Discontinued Vapor Blunt


Portable Vaporist
TherealVaporblunt said:
........ I'm doing the best I can to promote and inform everyone about the vaporblunt, I do not want the reputation of having a less than stellar attitude.

Thanks for your reply and its well taken. We're good in my book. I think your continued support here means a lot.

I'm very excited to hear about the new products. The vape product space is exploding with new ideas and its a great to watch and use the new technology.


Noob Saibot
Having a little trouble buying the VB today :( Some financial woes...will have to wait although it's killing me!!! I want one now :mad:
So I got my new red Vaporblunt and have had enough time to get some small idea of its strengths and weaknesses. I hope this review won't seem long winded to you. Great thanks to TherealVaporBlunt for hooking up this piece for review.

Packaging: The packaging of the product is very nice and professional, a black box with red lettering Accessories are slim, including two tips, a cleaning brush, a little multitool, and a small fold-out instruction manual which is very useful for the operation of the unit, but a fuller instruction manual would be nice. I think an inexpensive plastic or metal grinder should maybe be included at this price point for people who would otherwise be without.

Apparent build quality: Medium. The Vaporblunt main body is made out of sturdy-feeling plastic, consisting of two halves joined down the middle. There was some discussion about these halves being glued together, and if you get the seam under a bright light I can kind of see why, as the way the two halves aligns is not 100% perfect and it can kind of give the appearance of maybe being glued together. I assume they're held together by unseen screws or some kind of pressure fit. The power button and the collar it is housed on are of slightly flimsier-feeling plastic, by no means alarmingly so, just notably. The body of the stir knob is also of this same plastic. The stir knob is of acceptable build quality and does an excellent job at its task in my limited experience. The whole unit has a nice feel and weight when you're holding it and passing it around.

Heat up time: Very fast, about a minute, roughly 90 seconds to the Boost mode. If you have it in standard mode for a while and then set it to boost, it will only take about 7 or 8 seconds to get there.

Able to be hooked to glass: Yes. A inch long piece of DBV tubing will slip halfway over the mouthpiece, and the other half will fit in a 14mm female.

Taste: Decent at this point. I allowed the unit a burn-in time of about 30 minutes in boost mode, during which time I noticed a faint but noticeable smell of slightly-sweet fish. Certainly better than a Solo robot-fart, but there. This diminished mostly over time and is now only slightly noticeable.

Performance: Very good for a primarily-conduction vaporizer, roundabout average when compared to some other convection based designs. Some others have observed that big, lung busting hits can be difficult to achieve, and this is true so far for me. You need to draw the Vaporblunt with a very slow rate, or use microhitting, to get the most out of it. The boost mode makes this more forgiving, and in a "newbie test," I hit the VB as hard as I could when it was in boost mode for about 10 seconds, and still got a nice little puff of vapor, so it's clear the temp retention could keep up enough to not make it stop. The learning curve is definitely more gentle than a MFLB, and there is virtually no chance of combustion it seems. When hooked up to a waterpipe, the boost mode can produce say... 2% fat milk. Not skim, not 1%, but 2% milk, while definitely not approaching a vapor density I would call "very dense." Again, a huge and sudden inhalation was unable to stop the VB from producing some vapor, and it seemed to recover very quickly.

Consistency of ABV: Very high so far. The stir knob has done a great job with the fine-very fine grind I was using, and there is no hot spotting. I find this to be as interesting as it is impressive. If this was my only vape, I would almost always choose to ramp bowls up to Boost mode to get a darker ABV.

Concentrate Usage: Limited. Dropping solid concentrates right in would probably gum up a mesh that covers up the air path up to the mouthpiece. Placing it on the wall of the bowl was messy and kind of lack luster in its result. Liquids and oil soaked onto cotton or another medium might work, but I can't say.

Those are some of my impressions so far, and I'm happy to answer any questions anyone has, and will also most likely add more thoughts in the future, maybe even a video.

Edited to include concentrate section.


Well-Known Member
wow, now thats a review!

a nice well thought out & very even handed review CDS, kudos to you :D

Just what the vaporblunt needed


Revolting Peasant
Excellent stuff MrDontsurf, thanking you kindly.

Odour of fish is a new one though :lol:


Well-Known Member
I would like to thank Charliedontsurf and pcpvapors for the time they spent in writing their reviews. I hope you guys enjoy the product. CDS is correct about the concentrate, I did not take that into account very well. I'm hoping to make an accessory that inserts in place of the screen, but that is a ways away. I'm curious to see if the cotton works!


Noob Saibot
Nice review! So, as far as vapor clouds go - can you compare it to some other portables?

At first I thought clouds didn't mean anything - being used to a eterra that released wispy clouds. But now I would actually prefer more clouds - and want to get a portable that produces the best/dense clouds. Still learning a lot, though!


Portable Vaporist
charliedontsurf said:
Awesome review

Thanks for the awesome review. can't wait to hear more about how long the battery and bowl last and some head to head comparisons to the Solo. Would love to see some pics compared to solo and/or MFLB for size comparison purposes.

Thanks again


Active Member
Just to inform u, i have decided not to replace my unit and move on to the next vape.
Cant be bothered to pay shipping to get a new one, yes i know i am stupid!
So there will be no further VB reviews from me.


Well-Known Member
I've had the vaporblunt for a solid week now and will be providing a complete comprehensive review when I get home. Also on a side note, my unit is THCmuscles unit. (different strokes for different folks, in no way shape or form will I be dis-crediting anything THCmuscles said).


Active Member
charliedontsurf said:
There was some discussion about these halves being glued together, and if you get the seam under a bright light I can kind of see why, as the way the two halves aligns is not 100% perfect and it can kind of give the appearance of maybe being glued together.

Yes, thank u :p
If u dont look closely it can look like that.

abo27495 :
U think that when i cant be bothered to replce it for myself, i will run around and replace it for u?
Hehe, sorry man, to lazy!!


Well-Known Member
Soulhunter said:
TherealVaporblunt said:
I don't believe the unit smells of plastic. I have 1000's of vaporblunts on my shelves in my office/warehouse and I've never smelled plastic. Your details just aren't making sense to me. If you read through thcmucles, ninja master and pcpvapors reviews the all compliment the taste. (maybe not pcpvapors, I may be wrong there) out of every complaint I have ever heard nobody has EVER said the unit smells or taste like plastic.

Yes, so mby i have been unlucky and gotten a faulty unit. i can even taste the plastick when i got a fresh bowl of herb packed in the unit. So I am realy not a happy customer this far.

I realy would like this thing to work, I like it much more than the Solo witch in my eyes was garbage.
So i am realy disapointed that this unit taste nasty, cause i realy like the looks and feel of the unit (besides the power button)

I would be glad to find a agreement on how to replace my unit.


after all that trouble that TRVB went thru to try and ensure that you were a satisfied customer.
You wrote a fair bit about what you didnt like, and you cant be bothered to have a go & see if its a faulty unit because of a couple of bucks shipping & your lack of motivation?

At least let the bloke see if he can get you a proper unit, just so maybe you might at least give the thing some positives in a post. Its not fair on TRVB for you to say what you did about the unit, and he tries to fix it for you & you cant be bothered.


Active Member
Yup, thats me in a nutshell, i loose intrest fast and need to move on to new and interesting things.
I absolutely have nothing negative to say about the customer service. He offered me to send the unit back or i could buy a brand new for a ridicolus low price if there vas any problem with sending a used unit with the postal service here where i live.
So I have been treated very nice by TRVB, top customer service.
I am totaly sure he would keep replacing my units til i was satisfied :)

Most likely I wil either post pictures of the inside of the blunt or write about my findings of what it looked like ;)
But for now i join the revolution ;)


Well-Known Member
Thank you for that post Soulhunter, Im sorry we couldn't work something out. I hope you find the perfect vape soon!!! Try my new one in July, I think you will like it.


Well-Known Member
Ok after a week of heavy use here's my full review:

Feel: it feels sturdy in your hand, it has some weight the plastic doesn't feel Chinsy or weak, it feels great in your hand, I hold it like I hold a cigar (in between index and middle fingers) the temperature button/ on off switch feels sturdy but I'm still careful with it just for shits and giggles.

Warm up time: the warm up time is about a minute but I have noticed if the room is cold or if outside in the garage it takes just a little longer to heat up because of the temperature difference. Boost is good to go in about 5-7 seconds after reaching regular temp.

Stir knob: it really does a good job with keeping the ABV evenly cooked and turns effortlessly.

Hit quality: I find I get very rock zap like clouds that pack more of a punch comparatively. The taste is great and it truly keeps on hitting. Wether it's the long slow draw or the micro hitting technique I've found great success with both.

Size: although it does fit in the standard Levi jean pocket it's still creates a bulge and makes it look like you have a second dick. If it could be smaller in height and thickness Itd be my end all be all.

Flavor tip: so far I've only had the mint tip and I personally like it, it doesn't affect the taste of the herb at all it's just like a subtle taste on your lips.

ABV: when it's finally done hitting my ABV is very dark like coffee grounds.

Overall: I'm very happy with this vape, it gets me where I need to be without changing batteries emptying and loading, it feels sturdy, produces a very nice vapor density and also cool vapor. The warm up time is great and not exceedingly long, my only con I can think of is the not so pocket friendly nature, Other than that I absolutely love my vaporblunt.


Well-Known Member
Pcpvapors said:
Overall: I'm very happy with this vape, it gets me where I need to be without changing batteries emptying and loading, it feels sturdy, produces a very nice vapor density and also cool vapor. The warm up time is great and not exceedingly long, my only con I can think of is the not so pocket friendly nature, Other than that I absolutely love my vaporblunt.

I am STOKED to hear you like it. I appreciate you taking the time to write that. I hear your point loud and clear about being more pocket friendly, I will not make that mistake again.


Active Member
Pcpvapors said:
Ok after a week of heavy use here's my full review:

Feel: it feels sturdy in your hand, it has some weight the plastic doesn't feel Chinsy or weak, it feels great in your hand, I hold it like I hold a cigar (in between index and middle fingers) the temperature button/ on off switch feels sturdy but I'm still careful with it just for shits and giggles.

Warm up time: the warm up time is about a minute but I have noticed if the room is cold or if outside in the garage it takes just a little longer to heat up because of the temperature difference. Boost is good to go in about 5-7 seconds after reaching regular temp.

Stir knob: it really does a good job with keeping the ABV evenly cooked and turns effortlessly.

Hit quality: I find I get very rock zap like clouds that pack more of a punch comparatively. The taste is great and it truly keeps on hitting. Wether it's the long slow draw or the micro hitting technique I've found great success with both.

Size: although it does fit in the standard Levi jean pocket it's still creates a bulge and makes it look like you have a second dick. If it could be smaller in height and thickness Itd be my end all be all.

Flavor tip: so far I've only had the mint tip and I personally like it, it doesn't affect the taste of the herb at all it's just like a subtle taste on your lips.

ABV: when it's finally done hitting my ABV is very dark like coffee grounds.

Overall: I'm very happy with this vape, it gets me where I need to be without changing batteries emptying and loading, it feels sturdy, produces a very nice vapor density and also cool vapor. The warm up time is great and not exceedingly long, my only con I can think of is the not so pocket friendly nature, Other than that I absolutely love my vaporblunt.

I am drunk, and would like to post my :2c: if u dont mind shutting up in the back!!! :p

Feel: yes, it absolutely feels sturdy!

Warm up time : I love it, turn your unit on and by the time u r finished stuffing the bowl it is ready to go!

Stir knob : well i have not used the stirring tool once and the bowl always was evenly extrated!

Hit quality.... IDK!

Size : Perfect!!!!

Flavor tip : I hated it, not the idea, just the flawor that came with the unit ;) (i would like more menthol flavor)

ABV : the most even extracted herb i have ever seen!!!

Overall :I realy liked the unit, but the silicone taste put me off.

Edit: And me being drunk i forgot that my post about the inside of the unit never got posted :p
But to keep it short i took the blunt apart and after smelling avery part of the unit it was the silicone tubing that i was reacting to. And i might be senisitive to silicone, but that was enough for me to look the other way. I am in no way saying that the blunt is not safe to use, i am just pointing out that it did not deliver the flavor experience i was expecting.


Well-Known Member
TherealVaporblunt said:
Pcpvapors said:
Overall: I'm very happy with this vape, it gets me where I need to be without changing batteries emptying and loading, it feels sturdy, produces a very nice vapor density and also cool vapor. The warm up time is great and not exceedingly long, my only con I can think of is the not so pocket friendly nature, Other than that I absolutely love my vaporblunt.

I am STOKED to hear you like it. I appreciate you taking the time to write that. I hear your point loud and clear about being more pocket friendly, I will not make that mistake again.
To be quite honest that's not even a mistake in my book, it fits in my pocket it just brings about questions. I really do enjoy the vape it was right on the money for my needs. I look forward to your future projects and Ive gotta say for your first vape in a very hard and picky market to break into, you did a hell of a job.


here for the chicks
Soulhunter said:

Overall :I realy liked the unit, but the silicone taste put me off.

Edit: And me being drunk i forgot that my post about the inside of the unit never got posted :p
But to keep it short i took the blunt apart and after smelling avery part of the unit it was the silicone tubing that i was reacting to. And i might be senisitive to silicone, but that was enough for me to look the other way. I am in no way saying that the blunt is not safe to use, i am just pointing out that it did not deliver the flavor experience i was expecting.

After reading this I think you may just need to hang in there a little longer.

From what I gather silicon taste usually disappears once it is properly coated with a layer of resin. Perhaps you could just lend it to a buddy who doesn't mind the taste & try it again after he put a few bowls through it?
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