buying a vape off a website called Amsterdamshop that is in Italy... 😂. Thanks for the links. Actually managed to find a shop in Amsterdam that sells with 10% off so might do that.

I lost my Tiny Might 2.. I'm not sure the venty is better for me to be honest. But fancy a change. Will think some more before pulling the trigger.
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imor jones

Well-Known Member
Ah sorry, i was misreading it. I thought you are in italy.
Sorry for your lost!
Tinymight 2 or Venty. Hard decission. Happy having both 🤩
imor jones,
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B2, Mighty+, M/Omni, Volcano Hybrid, TM2, Anvil
Tinymight 2 or Venty. Hard decission. Happy having both
This is where I am at....I'm very glad I have both.

For me they are both very different vapes. TM2 on water while my Venty is my session device.
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