I have to respectfully disagree with Ash; the learning curve I experienced with my Vaporstar gave me a solid appreciation for vaporizing. But that might be because I'm weird in my vape-habits

Really though, personally I think there is something to the bridging step between smoking and vaporizing.
I've owned a Vaporstar for a year and a half and, though it gets used the least now, I still love using the thing. My second vape was a genie, and in retrospect I probably would have done better reversing the order of my first two vapes: Vaporstar-->Vaporgenie-->Purple Days to VaporGenie-->Vaporstar-->Purple Days
In my experience, its best to try and get a feel as to where each respective vaporizer you look at excels in use. The Purple Days model is best for casual, all the time, best bang for your buck use. My Genie I use as a go to device in the way anyone uses any pipe: to just enjoy roasting a bowl wherever you are. Now, as my Vaporstar was my first unit, I tried to make it fit all my vaporizing habits, to some success. It's great for a quick dome-busting bowl, but unfortunately requires a minimum of a full bowl of bud; half-filling hasn't gone well for me. Unfortunately there is one big drawback to the Vaporstar; the added learning curve of each respective piece of glass you use with it. My current chamber-pipe is rather finicky when it comes to anything but the largest candle flame, and my technique has yet to be refined.
To sum up: For a beginner vape-er, and one who is presently smoking, I'd advise the Vaporgenie. It takes less time to appreciate the learning curve, and has a bit more physical feedback while using it in terms of how hot the air gets when you should stop hitting it. I still strongly recommend the Vaporstar as a second unit, one to maybe fit any glass you already have while keeping the fun of sparking up a water pipe.
Other mentions:
Purple days=180$, most efficient thing in the world. Will get you WAY up there with a thumbnail of bud.
MyrtleZap=150$, see above but from a different manufacturer with some different materials
Woodeez=160$, ditto
Magic Flight Launch Box=100$, I've found this to be the most stealth unit that never stops giving out champion-hits. Less than half the size of your palm and runs on batteries
Vaporbrothers=170$?, Never been a more "electronic" vape fan, but the VB is a solid introductory whip vape, at less than 200$. And by introductory, I mean it will knock you on your ass. (I hear it rolls through bud though).
Those are the vapes I'd recommend for a first. Hope some of this dribble helps