You are very close to the truth!
Here, so completely among ourselves, I can announce a few details about it.
Once upon a time, on a stormy night away from all settlements in a lonely log cabin, I was visited by very small nature-loving aliens whose dimension ship was in distress due to a quantum time vortex.
Fortunately, their detector indicated that spare parts were available in the immediate vicinity: Our beautiful Vapmans at the cabin!
And there at the campfire they appeared !
They came in the shape of a camping pot, but the shape is irrelevant because you see what you want to see. They can represent anything.
They explained their situation and asked for help. Of course I gave them my Vapman for their way home, that's a matter of honour!
So they gifted me with valuable and incredible information.
Somehow they use the Vapman as a transdimensional rotating 7-pole magnetar unit. It's something like the flux capacitor we know, only a little more advanced. (I can't say more, they have blocked this information (for now): We are not ready yet, they said.)
But they also use it purely for fun and have something like car races in nature.
Here are a few replicas of what they showed me by thought transmission. The aliens see quite differently, I promised not to say anything about these beings who are as clever as they are loving. Therefore, here is only an inadequate substitute as an example.
(Don't worry, I'm authorised to talk about that)

(Seen the bluetooth steering wheel?

However, we were able to talk relatively openly about the general technique of the vapman. They told me that it is not the materials alone that are decisive, but how they are interwoven on a sub-quantum level with all present, future and past dimensions, in principle this is the software in it.
Most of the time we hardly notice it, only a few have noticed that there is a certain magic in the Vapman, we can't really say exactly what it is.
Now there are certainly some who are firmly convinced that I just drew too much on the Vapman.
Which, frankly, I can't deny.
Others say I just made it up. God and an old wise man alone know what really happened.