

Well-Known Member
Amen to that on both counts. Perhaps the 'best first post ever'?

I'm looking forward to post number two from our new found companion........

That made me laugh hard! Best first post ever. Hahaha!! That is nice! Thank you :)

I'm reading this thread for a long time but i'm still in page 60. I got a lot of info through all of you (and my friends of course!) and i wanted to give back something. I like fixing staff :) Up to page 60 i think none has mentioned any serious info about the lighter.

Thank you @NorVape ! Are you from Norway? I love that country!
Thank you too @Nugg ! I'm vaping only 2 months now after more that 10 years of disgusting combustion..
I'm very happy my combustion days are over. I'm a taste chaser now :luv:
Started with a lotus that a friend gave me and now for one month i'm a proud owner of a pear basic vapman ;) Love the little fella!
A small piece of art that is very efficient also!


Well-Known Member
I had mentioned my middle section was darkened around the bottom from heat/resin and decided to char it (thanks to inspiration from @M0J0 :bowdown:), then got carried away and did the whole thing, so here is the almost (didn't remove the pins or clips yet) finished item...

It started the same as my spare on the right just dirty looking after much use, my spare is still unused :mental:I had thought maybe using the charred one for concentrates and the good one for flowers, but every time I open it up and see that shiny shiny bowl I can't bring myself to dirty it :doh:

And with my new screens addition I've been having lots of fun this week:science: the only down side is most of my fingers have been getting pretty burned, it's my own fault for grabbing the screens straight after torching them without blowing to cool them, if my body worked right I would feel it and let go but I don't get the pain, it's the sizzle and smell that get my attention but by then it's too late.

And here is my latest concoction...

Heat/harshness doesn't really bother me but I really like the bloop bloop (that's me doing bubbler noises:D) I guess it comes from my combustion days mainly through bongs/bubblers :shrug:


Well-Known Member
It's from vapefiend for my storm, but will probably see more use with my Vapman,

The silicone part just fits nice on the Vapman middle section (and the curves almost match up a little) and can either cover the air holes or not, I like them covered personally with this setup, I have a budget bubbler (similar to the PnP wt) and I prefer this (storm MP) setup just for ease of use as the bubbler is basically part of the middle section so just holding the silicone part you can twist it off to load/unload and the bubbler doesn't spill when put down (need to shake it hard to get water out, or blow in it) it's also just a nice size not too big not too heavy and matches with the charred look and I get my bloop bloop noises :D


I am a leaf on the wind ~ watch how I soar...
I use mine with Ratchett's water pipe adapter and a DHGate PnP WT knock off, but your solution looked better, @UnshavenFish. Is that one of the Up Tech Bubblers?
Very nice charring job there. :D

The water tool looks like a perfect match too!

Uodate: @vapelander - that was an awesome tutorial. Thanks for sharing!
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Well-Known Member
interesting little thing. does it have a noticeable cooling effect? how heat resistant is the connection part?

It's from vapefiend for my storm, but will probably see more use with my Vapman,

The silicone part just fits nice on the Vapman middle section (and the curves almost match up a little) and can either cover the air holes or not, I like them covered personally with this setup, I have a budget bubbler (similar to the PnP wt) and I prefer this (storm MP) setup just for ease of use as the bubbler is basically part of the middle section so just holding the silicone part you can twist it off to load/unload and the bubbler doesn't spill when put down (need to shake it hard to get water out, or blow in it) it's also just a nice size not too big not too heavy and matches with the charred look and I get my bloop bloop noises :D


Well-Known Member
does it have a noticeable cooling effect?

This is where I'm not too much help as I struggle with hot/cold (they feel almost the same to me, I can tell if something gets hotter or colder in some cases but not all the time) it does seem smoother but I'm not the best judge, I can say my friends have tried it with my storm and with the normal mouthpiece they (not all but most) cough on white temp (max) but using the bubbler mouthpiece they don't (well one does but he coughs even at low temps with any vape) they did say it felt cooler and smoother but not as much as my full size glass (to be expected down to size IMO)

Even with my numbness I would be confident saying it's cooler than stock just down to the glass and extra length of the vapour path, I have seen lots of people recommend using a whip (among other things) on a vape to add cooling, and would guess it's the extra length that comes into play here.

how heat resistant is the connection part?

All guess work on my part here, but it's the same silicone as the normal mouthpiece on the storm which sits on top of the oven (much hotter that the outside of the Vapman) and after going to the trouble of having a isolated vapour path (in the storm) I don't think they would mess up by using sub par silicone :shrug: I would have to check with vapefiend to find out for sure.

The bottom of the bubbler is the same size (diameter) as the top of the Vapman Middle section so they fit together nice (but not held) and the silicone holds them in place, so with the silicone out of the vapour path I don't think it will get to temps that would be any concern even with low temp silicone.


Well-Known Member
Having terrible luck with my torches the last few days :disgust:. Finally got around to ordering 3 of OF's torches but I think the butane quality is the problem. Practically impossible to find good quality stuff in Aus, at least online it seems.

Had one lighter catch on fire in my hands which was fun - had to drop it onto my floor and throw my jumper on top to smother it :lol:.


Well-Known Member
Having terrible luck with my torches the last few days :disgust:. Finally got around to ordering 3 of OF's torches but I think the butane quality is the problem. Practically impossible to find good quality stuff in Aus, at least online it seems.

Had one lighter catch on fire in my hands which was fun - had to drop it onto my floor and throw my jumper on top to smother it :lol:.

I hope your luck will be be better with the three dollar torches, they seem quite reliable. I don't find them at all 'fuel fussy', I assume because of their origin in China (not known for the purest of fuels, unlike say the Koreans). I've purposely fed mine the cheapest fuel I can find here (saving the good stuff for Iolite and 'real lighters'), they soldier on. One, however, is showing it's age. It still works fine, although one of the safeties (the sliding on on the body) no longer works. It's been used enough that the paint is wearing off from handling.

I suspect 3 will last you a very long time. Best wishes on that.



HomeGrownLogs UK log maker
Having terrible luck with my torches the last few days :disgust:. Finally got around to ordering 3 of OF's torches but I think the butane quality is the problem. Practically impossible to find good quality stuff in Aus, at least online it seems.

Had one lighter catch on fire in my hands which was fun - had to drop it onto my floor and throw my jumper on top to smother it :lol:.

I ordered the same style direct from china I got 10 for £1.50 each so yeh about $3 they are very good lighters for the money :)


Well-Known Member
I am hopefull. Strange that those ones have universally good reports considering all the torches operate the same way :shrug:. The last lighter worked when I bought it, then I purged and filled it with my own butane and then it wouldn't even light once! Very annoying. Had to immediately drive back to the shops and buy another haha.

Vapman is still in action though with another currently working torch - so all is not lost :tup:.


Well-Known Member
Having terrible luck with my torches the last few days :disgust:. Finally got around to ordering 3 of OF's torches but I think the butane quality is the problem. Practically impossible to find good quality stuff in Aus, at least online it seems.

Had one lighter catch on fire in my hands which was fun - had to drop it onto my floor and throw my jumper on top to smother it :lol:.

For my hammer and torches I found Newport and ventti at CTC, everything else is horrid I have found :/


Well-Known Member
Can someone give me the best place to buy the Vapman, cheapest place I should have said. Is there such a place and would it sell the accessories too?

Puffitup plus the FC discount is, I believe, the cheapest place. It also depends if you wanted the basic or classic. PIU has aftermarket MPs and Wongs for accessories, but if you're looking for OEM accessories you can try our very own @M0J0 and his website


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
Arrghhh! :doh:

Now I wouldn't usually say that I'm particularly clumsy . . . but seriously y'all, sometimes I am an idiot!

First off I dropped my Vapman, wedged in a glass reducer from about 2ft and bent one of the springy arms :|

Not good.

But no probs, I'll bend it straight me thinx . . .

So I remove the arm & straighten it.


Now all that's left to do is to simply reattach the arm with the tiny screws.

So I pick up the first screw and before I know what is happening I am watching (for some reason completely helplessly) as it slips out of my fingers & onto the rug. I then try to retrieve it with tweezers & a magnet but somehow and before my very eyes, it slowly creeps away from me, down and into a crack under the floor :o


Bugger. It was all slow mo. Why didn't I stop it?! :rant:

Anyway, I thankfully screwed the second one in successfully but of course my little Vapman is now not all that he once was.

This will bug the hell out of me! :freak:

So, guess who's gonna be turning out the garage/shed/digging up the floor this weekend? :worms:

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