Still in the honeymoon with VAP3!! so powerfull, so efficient, so cloudy, so easy to use, so precise in temp, so fast in heating, so easy to maintain.
at first i played the "let it sit game" but the extraction would produce a burst of vapor rendering really unefficient. Then i remove the stem every 3 hits, you can actually pull out a hot stem from the vap3 and hit it and get some vapor a bit.

The removing avoids any severe darkening abv. it is where the let it sit goes.
I would really want to see in the stock accessory a straight stem without pinches to have some basket screens to be adjusted. The bowl between the nano screens is containing 0.2g pressed load: total white wall on the last hit before removal. 3/4 removals before nasty non goodies.
all have been clean up several times really fast. exclusively straight bowls, which is a revolution.collecting honey directly with 7-floor pike or SS pads.
The infuser have been dropped because it affects the taste too much by blankishing it.
Very accurate product and i have no sale interests..yet