

vapor junkie
Staff member
The VaporGenie is a compact and portable vaporizer pipe. It uses a ceramic flame filter to protect the herb below from your lighter flame which heats the inhaled air to vaporization temperatures before it passes over the herb.


This thing definitely works when used properly, though it does take some practice to get a feel for the flame based temperature control. Once you get used to it, it's great for stealth missions.

Only 50 bucks, lifetime warranty. Recommended.
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Vapor concierge
I like mine. I still haven't used it out and about yet, but I am getting used to it here at home.


vapor junkie
Staff member
It really is pretty good, all things considered. Just takes a bunch of practice to get the technique down.


Vapor concierge
I read somewhere not to use butane, blow-torch type lighters with it for fear of fume inhalation. Can anyone confirm or deny?


vapor junkie
Staff member
Jet/blue flame lighters actually burn cleaner than traditional bic lighters. Here's a quote I found:

When butane gas burns completely, with sufficient oxygen, it burns with a blue flame at 1300 degrees Celsius. With ordinary lighters the combustion of butane is incomplete, resulting in a yellow 'flame' due to the glowing particles of carbon oxidizing slowly to C02.
If you can master the technique with a vaporgenie and torch lighter, it would likely be cleaner. I also avoid the flint dust from normal lighters by using a candle to light the lighter, or by using a lighter with piezo ignition.

Here's an interesting link regarding butane and taste.
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Vapor concierge
marcuss...I never have any problems understanding your english!

VT...thanks for the great info on butane.


Vapor concierge
marcuss said:
I feel this kind of vape too close to combustion...i don't like to deal with flames when i vape!
this is my 2 ? cents....
This unit may change your mind. I like it for several reasons. It is portable and it still works really well. The truth is I get thicker hits with the VaporGenie than with my Extreme. True that I don't know how much of the vapor is composed of smoke. I'm sure this unit teeters back and forth between being vapor and smoke. But there is no doubt it gets you high as shit. I'm using it tonight at home when I could be using my Extreme, which brings me to my next point... satisfies whatever that is inside of me that wants to go through the motions of smoking. You know how cigarette smokers who quit sometimes find comfort in holding a pen or putting a pen in their mouth? The VaporGenie does that for me. There was something relaxing about sitting down with a nice blunt or packed pipe. I just don't get that from a vaporizer bag. I can rebuild it in the whip and someday maybe that will be what is comforting (but it is not portable). But for now that thing is the VaporGenie and it helps make the transition from smoke to vapor.
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Glass Blower
I dont trust it too.... this is probably better than smoking with a normal pipe but you dont know the exact temperatur inside the bowl and the vaporization point is realy near the combustion point so ....I think this is why you get a thick vap ...the combustion is probably starting

anyway...this pipe seem nice and like I said befor this is probably better than a normal pipe ...I just dont understand why they did make a glass pipe and bong bowl with this system


vapor junkie
Staff member
Good points from everyone, I feel the same as marcuss and Clear_Dome, I usually lug my SSV around rather than use my vaporgenie just because the SSV is cleaner and I'm a health freak like that. Hell, even second hand smoke makes me claustrophobic.

However, I think stickstones hit the nail on the head with this.
stickstones said: satisfies whatever that is inside of me that wants to go through the motions of smoking. You know how cigarette smokers who quit sometimes find comfort in holding a pen or putting a pen in their mouth? The VaporGenie does that for me. There was something relaxing about sitting down with a nice blunt or packed pipe. I just don't get that from a vaporizer bag. I can rebuild it in the whip and someday maybe that will be what is comforting (but it is not portable). But for now that thing is the VaporGenie and it helps make the transition from smoke to vapor.
Clearly the vaporgenie isn't going to satisfy some hardcore vapor purists like us, but for people who smoke and have done nothing but smoke, it's probably a great way to introduce them to our little secret!


vapor junkie
Staff member
stickstones said:
...True that I don't know how much of the vapor is composed of smoke. I'm sure this unit teeters back and forth between being vapor and smoke...
What does the vaped herb coming out of it look like?


Vapor concierge
It looks just like my Extreme vaped herb, except when I overdo it and it gets black. I always know when it will look like this because I can taste the burnt popcorn taste. However, it is never all black, just the herb on top. I guess if I open it up and there is no black, there was no combustion either.


vapor junkie
Staff member
stickstones said:
I guess if I open it up and there is no black, there was no combustion either.
That's my thinking, even though it's not as clean using the butane flame, no combustion is the key. :)

How about your really thick hits from it, are those scorch free?



Vapor concierge
I broke out this pipe again last night...sometimes I don't want to sit in my office and's better to vape in front of the tv and relax. I'm getting much better at it and I love it. For me, there is no better feeling than getting a thick vape hit off a pipe anywhere I want!


vapor junkie
Staff member
stickstones said:
I'm getting much better at it and I love it. For me, there is no better feeling than getting a thick vape hit off a pipe anywhere I want!

From what I've seen, the VG is still the #1 truly portable vaporizer. Some of the other models posted in the portable thread are interesting but they all seem to have drawbacks that the VG does not. Aside from having too many parts or being fragile, most don't look to provide as good convection heating as the VG (granted it takes practice to get it right).


Glass Blower
grrrrrrrrr !!! I dont know what to do a vapor genie or wait after the Arizer portable one .....:/

ps : is there any on-line store IN CANADA that I can buy a vapor genie for a decent price ??


vapor junkie
Staff member
Haven't seen any, but then again, haven't really looked. When I got mine from the manufacturer the total price was $55 USD shipped.


Vapor concierge
Clear_Dome said:
grrrrrrrrr !!! I dont know what to do a vapor genie or wait after the Arizer portable one .....:/

ps : is there any on-line store IN CANADA that I can buy a vapor genie for a decent price ??
Have you heard anything more on the portable Arizer? I wonder when it is coming out and how much it will be. Although, as I get more and more proficient with the Genie, I become less interested in other portable options. One thing against the Genie, it is bigger and bulkier than some of those other portables you posted links to. I especially like the one that slips inside a sharpie case!


vapor junkie
Staff member
stickstones said:
One thing against the Genie, it is bigger and bulkier than some of those other portables you posted links to. I especially like the one that slips inside a sharpie case!
I kind of doubt that that sharpie one has the potential to work as well as the VG. Plus it looks to have little parts to mess around with and lose between each reload.

Don't get me wrong, it's thin and stealth in its case and I like the separation from the heat source... it just doesn't look like a very functional design. They should send us some for review. :D


Vapor concierge
vapor tactician said:
stickstones said:
One thing against the Genie, it is bigger and bulkier than some of those other portables you posted links to. I especially like the one that slips inside a sharpie case!
I kind of doubt that that sharpie one has the potential to work as well as the VG. Plus it looks to have little parts to mess around with and lose between each reload.

Don't get me wrong, it's thin and stealth in its case and I like the separation from the heat source... it just doesn't look like a very functional design. They should send us some for review. :D
I like your vision! Review samples!

Can you imagine trying to reload that little thing when you are baked?
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