

Well-Known Member
They asked me which was a huge surprise because I had only had my first (secondhand) vapman for about two weeks at the time. I posted a few times here about how much I was loving my original Swiss device and received a message with the other users who were invited. It seemed to be a mix of veterans and newbies from what I gleamed: myself being the most green behind the ears.
This is different from someone who’s never used a VM before. Was anyone asked who wasn’t on FC? You know, like Vaporents, maybe…


Well-Known Member
Most people want an indicator or some form of temperature control for their devices. That's what makes the Vapman such a niche piece as a purely manual vaporizer. The new model while having it's own compatibility issues within the overall ecosystem (that are yet to be addressed) seems to be meant as a more accessible device for users that are new to vaporizers entirely or who were previously put off with the Vapman's non-indicative-of-vaporizer-temperature nature.

For me, the Vapman Click makes it much easier to use in stormy conditions. It works on the station, ignoring the lights and waiting for the click. But I personally would not use the station for this one, it's outdoors where the new version is much better than the old one. Of course there is the bigger sized pan which is now a wok... that's fine as well. I tend to heat it a bit higher than the click temperature. For new users, the Vapman Click is definitely easier, no learning curve here.
I totally agree, in my opinion the new Vapman is for those who like to have a larger pan, built-in temperature & airflow control and like to use the vaporizer mobile and outdoors. Fortunately, it is still not forbidden to use it on the sofa.:D

As before, it is made of largely food-safe materials, easy to repair, durable and a small masterpiece of design with surprisingly efficient and economical function.

There will always be people who prefer a different product and that's fine. The existing Vapman users are probably not the main target group, which means that it is very clever marketing to open up to new customer groups and what better way to do this than with innovation!

Price still “embargoed?”
First rule: Don't talk about the price-club!:D

The test group only received very rough information about the price (because of the voluntary cost sharing).
Michael and David will announce the exact prices in due course.

(As every experienced businessman and responsible sales person knows, prices for new products are often not so easy to calculate as there are many variables. That's why you don't want to disappoint customers in advance with false or inaccurate information.)

Was anyone asked who wasn’t on FC? You know, like Vaporents, maybe…
Why is this topic of testers so ultimately exciting for you?
What is the motivation behind needing to know everything in such detail?
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Well-Known Member
I totally agree, in my opinion the new Vapman is for those who like to have a larger pan, built-in temperature & airflow control and like to use the vaporizer mobile and outdoors. Fortunately, it is still not forbidden to use it on the sofa.

As before, it is made of largely food-safe materials, easy to repair, durable and a small masterpiece of design with surprisingly efficient and economical function.

There will always be people who prefer a different product and that's fine. The existing Vapman users are probably not the main target group, which means that it is very clever marketing to open up to new customer groups and what better way to do this than with innovation!

First rule: Don't talk about the price-club!

The test group only received very rough information about the price (because of the voluntary cost sharing).
Michael and David will announce the exact prices in due course.

(As every experienced businessman and responsible sales person knows, prices for new products are often not so easy to calculate as there are many variables. That's why you don't want to disappoint customers in advance with false or inaccurate information.)

Why is this topic of testers so ultimately exciting for you?
What is the motivation behind needing to know everything in such detail?
I’m curious and trying to determine whether this device is right for my needs. Part of that is critically assessing the information being presented here. Why are you irritated by being asked?

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Why are you irritated by being asked?
I think the title under your name clearly shows were the irritation really is.

Edit, for posterity :

As many have observed today, I'm probably not the target for this new Vapman XL. But I suspect I would love it if I had never spent time with the OG.
Honestly I wasn't the target either. I have my torching technique down since a decade and I'm totally satisfied with my Swiss units. I don't even have an Italian vapman, let alone a 2.0
Yet I know I will buy a retail unit on December 1st. Partly to support Michael and David because I'm glad they made me a part of this adventure and also because now I'm spoiled. If I never had this prototype I wouldn't have been interested in this iteration. The device is that good.
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
This is my primary concern. I am glad to see the consensus is that this is still a vapman. I don't really mind that the device continues to evolve. I still have mine and no one is forcing them to upgrade. I suspect the will outlive me by quite a bit.

As many have observed today, I'm probably not the target for this new Vapman XL. But I suspect I would love it if I had never spent time with the OG.

We'll see if there are any more surprises to reveal! I suspect they won't have any trouble selling out on December 1st in any case!

Viva Vapman!
I totally respect what you are saying...but, please as a Vapman user that you I am of the OG's,,,trying the new model is a delight. It does stand up to the OG's in many have the advantage of a bigger bowl if you need. You do not have to fill it up...and also, the CLICKS are truly a great thing for the outdoors. Please give it a shot. I think truly you will be so very pleasantly surprised. I am. I love it.


Smells like popcorn
I’m curious and trying to determine whether this device is right for my needs. Part of that is critically assessing the information being presented here. Why are you irritated by being asked?
It's not irritating but your overall tone and the fact that you changed your profile tag to what's obviously a passive aggressive remark towards people who had no ill will towards you make you come off as confrontational at best and malicious at worst.

I'm trying to answer your questions to the best of my ability but in the end all the information we are at the liberty to give out is in the hands of the manufacturers who asked for the opinions of people they chose for reasons that are their own.

I'll continue to answer your questions as well as I can as I'm sure will the rest of us "beta testers" but please don't be surprised when the way you interact with people leaves a certain impression.



Smells like popcorn
On a lighter note here's a neat photo of the Ovangkol original I recently acquired from René.

It's a nice well lit Sunday here in the desert so I thought this beauty deserved a close up after the last full family photo shoot in my crappy indoor lighting.



Unregulated Tendencies
As a beta tester, it was easy to look at the feature set and think “it’s just an OG with a click disc and a bigger bowl.” In practice, the whole has proved greater than its parts.

Yes, the bowl is bigger, but it still microdoses like a champ. When I first began testing, I deliberately started with my typical OG load. I went solely off the click and got solid results. The surprise was how smoothly the experience scaled— still only following the click, more material meant more flavor, more vapor, and more effects. No need to change the draw or heating; it just keeps up.

What I also didn’t anticipate was how much easier the larger, straight-sided bowl is to load. It works great with the funnel but you can also drop in a pinch commando with ease. With the OG pan, I’ll always need the funnel and a level of care. Day-in day-out as well as on-the-go, it’s a noticeable upgrade.

At first blush, the click discs seem geared toward people intimidated by the OG’s unregulated style, but the reality is more rewarding. If I’m watching a movie, I just need to keep an ear out for the click. Heating an OG isn’t difficult but between the counting and torching, pause/rewind is inevitable. Sometimes you want ritual, others you want invisible. With the new unit, you can have both.

As others have mentioned, you can use the new Vapman the same way you use the OG. What’s great is how the changes open up a new set of use cases. I’d never puff and pass an OG but the new Vapman gives you that option, even with a complete noob.

If I want the mindful, meditative “classic” Vapman ritual, I’ll still reach for my OGs. Nothing quite matches the experience, as close as the new one gets (that might be the 3-hole Vap-flute talking, lol). But if I just want to kick back and get lifted after a long day, I’m happy the new one is here.
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I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
As a beta tester, it was easy to look at the feature set and think “it’s just an OG with a click disc and a bigger bowl.” In practice, the whole has proved greater than its parts..

Nothing quite matches the experience, as close as the new one gets (that might be the 3-hole Vap-flute talking, lol). But if I just want to kick back and get lifted after a long day, I’m happy the new one is here.
I think this review is the clincher for me.

Thankyou and to others for posting such helpful info.

I share the frustration that the independence of previously straight talking FCers has been needlessly compromised by the requirements of their sponsors (did it really matter what day the click discs were revealed? Really?) but this feels like a helpfully direct review.

Perhaps similar diligence will now be extended to the spelling on the Nowinhale website. I'm happy to treat now inhale as a mom and pop enterprise (and extend the benefit of the doubt) so long as they don't adopt a bullshit corporate approach to their marketing.

I'm keeping an open mind for now. They make good vapes and seem like decent folks. I'm not sure this particular episode has covered them in glory.


Well-Known Member
The Click is great outdoors, even on a chilly evening. Here's where the new features really shine, they mitigate the challenges of outdoor use without really changing the character of the experience very much. It allows you to be a little more in the moment.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Perhaps similar diligence will now be extended to the spelling on the Nowinhale website.
This is a real concern. And @Dr. G is pressuring them to do so, don't worry.

Sorry if we've been annoying but that's what happen when you hire a bunch of stoners to do your advertising without much framework...
Mmmmm… I got nice sesh of Sky Master and suddenly got maybe interest idea)))
Simple electrical circuit, something like Nomad, without any control, only on/off:
26650 that connected through on/off switch directly to nichrome wire, that wrapped around ceramic base. Nichrome wire and ceramic base suppose to be in shape of conus, that vapman pan will seat inside.

I don’t understand nothing in this stuff, but GPT say, that it’s possible, and even write, that I will need 8cm length, 0.2 mm wide wire to get 850 C, and 26650 will hold 3 hours!
Anybody, who understand in this stuff, is it real? Of course it will be pain in the ass to thermoisolate, but in general, does it look possible?


How Soon Is Now?
i wanted to say something that adds to the whole usability with the station topic. i have a station but don't use it often. but that's on another page.

i love the ritual of using a torch.

and i found the click is pretty much made for it (like the OG was invented for it in the first place) and it works absolutely perfect for me.

due to the fact that i mostly vape on the balcony i had unwillingly to test it up to -2° celsius and it always worked. there was no combusting due to the pan maybe cooling too much outside and the click could be delayed. none of that. it was always consistent and always delivered like it was used inside. the click always came on point. it maybe was a bit faster with the click back cause it cooled down quicker. but for me this is nearly the perfect device for using outside.

and the invented things that came with the click were adressing a lot of the demands i heard from several users. so let me maybe throw in the improvements that we saw since the OG until the click:

  • cooling spiral (not needed for me but a lot like it)
  • airflow optimization with the possibility of restricting the airflow in the first place.
  • airport is much more easy to be feathered and used like in other devices.
  • metal liner to protect the wood from any reclaim and getting pretty much soaked and charred over the time (for me THE best invention ever!) and easy cleaning. and its really easy like pulling out, putting in cleaning solution, putting back in. done.
  • click in screens. no hustle dealing with fiddly little screws (that over time when they are often put in and out could also get a bit loose due to the continous drilling of a tiny wood hole)
  • bigger pan with much more capacity
  • audio/click feedback for desired/needed vaping temperature. which is much more easy to use for most users (i know the veterans say it was easy before. but i know A LOT people that disliked the vapman because they can't get used to that)
  • "automatc" stirring because of the vibration of the click discs. (not really needed for me and i haven't found out if it really works with the amount i am loading the device but cool its there)
  • new mouthpieces

i hope that i did not forget anything but for me thats a lot! and more than other devices did get in the same time. and all of them suit the vapman very good. nothing massively overengineered. but well thought out and always the usability in focus. all by not adding much of a price increase (looking at the companies that add a new feature to a vape which then costs like 50 squids more) and always trying to help the users not the money pocket.

sorry for the maybe hard to read text but english is not my first language. but i wanted to throw in something for all the critics that might help you to find another way to look at all the way this little thing has taken.
due to the fact that i mostly vape on the balcony i had unwillingly to test it up to -2° celsius and it always worked. there was no combusting due to the pan maybe cooling too much outside and the click could be delayed. none of that. it was always consistent and always delivered like it was used inside. the click always came on point.



Ok. My part of r&d ended here)))) anyone who wants experiment - you are welcome!
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How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
Little late to the click party but my :2c: on the click is that it serves as the perfect benchmark for flavourful sessions but the click is also different from say a dyna or anvil in the sense that you don’t need to respect the click so much. If you want to crank up the session and get some big powerful hoots you can push it past the click with ease and without fear of combustion (unless of course you get over zealous with it). I find I go a good 4-6 seconds past the click to get the results I’m looking for.


is this thing on?
Little late to the click party but my :2c: on the click is that it serves as the perfect benchmark for flavourful sessions but the click is also different from say a dyna or anvil in the sense that you don’t need to respect the click so much. If you want to crank up the session and get some big powerful hoots you can push it past the click with ease and without fear of combustion (unless of course you get over zealous with it). I find I go a good 4-6 seconds past the click to get the results I’m looking for.
Right there with you. It clicks in the terpy area but with the torch I like to go quite a bit higher, I do this with most of my vapes. You will get there as well while going with the click, it's just a more stretched out session. That's a good decision for the Vapman, if you like it hotter from the start you simply give it a bit more torch.


Big and Bouncy
Hi All,

Just had a thought here.... Since the advent of the clicker with the new model that has a flat bottom, I'm wondering if this could be be heated electrically in many different ways now besides the Station. Thinking out loud here but a flat top stove/heating element and a metal cylinder to rest it on might even work?

Not that I want to torpedo sales of the Station but am I crazy here?
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Well-Known Member
Actually, just thought that a metal cylinder wrapped in a small heating coil with a PID could work nicely. Fine temp control.
Seems like one could build a 510 attachment for a DNA mod to take care of this. Put an air gap and insulation layer on the outside of it and you’d have a portable Click heater in pretty quick order. Someone with metal fab experience could handle this quickly eh? Maybe @Custom Flower Hardware ?? ;)

ETA, I personally wouldn’t be the customer for this, I love using a torch
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Microbe minion
I've always wondered why the station was so complicated, I thought that an aluminium conical receiver heated with pid or vvps controled cartridge heater would be sensible and much simpler.

I wonder, does the inductor work with the click?


Big and Bouncy
Seems like one could build a 510 attachment for a DNA mod to take care of this. Put an air gap and insulation layer on the outside of it and you’d have a portable Click heater in pretty quick order. Someone with metal fan experience could handle this quickly eh? Maybe @Custom Flower Hardware ?? ;)

ETA, I personally wouldn’t be the customer for this, I love using a torch
A small torch definitely seems like the easiest way but I'm still in a torch-free zone and I've always thought of ways to get around this and try the Vapman without such a large initial investment like Vapman + Station.

I wouldn't be surprised if using the Wand to heat a small metal cylinder (until a specified timeout) with the Vapman on top worked as a solution. Hmmm 🤔

I wonder, does the inductor work with the click?
Oh, good thought!
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