Well-Known Member
That made me laugh hard! Best first post ever. Hahaha!! That is nice! Thank youAmen to that on both counts. Perhaps the 'best first post ever'?
I'm looking forward to post number two from our new found companion........

I'm reading this thread for a long time but i'm still in page 60. I got a lot of info through all of you (and my friends of course!) and i wanted to give back something. I like fixing staff

Thank you @NorVape ! Are you from Norway? I love that country!
Thank you too @Nugg ! I'm vaping only 2 months now after more that 10 years of disgusting combustion..
I'm very happy my combustion days are over. I'm a taste chaser now

Started with a lotus that a friend gave me and now for one month i'm a proud owner of a pear basic vapman

A small piece of art that is very efficient also!