Vapor Spam Thread


combustion fucker
KeepCalm said:
Who has read Godel, Escher, Bach?
I got that book over 20 years ago when I was majoring in artificial intelligence at university. It had a profound effect on my thinking at the time. An interesting book to contemplate while under the influence.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
KeepCalm said:
Who has read Godel, Escher, Bach? I haven't but I'm about to get on it. I've heard it's awesome.
Haven't yet, but it's sitting on the shelf...along with a lot of other books I haven't found the time for yet...:/
I have read the synopsis/Wikipedia entry and I've heard some different people talking about it...I really need to get on actually reading it though.

hazy said:
I got that book over 20 years ago when I was majoring in artificial intelligence at university. It had a profound effect on my thinking at the time. An interesting book to contemplate while under the influence.
Right on, now I've REALLY got to get to reading this, thanks hazy. Actually just some snippets I've read ABOUT the book have given me a lot to chew on...:hmm:

PS: hazy you majored in AI in dude, that's tres cool. That must have really been a trip...
partially veiled,


combustion fucker
partially veiled said:
That must have really been a trip...
My studies merely set the stage. In those days I was a smart-arsed geek and hadn't given much thought to subjects outside of technology. Boy, was I about to get my comeuppance. It was while reading GEB and thinking about AI that I was forced to earnestly ask myself the question, "what is intelligence?". That was when the trip began, and there was no turning back...

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
hazy said:
partially veiled said:
That must have really been a trip...
My studies merely set the stage. In those days I was a smart-arsed geek and hadn't given much thought to subjects outside of technology. Boy, was I about to get my comeuppance. It was while reading GEB and thinking about AI that I was forced to earnestly ask myself the question, "what is intelligence?". That was when the trip began, and there was no turning back...
It's the weirdest thing...I can completely comprehend what you're saying, even though I can tell we're two totally different individuals who came to the same (or similar, at least) things in very different ways: yesterday I had a mescaline trip that revolved almost entirely around that EXACT question...just what is intelligence, and what are its preconditions? My thought is fixated mostly on the biosphere and cellular based organisms, as I've only learned about AI by proxy--by hearing about it while researching other things I'm interested in...but indeed, we all have our launching points. Glad you found yours. Happy sailing :)
partially veiled,


? & beyond
vaporcloud said:
3 straight weeks vappers.

I may never go back :peace:
I got some Steinlager last night in late celebration of Waitangi Day.

And yes, go back to what? To vaping or to us? :lol:

Hope your doing well... :)


Well-Known Member
Really pretty.

SOG in a pot, one of the great stategies. Pot ina Pot... Organic??? Looks good (great) no matter.

Way to go Paul.


Well-Known Member
not organic, she was fed sensi a +b with big bud/overdrive and finished off with final phase, getting a good 2+ week final flush.

she smells like heaven, cant wait to vape it.


Well-Known Member
hey fc'ers! good news!

my site is live and functional!
still missing a lot, but that will be added shortly. not having a picture camera anymore kindof sucks sometimes
*an authorized distributor of 7th floor products


lurking kiwi
SpiralArchitect said:
vaporcloud said:
3 straight weeks vappers.

I may never go back :peace:
I got some Steinlager last night in late celebration of Waitangi Day.

And yes, go back to what? To vaping or to us? :lol:

Hope your doing well... :)
Your a legend Spiral. You've got my kiwi tunes and now your drinking Steinies to celebrate Waitangi Day (NZ Day). Mate ... if I'm ever gonna go overseas I'm coming to visit you in Alaska :tup:

I'm doing bloody well. Been stoned only twice in 23 days. Getting close to some sort of record for me. The outdoor season is just around the corner and I'm sure some freebees will end up on my door step. And then ... only then will I fire up my cherry bomb PD and have a vap to all you great fuckers at FC :D

rock on brothers :cool:


Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to miss the weed texture. Keep in mind, they were not always cops.


Out to lunch
He said tastes like weed, not feels like weed. It's dried plant material. It has no unique texture.
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