OK, she has landed. The "gamma" wood seems to be the same as the standard lithe or I may of gotten one on accident.
I have had three bowls through it thus far, one through glass. The vaporizer seems to operate somewhere between a vapor genie and lotus in that it has a heat exchanger that needs to be warmed up a bit but closer to VG speed rather than lotus if that makes sense. The tip can also retain residual heat, so much so that you can continue to pull vapor for quite some time after moving your torch away. The bowl/chamber is fairly large, havent weighed it but I suspect its closer to .1 or so fully loaded. Light tamp is imperative, if air can move about freely stirring is a non issue (pretty impressive for bowl size!) but a slight overfill or too much compacting causes the heating to be far less even in use. When warming the lithe it seems best to come at a slight angle rather than a strait shot a la VG and Stickybricks, I suppose this is because you aren't just heating the air but the heat exchanger as well. You get quicker results with the strait shot but the heating seems more uneven and sporadic this way. This is ultimately a blessing for dry use as aiming a torch strait at your face isn't very fun or particularly easy in my experience with the vapor genie coil. Preforms excellently with glass but the supplied silicone fittings are pretty easy to get stuck, an option with a wooden 18mm gong/wong down the line would be wonderful. Especially if it were sold individually as a body, that way folks could use their lithe as a chillum or wong while utilizing the same heat exchanger and chamber.
Size wize in the sleeve it is barely larger than a vapcaps tube, it comes with a handy stirring utensil inside the pouch so it travels well. The lithe has a unique taste profile, I think the walls of the bowl/chamber retain enough heat to introduce a negligible amount of conduction affecting taste ever so slightly. It tastes like a VG with pings of toastiness a la vapman. I really like it so far and seem to be getting better at using it each go, I plan to take it fishing this weekend to put it through some more paces. This is a lot of vape for $45-50, ill report back soon with my findings
