Well-Known Member
Just a quick advice for someone wanting to buy a butane lighter: you might want to stay away from the cheap one Vaposhop sells.
When I ordered my Vapcap it was the one suggested on the page, I remember looking for alternatives but I think it was the only one offered at the time.
It worked for maybe a week and then started acting out, now it only lights like 1/5 of the times and at the maximum flame size - which is a receipt for combustion.
I actually like the control of a single flame over the quickness of my other 3-flame torch, but this one went straight to the bin
So yeah, I guess you're better off with the Honest or the Vapman they have available.

When I ordered my Vapcap it was the one suggested on the page, I remember looking for alternatives but I think it was the only one offered at the time.
It worked for maybe a week and then started acting out, now it only lights like 1/5 of the times and at the maximum flame size - which is a receipt for combustion.
I actually like the control of a single flame over the quickness of my other 3-flame torch, but this one went straight to the bin

So yeah, I guess you're better off with the Honest or the Vapman they have available.