I was about to pick up a screen but the $16 shipping on a $5 screen is making me reconsider.
I was about to pick up a screen but the $16 shipping on a $5 screen is making me reconsider.
I was about to pick up a screen but the $16 shipping on a $5 screen is making me reconsider.
I was having the same issue when I was gonna order the screens yesterday and than this morning I got an e-mail from Rene @ element-medical stating:If i wasn't picking up a kit to give as a B'day gift I think I would hold off and fashion my own screens too, I couldn't believe the $16 shipping fee either when i was checking out and decided i would wait until next week since i want to give a VM to my nephew for his B'day next month and add Them to that order so shipping is free. So hoping they don't sell out this batch of screens by the 3rd.
Great news, looks like I'll be emailing her.I was having the same issue when I was gonna order the screens yesterday and than this morning I got an e-mail from Rene @ element-medical stating:
"We noticed that you wanted to buy some sieves for concentrates and you probably
thought that the shipping is very expensive, which is the case, indeed. Our shop does
not allow us to have different shipping prices for different products, this is not ideal, as a
lighter costs far more to send than a few sieves. Please send us your order and address to this email
address and the shipping will cost only half as much as ordering through the shop.
Thank you,
René Balli"
So I guess maybe try to purchase the screens than leave them in your "cart" for a day and see if you too get an e-mail.
Happy Vaping!
fu** VAS i am considering buying a vapman (i already bought me a lotus)... so do you think that the new sieve will be included when you buy a vapman (in the future) or do i have to buy it extra... because at verdampftnochmal a web shop it is not included and you also can not buy the sieve there... and i don t want to pay for the shipping from vapman only for the sieve... (i am not ordering directly from vapman because i would have to pay extra tax for importing which would cost me in the end more then ordering from verdampftnochmal) otherwise if you think it will be included in the future (and if future is not longer then one month) i would maybe wait... sorry i know it is a question to ask the fortune teller but yeahhh maybe some one knows... and on the other hand if i make a false decission i can can blame it on otherone![]()
Awesome Seren,Max over at Lotus did a similar thing and shipped the lotus plate kit in a plain envelope for a few dollars.If you're thinking of just buying the concentrates screen from Vapman - here's a message I received earlier......
"Regarding the sieves, we are aware of the high shipping costs when only ordering sieves. The only solution at the moment is to write an email to us and we do an invoice manually with a lower shipping fee"
I have ditched the funnel, my fingers are too big to manipulate it easily.