

Well-Known Member
Certain organic thermal degradation byproducts have been known to lead to simultaneous corrosion of the underlying copper as well as degradation/erosion of the gold plated layer that was supposed to protect it.

Obviously, those specific organic thermal degradation byproducts are not at play here to my knowledge. Still I would want to see some solid data to convince me that repeated blowtorching on gold plated copper is gonna be safe (not just a lack of specific claims as to why it is unsafe) as I really am trying to get much more health conscious about what I inhale nowadays than ever before.

Still, it may be that such degradation or corrosion could take a very long time to happen, and because the vape can be disassembled, could no doubt be spotted by the user with regular inspection. These guys do provide replacement parts too which should make replacing the offending component not such a problem.

@vapman you have convinced a bunch of my favourite peers around here, but as many FCer's know, I have very high safety standards (perhaps even extremely so in some people's view/s).

So, why is it safe to use the vapman if gold plating has flaked off, exposing the copper to thermal degradation from a torch flame?

What was the gold plating used for in the first place if not to protect the copper from this heat and subsequent oxidization and/or further corrosion/degradation (which is the real concern AFAIK)?

Sorry if it seems like I'm giving you the third degree. Your product seems like it could really suit my needs and safety requirements, but I need to know this 100% before I buy one :)

Edit: Also, the brass inlet tubes. Is it safe for us to torch heat brass (not the aim necessarily but it surely must get hot during use!) and breathe air through it? Also what about thermal degradation byproducts of stuff in butane. I know the butane itself is burned by the time its made a flame from the torch lighter, but common impurities/additives in butane (especially Mercaptans!) really have a nasty taste. Mercaptans (which are present in every kind of tane I can readily buy here) are detectable readily by taste or smell even in the single digits of parts per billion from memory - a little bit can go a long way to ugly tasting vapor.

Perhaps some users can help on this question too - does the vapman have lighter fluid taste to it compared to say the lotus, which does not take air in from the same side of the vape as flame is applied?
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Be here now.
Accessory Maker
I'll only hit one or two of those points, @herbivore21 , but I can assure you that there is no butane taste at all. When I am applying heat with the torch, the device is about a foot away from my face pointing away. By the time I turn off the torch and move the device to my mouth, the air surrounding the inlets is completely different from that which had been there when it was heated.

I'd put the butane exhaust inhalation danger to be significantly safer than being in a kitchen with a gas stove that uses a pilot light. If natural gas in our homes isn't killing us left and right, I'd guess that some indirect inhalation of butane exhaust products as "secondhand vape" is negligible.

Like you, I found the Vapman while searching for an alternative to lithium battery powered units made in China. I simply no longer felt great about using something that I had no idea of the source of the materials, especially when you add microchips that use various heavy metals. I believe such a unit could be safe, I just didn't feel confident that I knew the one I was using was.

My scientific background and just general life experience tells me that materials such as copper, gold, brass, and wood are materials that humans have been using safely in high temperature applications in countless ways for thousands of years. I'd consider all of the materials used to be "generally considered safe for most applications".

Anyway, that's my 2 cent opinion.

Edit: I re-read your post and thought that you might have the misconception that you use the lighter while drawing on the mouthpiece at the same time like with the Lotus. This is not the case with the Vapman. Instead, you heat it up first, and only then do you draw on the mouthpiece.


Well-Known Member
I'll only hit one or two of those points, @herbivore21 , but I can assure you that there is no butane taste at all. When I am applying heat with the torch, the device is about a foot away from my face pointing away. By the time I turn off the torch and move the device to my mouth, the air surrounding the inlets is completely different from that which had been there when it was heated.

I'd put the butane exhaust inhalation danger to be significantly safer than being in a kitchen with a gas stove that uses a pilot light. If natural gas in our homes isn't killing us left and right, I'd guess that some indirect inhalation of butane exhaust products as "secondhand vape" is negligible.

Like you, I found the Vapman while searching for an alternative to lithium battery powered units made in China. I simply no longer felt great about using something that I had no idea of the source of the materials, especially when you add microchips that use various heavy metals. I believe such a unit could be safe, I just didn't feel confident that I knew the one I was using was.

My scientific background and just general life experience tells me that materials such as copper, gold, brass, and wood are materials that humans have been using safely in high temperature applications in countless ways for thousands of years. I'd consider all of the materials used to be "generally considered safe for most applications".

Anyway, that's my 2 cent opinion.

Edit: I re-read your post and thought that you might have the misconception that you use the lighter while drawing on the mouthpiece at the same time like with the Lotus. This is not the case with the Vapman. Instead, you heat it up first, and only then do you draw on the mouthpiece.
Excellent response and you have satisfied me that the brass inlets are not a problem for butane taste :) Thank you! You were right that I had assumed you torch this whilst inhaling like the lotus, the fact that you don't makes me a hell of a lot more comfortable about using this device already!


Be here now.
Accessory Maker
@herbivore21 happy to help. I'd definitely consider myself a purity freak, as I was a quality control analytical chemist in the pharmaceutical industry in a former life. I'm all about safety/purity/potency testing for legal cannabis and the use of the safest possible medical devices.

At this point in time, I own two vaporizers that meet my demand for a device that puts safety and quality of materials first: the Vapman and the E-Nano. Of course, there are others to be found here, I just don't own them, and I'm anxious about some of the possibilities the future holds around here, but the E-Nano and the Vapman are units that I do not want to have to live without no matter what amazing thing comes in the future.


Well-Known Member
@herbivore21 while you are waiting for @vapman 's answers to your questions, you could go back to page 111. starting with a post by @natural farmer there is a discussion on material safety. maybe there you get some of the information you are looking for or are about to ask. :)

Thanks for the page number man, I don't usually tree back in gargantuan threads for popular vaporizers around here because I have to work WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much (around the clock, ugh) to read through a bajillion comments from fellow board members, some of which may be relevant but most of which will not.

I just read through that discussion. Vapman's response kinda confuses me. Sure there might not be a gaseous form of the copper oxides to inhale, but could copper oxide particulates not be suspended in the condensing aerosols that we are inhaling?

Again, the whole point of gold plating copper as a practice IME is to prevent oxidization and further corrosion of the copper. Why on earth bother getting an expensive metal to coat the much cheaper copper when it is fine if the gold plating gets worn off exposing the copper?

I am literally ready to pull the trigger, but this is really bugging me and I wanna be 100% satisfied on particularly this issue before I buy. Maybe I am missing something - I hope so! There is a lot about this vape that is really appealing (especially the size!)
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Well-Known Member
i bet you'll get a more satisfactory explanation from the man himself soon. i just wanted to help you with the wait, as there is nothing wrong with an inquisitve mind when it comes to health concerns. in the end, however, we can try all we want to use only safe vaporizers but nobody can assure the purity of the air that we breathe.
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Well-Known Member
How did the ebony trial go @vapman ?? Was it a success, or did the ebony prove too difficult to work with? Am I dreaming, or did you also mention before, that you would be offering another short run of Limited Edition Yews?

@Seren The vapman station is absorbing a lot of my time at the moment and I am yearning to get back on the yew and ebony. I hope I can finish these in the next couple of weeks, making vapman(s) is my favorite occupation but all the other stuff around it is keeping me away from it. I keep you informed about it, thank you for asking.:)

@herbivore21 Hello and welcome to the vapman thread!:)
As a lot of the lovely people on this thread already tried to convince you about the safety of vapman, there is not much I can add to this topic, really. I could point out again, that vapman is unchanged on the market for 10 years already without any issues what so ever and that I did a lot of research about copper. Why the gold coating! Because it looks better and it doesn`t cost a fortune, that`s all. Again, I use copper and gold, because these are very safe materials for a vaporizer. I don`t want to be cheeky but what are the vaporizers you are listing, made of? How long have these materials been tested? Don`t get me wrong, I am by no means saying that they are not safe, I am only asking.
Do you know that vineyards get sprayed with copper oxides against fungus? They do it with helicopters. With this I just want to say that we are all surrounded by copper every day of our live and nobody, except you can change that, has come up so far with a particular case of copper intoxication.
Vapman is as safe a vaporizer can be, if you can prove the opposite, I will stop making them today!:nod:
Actually I am waiting for years already, that someone with lots of knowledge would come up and prove that vapman is not safe, this would be the certificate I am waiting for.
I can understand other peoples fears and worries and have honestly great respect for this. I am a very careful person myself, I mainly eat organically produced foods only. My political orientation is very green and this since I can remember, I would never do anything I am not believing in myself, never ever. I know, this is no scientific prove, I am just introducing myself to you, so you might get an idea of what sort of person I am. If you are not sure about all this I just wrote and if you think that this is all a lot of bulls….I really understand this, I don`t want anybody using vapman with an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach. Vaporizing is breathing, and breathing is life, vaporizers are extremely intimate and personal objects. I truly wish you all the best, with or without vapman!:nod: Just one more thing. I warn you in case you still want to get one, you could fall madly in love with vapman, just like lots of members on this thread and expose yourself with love letters about a vaporizer.;)Now you can`t say I didn`t warn you.:lol:

I wish you all a very nice day!

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Be here now.
Accessory Maker
@vapman and @herbivore21 One thing I noticed when I was researching these devices was the fact that @vapman really doesn't make a big deal about the gold coating as anything more than a suitable material from an engineering perspective for coating copper to minimize oxidation over time. It would be very easy and probably tempting for most to play up the 24k gold coating for the bling bling factor. The fact that he doesn't do this further emphasizes that the gold is only there for a functional reason, and is an extra thing @vapman has done to coat the bowl with a material that is very resistant to chemical reactions.


Well-Known Member
Again, the whole point of gold plating copper as a practice IME is to prevent oxidization and further corrosion of the copper. Why on earth bother getting an expensive metal to coat the much cheaper copper when it is fine if the gold plating gets worn off exposing the copper?

I am literally ready to pull the trigger, but this is really bugging me and I wanna be 100% satisfied on particularly this issue before I buy. Maybe I am missing something - I hope so! There is a lot about this vape that is really appealing (especially the size!)

As has been said, the plating is mostly cosmetic I think. It's not all that expensive to do really, provided you have the correct facility (IIRC Cyanide is involved in the process, you need really nasty stuff precisely because Gold is so intert). So while a really tiny amount is needed (a few atomic layers really) the waste disposal issue is important. Consider all the cheap jewelery around that's gold plated? VM is neither cheap or jewelery I think, but the same shops that do that work would no doubt do VMs as well.

I'm also not concerned about copper oxides in general. We live in a world of it, it's what makes the pennies in your pocket red. Well at least the more common version (Cu20). The other common one, CuO, so called 'black oxide' is much harder to form and less stable (it reverts back to Cu2O). Both are hazardous, but not really toxic, compared to other things in life. Pennies are not health issues, thankfully for the huge numbers of kids that eat them.

Ironically if this didn't happen we'd have 'one Gold colored cent' as an expression rather than "one red cent"? The stuff is everywhere, really.

I get it you're uncomfortable, although because of my background and training I don't share those particular concerns. I remain 'big on safety', but temper that with the specific threat levels involved. For instance I know that the 'toxic mystery fumes' from poorly cured food grade rubber seals often used is neither a mystery or toxic. I have two suggestions. First consider Bender, it's 100% all glass on the herb side. Nothing else. Heating is really done by radiation (notice guys the source is glowing hot, like 1400 degrees F hot......) so perhaps you'd have no worries there?

My second suggestion is to get the VM and religiously check the Gold inside. I'm sure what you'll find is what the overwhelming majority of us have, it stays pristine if you don't mess with it. But if you do detect any degradation simply discard it and get a new one? You should be easily able to detect it before any copper is exposed. VM is, in addition to it's other neat properties, quite reasonably priced IMO.

Good luck with your decision. I'm with those who think once you have seen and tried VM you'll enjoy it. But lingering safety concerns will spoil that?



Well-Known Member
@herbivore21 Hello and welcome to the vapman thread!:)
As a lot of the lovely people on this thread already tried to convince you about the safety of vapman, there is not much I can add to this topic, really. I could point out again, that vapman is unchanged on the market for 10 years already without any issues what so ever and that I did a lot of research about copper. Why the gold coating! Because it looks better and it doesn`t cost a fortune, that`s all. Again, I use copper and gold, because these are very safe materials for a vaporizer. I don`t want to be cheeky but what are the vaporizers you are listing, made of? How long have these materials been tested? Don`t get me wrong, I am by no means saying that they are not safe, I am only asking.
Do you know that vineyards get sprayed with copper oxides against fungus? They do it with helicopters. With this I just want to say that we are all surrounded by copper every day of our live and nobody, except you can change that, has come up so far with a particular case of copper intoxication.
Vapman is as safe a vaporizer can be, if you can prove the opposite, I will stop making them today!:nod:
Actually I am waiting for years already, that someone with lots of knowledge would come up and prove that vapman is not safe, this would be the certificate I am waiting for.
I can understand other peoples fears and worries and have honestly great respect for this. I am a very careful person myself, I mainly eat organically produced foods only. My political orientation is very green and this since I can remember, I would never do anything I am not believing in myself, never ever. I know, this is no scientific prove, I am just introducing myself to you, so you might get an idea of what sort of person I am. If you are not sure about all this I just wrote and if you think that this is all a lot of bulls….I really understand this, I don`t want anybody using vapman with an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach. Vaporizing is breathing, and breathing is life, vaporizers are extremely intimate and personal objects. I truly wish you all the best, with or without vapman!:nod: Just one more thing. I warn you in case you still want to get one, you could fall madly in love with vapman, just like lots of members on this thread and expose yourself with love letters about a vaporizer.;)Now you can`t say I didn`t warn you.:lol:

I wish you all a very nice day!

Greetings Vapman,

First of all, thank you for your time taken in reading my responses carefully (which I noted watching your notifications of likes on each post as they came through in real time lol). I also appreciate your being forthcoming that you are not yourself a scientist and that you want to be clear about where you are coming from. Nonetheless, it is clear that you are at the very least a gifted craftsman and a gracious interlocutor for taking the time to respond to me. Obviously you don't need to be a scientist to make a great vaporizer with safe materials - so onto talking about the topic at hand on merits rather than appeals to credentials:

Even if for some reason I could conclusively show that your current choice of copper/gold plating was definitely unsafe, I would hate to think you would stop producing it - I really do like so much about your product and I'm sure even in this case, all that would need to be done would be to use another material! ;)

I really do take your point that copper is everywhere and in fact we (alongside many other species of animal) actually need it to live. I also understand copper oxide can be sprayed on grapes. However, cumulative exposure is one consideration with poisons - as such, we need to ensure that we are careful to avoid any exposure where possible (the aforementioned incidental exposures are the kinds that we can't so easily or directly control so ourselves!).

Furthermore, whilst it may be safe for copper to be used in multitudes of applications, the temps of the melting point of copper and the flame that a butane torch lighter can create are very similar figures! This is where my concerns arose - deforming material in the vapor path is never something I am comfortable with!

However, it occurs to me that the herbal material could not possibly be directly heated by a butane torch flame until the whole piece of gold plated copper (which is an excellent heat conductor!) was at torch flame temps (over 1000c) without combusting said herb super quickly. As such, I assume the flame does not have so much direct contact with the heater pan to allow the gold plated copper part to reach anywhere near such temps except in extreme overheating. This allays a lot of my concern.

I also realize that in the event that the gold plating came off and the copper could oxidize I could simply replace the component or product.

So, my next question is this - how long do you believe a vapman used to vaporize mostly melty (but not full-melt) bubble and flowers would take before the gold plating started to flake off (for a user who is careful to a fault about only doing low temperature dabs)?

Of course, I understand you couldn't give me an exact timeframe (lol @ that idea) but could you provide an approximate timeframe, like could I expect a year reasonably before any such flaking/oxidizing?

Also in the event I do accidentally overheat whilst medicated - is it possible to simply get a replacement copper/gold plated heater pan in the event of eventual flaking if I wanted to? Is this something a reasonably handy user could reasonably replace themselves (before I was a scientist, I was a technician working with a broad variety of consumer and industrial electronics). If not, this is still not necessarily an issue depending on how long the gold plating is likely to last because your product is reasonably priced.

Also when is the heating station going to be available? It sounds great!

Finally, I hope you also have a great day too, my friend!


Vape Rictim
@herbivore21 I use a lot of non melt but high quality hash, some oil and a little bit of weed and I haven't seen any flaking. And this is after dirtying my bowl with overfilling the hash screens, iso wiping and scratching off stuck hash. My bowl looks worn because of the heavy hash use, and I also detached it in the process, so you can say it's been put through the test.

Still no gold flaking. I have no scientific credentials to determine material safety, but I really can't understand how people have gotten the gold to flake of.
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If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
tomorrow is vapman station day :rockon: we will know its price :rockon:

such a difficult months april :bang: VM station is coming out, maybe and finally GH firsts real shipment to a FC member (really ?) and all vape shop in the world making absurds discounts. grasscity is already 30% off on all articles until the end of the month

and salary stays the same :bang:

such a difficult month :hmm:


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
I hammer my VM and I'm yet to see any degradation of the gold. I can say from experience that if it was easy to flake the gold within the limits of normal use I would have done it by now.

I wouldn't worry about the flaking, vm probs just says that to cover himself.

BTW i've never 'cleaned' my bowl. no ISO, no scraping, just normal use.


Well-Known Member
@herbivore21 Thank you for the post! It helps me to realize that a couple of things are not clear for you.

The Gold only flakes off at 600°C/1112°F, this is three times the temperature needed for vaporizing botanicals. Therefore you have to heat up more than three times (because the heat radiation also increases) longer than normally needed! This doesn`t happen by accident. The gold flakes off because of the very thin layer of zinc between the gold and the copper. Zinc has not the same heat expansion factor as copper and at high temperatures it starts to flake off. Without the zinc layer, the gold coating would diffuse in to the copper. As long you don`t over heat severely and you don`t scrape out the bowl with hard tools, the coating will stay on there just like the gold coatings on the pharaos in the Egyptian pyramids. Gold is for ever!

Even the flame is around 1200°C/2160°F at the tip, it doesn't mean the copper gets that hot on the spot where the flame is touching the bowl. Not at all! Copper is such a brilliant conducter, that it is hardly any hotter on the touching spot than on the other side of the bowl. The bowl can be heated up for a million times and it would still look and weight the same.
I have used a vapman for testing reasons every day over a period of 8 years and the bowl looks still like on day one. I am not talking about how clean the bowl is, just the gold coating. BTW, the test was not about the bowl, it is scientifically known that there is nothing happening when heating up a copper bowl, I am not the first human using a copper pan.:lol: The test was about the wood, nobody before me had a vapman and I wanted to know how long the wood would hold the three screws holding the tubes and the bowl. It is still holding, which I could not expect. Even I made vapman, this thing amazes me as much as eveyone else.



I am a leaf on the wind ~ watch how I soar...
Ok guys. Convince me to get a vapman.

Greetings Herb,

I usually help answer people's questions on this thread, but I have not answered any of yours...

The main reason is that (in my opinion), you start off on the wrong foot by saying, "Convince me to get a vapman."

After reading your posts, you say yo have all this technical expertise, which makes me wonder why you need convincing in the first place? You should be able to come to yor own conclusion as to the safety of this, and any other vaporizer you plan to buy and use.

Furthermoore, ALL of the questions you asked, ahve already been answered on this thread, but you stated that you do not want to go through the trouble of reading the thread to find them.

I find this a bit disrespectful to the people who have put in the time to write lengthy aswers to these questions, which you decide not to read and then ask them to go through the time and trouble to re-write them, only so you don't have to go through the slight trouble of reading older posts, which the forum's search option makes rather simple and quick.

I'm surprsed that @vapman took the time out of his busy chedule to re-write things that he, and others have already written.

Lastly, by asking someone to "convince you to buy" this, or any other vaporizer, you are just shifting the responsibility away from yourself (which is wherre is truly lies), onto someone else. Then if you do buy a vapman, and you get scared about ccopper oxidation poisoning, you'll be able to blame others for convincing you to buy what you knew was "bad" in the first place...

I do not recommend that you buy a vapman, and I do not recommend that you buy any other vaporizer either.

Actually, I would not recommend you to inhale anything other than air in an Oxigen Vacuum chamber, lest you will inhale any posibly harmful molecule into your lungs which could make you sick...

I'm sorry if I come off a bit trite, but going into a forum and pretending that everyone there serve you like a prince because you admitedly do not want to go through the slight trouble of reading is a bit insulting to the people that put in their valuable time into a forum, with the best intentions to help others, for free...

You really should value and respect the time that these fine people graciously and wholeheartedly give to this forum.

My time is very valuable and I have already wasted way too much of it by typing this response.

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you." ~ Master Yoda​
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Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
I have pulled something out of the combustion box. Lol
I was best man in my friend's wedding. while on his honeymoon in Jamaica he picked me up this pipe.I'm trying to continue using it with my Vapman it is a work in progress.It's going to be hell to get to taste of combustion of this pipe.




Had to show you the awesome Bob Marley carving done by locals. Lol


... As a box of ....
Greetings Vapman,

First of all, thank you for your time taken in reading my responses carefully (which I noted watching your notifications of likes on each post as they came through in real time lol). I also appreciate your being forthcoming that you are not yourself a scientist and that you want to be clear about where you are coming from. Nonetheless, it is clear that you are at the very least a gifted craftsman and a gracious interlocutor for taking the time to respond to me. Obviously you don't need to be a scientist to make a great vaporizer with safe materials - so onto talking about the topic at hand on merits rather than appeals to credentials:

Even if for some reason I could conclusively show that your current choice of copper/gold plating was definitely unsafe, I would hate to think you would stop producing it - I really do like so much about your product and I'm sure even in this case, all that would need to be done would be to use another material! ;)

I really do take your point that copper is everywhere and in fact we (alongside many other species of animal) actually need it to live. I also understand copper oxide can be sprayed on grapes. However, cumulative exposure is one consideration with poisons - as such, we need to ensure that we are careful to avoid any exposure where possible (the aforementioned incidental exposures are the kinds that we can't so easily or directly control so ourselves!).

Furthermore, whilst it may be safe for copper to be used in multitudes of applications, the temps of the melting point of copper and the flame that a butane torch lighter can create are very similar figures! This is where my concerns arose - deforming material in the vapor path is never something I am comfortable with!

However, it occurs to me that the herbal material could not possibly be directly heated by a butane torch flame until the whole piece of gold plated copper (which is an excellent heat conductor!) was at torch flame temps (over 1000c) without combusting said herb super quickly. As such, I assume the flame does not have so much direct contact with the heater pan to allow the gold plated copper part to reach anywhere near such temps except in extreme overheating. This allays a lot of my concern.

I also realize that in the event that the gold plating came off and the copper could oxidize I could simply replace the component or product.

So, my next question is this - how long do you believe a vapman used to vaporize mostly melty (but not full-melt) bubble and flowers would take before the gold plating started to flake off (for a user who is careful to a fault about only doing low temperature dabs)?

Of course, I understand you couldn't give me an exact timeframe (lol @ that idea) but could you provide an approximate timeframe, like could I expect a year reasonably before any such flaking/oxidizing?

Also in the event I do accidentally overheat whilst medicated - is it possible to simply get a replacement copper/gold plated heater pan in the event of eventual flaking if I wanted to? Is this something a reasonably handy user could reasonably replace themselves (before I was a scientist, I was a technician working with a broad variety of consumer and industrial electronics). If not, this is still not necessarily an issue depending on how long the gold plating is likely to last because your product is reasonably priced.

Also when is the heating station going to be available? It sounds great!

Finally, I hope you also have a great day too, my friend!

I find that a bit creepy your "watching in real time" to see if your being read :ugh:
Here's some Swiss metal you do need to worrie about
Oh the singers name is .....René lol


Well-Known Member
Furthermoore, ALL of the questions you asked, ahve already been answered on this thread, but you stated that you do not want to go through the trouble of reading the thread to find them.

I find this a bit disrespectful to the people who have put in the time to write lengthy aswers to these questions, which you decide not to read and then ask them to go through the time and trouble to re-write them, only so you don't have to go through the slight trouble of reading older posts, which the forum's search option makes rather simple and quick.

I'm surprsed that @vapman took the time out of his busy chedule to re-write things that he, and others have already written.

Amen. Thanks for saying so so clearly.

I too at first 'held off' for basically the same reasons, we all agreed to follow the rules which say (amongst other things:
  • Lurk before posting. Please search and read before posting to see if your topic is already covered.
  • Read threads before posting in them. Thread rules may be outlined in the first post.
It's true we get a lot of 'I'm too busy to bother, so you tell me....'. I too usually respond to such posts, but I too found this episode exceptional (and not in a good way?).

Also in there is another rule we agreed to abide by:
  • If you have a question or comment regarding material safety, post it in General Discussion. Do not post it in a model thread.
I considered reporting it on that basis but decided not to as the 'this isn't really safe, is it' specter had been raised and as the saying goes 'you can't unring the bell'. It's your other point, someone was going to have to respond and I too would rather the genuine VM his own self keep working on the heating station. We differ a bit here, I wasn't surprised when he patiently went through it again.....he's that sorta guy it seems.

I'm not sure I agree 'search works simple and quick'. I can usually use it to refind (is that a word?) stuff, but new stuff needs Google search or lots of time for me to get results. Still, lots of good information also comes from the least it does for me usually. No way around it a hundred pages of posts is daunting one post at a time.

Next time I think I'll handle it differently. At least I hope I will. Not that the OP didn't have valid concerns, but it could have been done better. Starting with sticking to the rules?

And I sincerely hope the OP finds true vape happiness, but I think putting his mind at ease has to happen first?

Thanks again for the post. It's helped put my thoughts in order too.


Hahaha! I don't speak any of the languages they speak in Switzerland, but what language is he singing in, Dog? :shrug:

Doesn't everyone understand English if you say it slowly and loudly enough?



Well-Known Member

Been there, done that, you're spot on. In my traveling days I'd carry a small Sony dual conversion SW to listen to VOA and BBC World Service. My link with the real world (home).

Somehow 'Special English' reminded me of the kids in grade school that rode to school in that short bus and had their own playground (with better equipment, of course).

Thanks for the memory.



... As a box of ....
Hahaha! I don't speak any of the languages they speak in Switzerland, but what language is he singing in, Dog? :shrug:
I dunno dog but its rude !

I been meaning to ask where/how you all first heard about vapman if not here on FC ?.
I seen it here its a Facebook page well worth a laugh .

South Africans Against Dagga and Satan
July 25, 2014 ·

This small vaporator is known as a "VAPMAN!"

Dagga addicts using this device are virtually undetectable! It doesn't make smoke but a fine "VAPOUR" - the satanic soul of the dagga which is THOUSANDS of times stronger and contains at least twice as many dagga demons.

It is ASTOUNDING that a website is allowed to sell this right here in South Africa!

Vapman Portable Vaporizer - Vape Store South Africa
Vapman Vaporizer is a unique portable vaporizer imported exclusively by Vape Store, South Africa's largest online vaporizers retailer.
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