Abysmal Vapor
Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I have mentioned a few times that Vaponic works best for me with an Alcohol lamp. Maybe a few pages back i have posted a graphic about distance from flame and temp relation.I recently saw a Dynavap video about heating tips and for me, the most interesting tip was alcohol lamp. A few days later I modified my salt shaker and took my Vaponic for the spin in a soft flame.
This was one of the best sessions I ever had.
The lights were out, it was completely quiet in the room, no tv, no music, just me, Vaponic and a small alcohol flame.
It was a totally different experience, so relaxing, so soothing.
No loud click from the torch, no hissing from the burning butane, nothing.
I think we all need this from time to time.
Alcohol lamps are great ,check out the Biovapo. http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/vaponic-herbal-vaporizer.6052/page-26#post-1258521
The flame temperature distribution at different heights of the alcohol burner. The abscissa denotes the vertical height relative to the flame nozzle and the ordinate denotes the corresponding temperature of the symmetrical core of the flame.

I like to hold the vaponic/cheaponic deep into the flame, around the 400-500 mark."
Forgot to add that your should best avoid to use alcohol lamp with vapcaps.. There is too much heat transfer to the area with the rings. Those work better with torches.
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