As Above ∞ So Below
We've noticed this as well when testing heaters before we ship them. The coils on the original heaters did not have as many wraps and those heated up much faster than the later version with more wraps. I believe most of the recent stainless heaters didn't have as many wraps as the black heaters. So that may account for the slower heat up time.
Quick question VaporWarehouse: He had said he was using a Stainless heater on a Black Battery... I thought this was a no no per an earlier post by VB.. am I wrong?
On another note... Today I had an idea on how to get all the goodness at the bottom of the ceramic cup to the top. A 30-40 second blast of the heater cartridge using a hairdryer on HOT and LOW, holding the Dabbler by the battery and alternating from upside down to sideways, allowing all the residue and un-vaped EO to form on or under the coil or get soaked into the glass rods. I pulsed the button for half a second every now and again so the EO could be pulled into the coil more. now i can actually distinguish the walls against the base of the cup, and have got at least 5 solid rips so far.
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