Space is the Place
Looks Like no more Vapor Lithe. I like this little vape sorry to see it off the market. Glad I stashed one away if I ever lose my Goldenwood lithe.

Still the smallest portable I've seen and easy to use, I hope someone picks up the design and makes them available in the future.:peace:
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Well-Known Member
Just wanted to pop in and say how much I enjoy the vapor lithe I got a month ago. It's my go-to with my 14mm sidecar bub when I dont have time to heat up the UD.

4-5 big clouds with a pleasant woodsy-sweet taste. I find it easier/more fun to use than my vg coil or my gnome cone (and most my other flame vapes outside of daisy) although the flavor isn't as pure.

The footprint is awesome-I can pack up the chamber, carry a bic with me and be set for a solid 4-5 hits. I've already forgotten it was in my pocket like 3 times now. And talk about handsome wood! :brow:

Somebody pick up the torch here, this vape could be evolved so much further! It should be sold in smokeshops and gas stations everywhere, it's the chillum of vapes, and could be a big turning point for combusters scared away by expensive/electronic units.



Just wanted to pop in and say how much I enjoy the vapor lithe I got a month ago. It's my go-to with my 14mm sidecar bub when I dont have time to heat up the UD.

4-5 big clouds with a pleasant woodsy-sweet taste. I find it easier/more fun to use than my vg coil or my gnome cone (and most my other flame vapes outside of daisy) although the flavor isn't as pure.

The footprint is awesome-I can pack up the chamber, carry a bic with me and be set for a solid 4-5 hits. I've already forgotten it was in my pocket like 3 times now. And talk about handsome wood! :brow:

Somebody pick up the torch here, this vape could be evolved so much further! It should be sold in smokeshops and gas stations everywhere, it's the chillum of vapes, and could be a big turning point for combusters scared away by expensive/electronic units.

Man Ive been looking for one of these bad boys lucky you. Ill keep looking mines is out there somewhere :nod:. I was stuck on this the vg coil or the vg al bat but i perfer wood.
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Well-Known Member
They're pretty rare at this point. You could try putting an ad up for one in the classifieds section. I've seen 'em on ebay before too. Best of luck!

Also, @paytonpenn has said his new nimbinvap vape is his 'lithe replacement' so that may be worth looking into.
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Well-Known Member
Hello Everybody!,
Good to hear that the Lithe Vapes delighted many!.
Good news is that we are coming back to business in a count down of 8 months!. January 2017!.
A new website will be online for Pre-orders.
All will be posted through FC.

Thanks for you support.
and....we will share some pics too!

Thanks again and see you soon.


Hello Everybody!,
Good to hear that the Lithe Vapes delighted many!.
Good news is that we are coming back to business in a count down of 8 months!. January 2017!.
A new website will be online for Pre-orders.
All will be posted through FC.

Thanks for you support.
and....we will share some pics too!

Thanks again and see you soon.
This is amazing. I've tried to get my hands on a vapor lithe a few times. It's sad when a beloved vaporizer company goes out of business, and seeing this flipside of one coming back is happy, yay! Welcome back!


Level 30 Nature/Healer
The Lithes have a diameter of 16 mm, therefore with a 14.5 mm female to female glass adapter it will fit most bubblers and bongs.
Yeah but its too long. I want a shorty that can be adapted to other things and also has a good amount of clearance on the end for pulling out of the water pipe. The problem was it would have to go too far into water pipes and would become hard to get out while its very hot and deeply recessed.

Is the new Lithe bigger because my old Lithe needs an o-ring or something for my 14mm pieces.

Is it known what woods you'll have available?

I actually posted this a few pages back like 5 years ago but here's a video for those that overlooked the link. I was sick at the time so I was coughing a bit, also had some water nearby.



Well-Known Member
Yeah but its too long. I want a shorty that can be adapted to other things and also has a good amount of clearance on the end for pulling out of the water pipe. The problem was it would have to go too far into water pipes and would become hard to get out while its very hot and deeply recessed.

Is the new Lithe bigger because my old Lithe needs an o-ring or something for my 14mm pieces.

Is it known what woods you'll have available?

I actually posted this a few pages back like 5 years ago but here's a video for those that overlooked the link. I was sick at the time so I was coughing a bit, also had some water nearby.

After looking at different ways of using the Lithes we took some pictures.

With a piece of silicone tube of the right size the Lithes become compatible with all 14mm - 14.5 mm female fitting and 10 mm male fittings.



female to female 14.5mm

10 mm Male




In the mean time. The only wood Available is Jumu - or Northern Elm
The coming woods are Walnut, Jichimu, and Zitan.



Well-Known Member
Hello Hello,

We just opened for Pre-orders and will be shipping on Feb 24. The payment section is enabled.
The Lithe package will include the silicone tubing sections to adapt into the 14mm and 10mm female/male adapters, the leather sheat, and the cleaning tool.



I seem to have a bad case of VAS
Hello Hello,

We just opened for Pre-orders and will be shipping on Feb 24. The payment section is enabled.
The Lithe package will include the silicone tubing sections to adapt into the 14mm and 10mm female/male adapters, the leather sheat, and the cleaning tool.


Great to hear! Potentially dumb question, but how do I pre-order?
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