Vaponic Herbal Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
So I've been struggling a bit since receiving it recently. Probably being too cautious not wanting to combust. Has been shelved for a week or so.

@beyond6strings can you walk me through a session like your describing? Length of time to apply heat, how close is your flame, etc. (Have both a single and dual torch.) Also what's your favorite way to load this thing?

Thanks a bunch!
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Well-Known Member
@dodgy_b I also just recently acquired the Vaponic, but I've been having an easy time learning it...

I feel this is all VERY subjective, but this is how I use it:

- I put a VapCap large o-ring (fat X-shaped condenser o-ring) at the mouthpiece end covering the airflow completely.
- The inner tube remains fully down into the outer one, so it sits centered and tight.
- I use a double torch over the bowl/filter area and count 10-15 secs from cold and 5-8 secs between each subsequent long pull.
- repeat until toasted!

This is a vape I've seen sitting at local shops for years. I needed a break from the VC and all my other vapes have large bowls...

I'm really enjoying the Vaponic, definitely deserves the rising love around here!

It's so fragile you need to care for it. I find that's a big part of it's appeal to me... I'm a soft one!
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Well-Known Member
I put a VapCap large o-ring (fat X-shaped condenser o-ring) at the mouthpiece end covering the airflow completely.

Been thinking about the airflow. Have a mixed bag of vapcap o rings. Which ones are the x rings?

Edit: Omni vs M rings etc. Thanks!
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Space is the Place
Been thinking about the airflow. Have a mixed bag of vapcap o rings. Which ones are the x rings?

I truly see no reason to modify the vaponic, the airflow is what gives you those big tasty amazing hits that you never feel in your lungs.

I heat heat mine in pretty much the same manor and timing as @fachada and find I start getting huge hits on the third heat cycle every time, first cycle is pure taste and no exhaled vapor second cycle is really tasty with a little visible exhaled vapor ( i take one hit on the first cycle, one or two on the second and three after that) the third cycle still produces amazing taste but always with clouds on exhale.

You may need to push it a little past your current comfort zone and risk combustion when getting to know your vaponic, luckily once you get it down combustion happens next to never.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

A few weeks back I broke the inner tube during cleaning while holding a Q-tip with tweezers to reach the very bottom :( My order from Solwe just arrived - I had ordered two of the piece I broke plus one each of the other glass parts, an inner filter, and three concentrate/resin screens. They were kind enough to fulfill some of that order by simply supplying a complete vaponic, which gave me a free rubber piece, PLUS added 5 extra resin screens. Pretty nice, eh? :)


Well-Known Member
@RUDE BOY I'm pretty sure you've used your Vaponic much much more than me. I'm just a beginner, and I do think these are very subjective opinions we share at the forum: That's the reason I posted so little in these 3 years lurking around...

Having said this, I do like to feel the hits in my lungs... I FC'd and quit tobacco at the same time, and I loved smoking cigarettes... vaping is saving my life!

I stand by my airflow adjustment for now. The sessions are much shorter than @RUDE BOY 's: I usually get great vapor right from the start and by the third heating forward I'm just pushing it to dark brown.

Flower of empathy

Sometimes to stupid to become a fool
Accessory Maker
My preferred way to adjust the flow resistance is (more was) to hold the 2 intake holes shut with thumb and index finger and then just turn it a bit between the fingers to change airflow.
Now i adjust it with my lung - to get vapor at the 3./4. draw of a heating cycle (except the first cycle, i only draw 2 times) slow down the draw speed.

Main difference between long and short session is the inner tube works better as heat exchanger the longer the session goes and the slower the draw speed is. Even drawing without getting vapor is beneficial to heat up the inner tube.

Heat up times really depend on torches - even between single flames there can be quite some differences. Additional ambient temp and eg wind at outside use play a huge role...

So instead of counting seconds there are 2 more indicators:
- move your index finger slowly up near the heating line on the outer tube after heating and get a 'feel' for the heat
- stop heating if the flame starts turning yellowish on the glass surface

what's your favorite way to load this thing?
unground whole nugs :nod:

Don't worry to much about combustion, after u think u got it down with the single flame u'll probably combust the first try with a double flame :D but it's quick to clean so no biggie...


Space is the Place
@RUDE BOY I'm pretty sure you've used your Vaponic much much more than me. I'm just a beginner, and I do think these are very subjective opinions we share at the forum: That's the reason I posted so little in these 3 years lurking around...

Sorry if I came off sounding harsh and critical, by all means if that works for you it's all good. Like you said this is all truly subjective.

I know people over in the vapman thread were blocking the air intake too and I've just never seen the advantage of defeating the design that the inventors of these sweet little devices decided on as a final product... but thats just my opinion.

Please continue to express your opinion and sharing your ways of doing things and please don't let buttheads like me keep you away from playing an active part on these pages.

Peace 'n' Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
@RUDE BOY not at all! I was afraid MY post sounded harsh... not to start an apology competition.
Could never thank you and the others enough for all the things I learned over here.

You do have a good point about design. Some of these vapes have been really thought through by their loving makers. But in this case it was @Vaponic Team itself that posted about airflow... And because all my other vapes are very restricted, I found it easier to tame a less free-flowing Vaponic.

@dodgy_b let us know if you found some love for it!


Well-Known Member
Greetings Vaponic lovers from around the globe. I come in :peace:. I've been eyeing this vaporizer for a awhile now. This post by @Vapenvy is really what peaked my interest in the Vaponic.

The Vaponic was what i grabbed in the brief time my nano was out of commission. I find it gives very similar results.

Along with the fw3, this is, for me, the holy trinity of vapes:-

nano-desktop mains power

All bases covered.

With all 3 having a similar vape signature. My favourite. For me that is the uplifting, euphoric, heady type of effects.

The fact that it has outstanding flavor and can be used sans water tool really intrigues me, but I still have a few questions I wanted to see if someone could help me with.

1) I know the Vaponic is already considered a microdoser, but how low can you really go ? I'm looking for something that can use around 0.02 max per bowl. Is this possible with the Vaponic ?

2) I've heard this is a great vape for hash. Do you think this would also be a good vape for caviar/moon rocks ? I'm asking b/c the majority of what I'd be using the Vaponic for would be rosin drenched, kief covered buds.

Thanks for any and all answers. Stay high! :rockon:

Edit: Thanks U2U !
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Flower of empathy

Sometimes to stupid to become a fool
Accessory Maker
1 - yes, the bowl is the smaller than a vapcap
2 - don't get moonrocks here, but it works well with anything in it (with practice of course ;))
Just go for it :rockon:- if u keep breaking it / are lazy with cleaning DIY is cheap - i really like the cheapo on a j hook :nod:...
but having at least one original marker casing for transport is recommended..


Well-Known Member
1 - yes, the bowl is the smaller than a vapcap
2 - don't get moonrocks here, but it works well with anything in it (with practice of course ;))
Just go for it :rockon:- if u keep breaking it / are lazy with cleaning DIY is cheap - i really like the cheapo on a j hook :nod:...
but having at least one original marker casing for transport is recommended..
just add, as already mentioned, that the bowl can be adjustable

1) I know the Vaponic is already considered a microdoser, but how low can you really go ? I'm looking for something that can use around 0.02 max per bowl. Is this possible with the Vaponic ?
It is the king in microsdosis and taster of how many vapes of butane for me

2) I've heard this is a great vape for hash. Do you think this would also be a good vape for caviar/moon rocks ? I'm asking b/c the majority of what I'd be using the Vaponic for would be rosin drenched, kief covered buds.
Serves to vaporize everything, highly recommended for cocentrates by the easy of cleanin


Sober and stoned
It is excellent for microdosing, imagine the smallest dose: you will get a tasty hit in the vaponic.
The vaponic and the elev8r are nowadays the only vapes I use (except a vapcap for a night out). I am not interested in other vapes anymore.
Sticky hash can be vaped rolled in a screen and crumbly hashes go right into the bowl. Great taste, nice clouds and good medication.
And the best is that replacement parts are quite cheap - my recommendation: get a vaponic+ if you decide that you like the original one.


Space is the Place
I use my vaponic a lot more than I ever thought i would. The taste is amazing and the vapor the easiest on my throat and lungs... i still marvel when I blow out a giant cloud when I couldn't "feel" the vapor like with any other vape I've used.

I like my Vaponic plus so much I bought a backup vaponic just in case.

((an aside that may be a "who cares") my herb-guy has used pretty near all my vapes and the ones he chooses to use these days are the Vaponic and vapor genie volta because both give you an amazing flavor profile.)


Indie vaper
@Morty it doesn't look like you need any more convincing, but I will add to all the other recommendations, that the vaponic comes equipped with a screen especially for concentrates. Well, it is just a rolled up SS screen, but still, the manufacturer obviously intended it for that type of use.

Unfortunately, I have not even seen hash in over 20 years, never mind the more exotic stuff you mention, so it has never been used for this purpose in my case.

While it does not need water, I have found that you can stash a half cm silicone ring inside the pen lid, which you can then stretch around the mouthpiece to mate with 14mm joints.

This one still gets regular use in my line up, whenever I can spread out my 'tools' and take my time.



Well-Known Member
Best Vape I've ever owned, and it only cost me 22 quid? :hmm: Hmmmmmm

I've been an avid FC reader for years but never posted, had to now out of respect for the Vaponic. Only fancied getting one about a month ago and now my other vapes are starting to make it into the vape drawer (basically a place where vapes go to die).

It's everything that most of us have been searching for: wide-open airflow, unfathomably smooth/cool vapour, pure flavour, can micro-dose at will and no need to plug in. Just don't drop it I suppose


Well-Known Member
@Vapasmic great first post! The Vaponic was the one that got me posting here too. Unfortunately, I broke my inner tube already... dropped it in it's case, but the inner tube is always quite loose in the bowl area: it shattered despite the protection. I would guess the Plus' wood case doesn't make it less likely to happen...
I need to order some spares!


Well-Known Member
I used the Vaponic plus this week with 'CBD Solid OG Kush' (aka CBD hash) and it tastes delicious. Once the inner tube gets filled with a bit of oil the taste only gets better and better!

Really love the versatility of the Vaponic :tup:
It's everything that most of us have been searching for: wide-open airflow, unfathomably smooth/cool vapour, pure flavour, can micro-dose at will and no need to plug in. Just don't drop it I suppose


Flower of empathy

Sometimes to stupid to become a fool
Accessory Maker
broke my inner tube already... dropped it in it's case, but the inner tube is always quite loose in the bowl area: it shattered despite the protection. I would guess the Plus' wood case doesn't make it less likely to happen...
Guess welcome to the club :D - seems similar to my diy plus casing, the (cheaper) outer tube is good protected, but i'm most the time to lazy to insert the inner tube complete after dumping the load and just place it on top. Then sooner or later i'll knock it over(my casing stands upright) or drop it :doh: with the result of breaking the bowl of the inner tube :ko:
To me added 'security' seems to makes it worse :lol: in comparison i haven't dropped or broken a normal vaponic...


Sober and stoned
It is all about routines: while I broke the outer tube about 5 times in the first year, this is down to 1-2 tubes now. I never broke the inner tube (knocks on wood). I have to admit that all my vapes are made of glass and heated with a torch, so dealing with hot and fragile object has become normal for me (I rarely burn myself nowadays - exceptions confirm the rule, though).


Well-Known Member
I recently saw a Dynavap video about heating tips and for me, the most interesting tip was alcohol lamp. A few days later I modified my salt shaker and took my Vaponic for the spin in a soft flame.

This was one of the best sessions I ever had.
The lights were out, it was completely quiet in the room, no tv, no music, just me, Vaponic and a small alcohol flame.

It was a totally different experience, so relaxing, so soothing.
No loud click from the torch, no hissing from the burning butane, nothing.

I think we all need this from time to time.


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