

Well-Known Member
the microdosing sieve is sth else i have zero regrets getting b/c it works great for minuscule amounts and is a requirement for hash (amazing).

In terms of using minuscule amounts of flower, does the sieve have anything distinct over just throwing the same amount straight into the bowl? Maybe improved flavour, maybe convenience, maybe something else?


Grass Yes

Staff member
In terms of using minuscule amounts of flower, does the sieve have anything distinct over just throwing the same amount straight into the bowl? Maybe improved flavour, maybe convenience, maybe something else?

I only use the sieve to make cleaning up concentrates easier. I haven't seen any advantage for tiny amounts of flower. I just put that straight in the bowl.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I only use the sieve for micro dosing flower (I don't use concentrates).

I find it helps to get a more even roast. The ABV is a lot more homogeneous with the sieve than without. (super fine grind from the mflb finishing grinder helps that too).

Also it forgives over heating and prevent charring the herb if you are going too strong with the lighter. It slows down conduction heating but brings more radiation heat.

Using the sieve I can get bigger clouds out of the same amount of weed than without the sieve. And without risking to burn the herb.

im not a robot

Well-Known Member
I can get bigger clouds out of the same amount of weed
yes i agree with all you just said, and re clouds i feel i can make a very small amount stretch a good deal in comparison to just throwing it in the bowl. this is actually one of the reasons i like the vapman so much - i am a lightweight, but i do enjoy the process of vaping, and i feel i can get a relatively large amount of vapour out of a very small amount of herbs. thats sth i love about the woodscents as well, but the vapman works with even less by utilising the microdosing sieve.
i dont know how many pages back but there was a great video that i think @Gourmet linked to which showed a much slower heating technique than the 3s on / off per the manual which also helps a great deal with clouds & extraction imo.
edit: here they are


Well-Known Member
there was a great video that i think @Gourmet linked to which showed a much slower heating technique than the 3s on / off per the manual which also helps a great deal with clouds & extraction imo.
edit: here they are
I learned so much from VapeLifeX. I think it's worth pointing out that his flame is a little bigger than what I at least normally use for DVs or Bricks (about .5 inch), but the Vapman and Lotus both benefit from the slightly-larger flame (inner flame as long as the width of the pan, or about 2/3 inch).
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Well-Known Member
I find it helps to get a more even roast. The ABV is a lot more homogeneous with the sieve than without. (super fine grind from the mflb finishing grinder helps that too).

Also it forgives over heating and prevent charring the herb if you are going too strong with the lighter. It slows down conduction heating but brings more radiation heat.
This is exactly my experience. Couldn't have said it better!


Well-Known Member
I have 11 of them...I use one at a time! Two nights ago we had a Vapman party...all of my guests had their own Vapman...we gathered was just beautiful. We put candles was super ZEN...the best thing about Vapman is talking about it. It is such an interesting guests were very intrigued and just had a lovely time with it. The Vapman for me gives me the most Zen high and we tossed some Northern Lights and just looked at the stars
WTF??? I can't even find one person who thinks vaporizing flower isn't the dumbest thing ever, and those are the rare ones who are actually aware that flower can be vaporized. Meanwhile you're over there throwing a Vapman party with Vapmans as party favors??

I think this is proof we live in a computer simulation...
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
WTF??? I can't even find one person who thinks vaporizing flower isn't the dumbest thing ever, and those are the rare ones who are actually aware that flower can be vaporized. Meanwhile you're over there throwing a Vapman party with Vapmans as party favors??

I think this is proof we live in a computer simulation...
The best part of all of this is...that only one of the 8 folks that were 'Vapmaning'...quit smoking 'rolled ones'...they were all convinced. They all left with the information to buy the Vapman...three of them bought a Vapman. I love this part because...I want my friends to stop smoking/combusting. The most amazing part was when they got a feel for the flavor. Their eyes got wide like it was the first time they ever tasted the herb! They were shocked!!! The Vapman is a beautiful thing...totally.

PS least you have a Vapman...and you are enjoying it. There is always a next time to show someone the benefits of vaping. Someone will listen...


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
I gave my buddy a Dyna to try and get him off rollies, he ended up just removing the cap and using it as a one bat when he couldn’t figure out the technique. I can usually get him to hit the mighty or cano if we are camping, he likes the vape just no time to invest in any technique devices if what he’s got is working. I get that.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
The best part of all of this is...that only one of the 8 folks that were 'Vapmaning'...quit smoking 'rolled ones'...they were all convinced. They all left with the information to buy the Vapman...three of them bought a Vapman.
3 out of 8 bought a vapman, that's a fucking nice ratio ! You must be a preacher or something...

For new year I spent a few days at a friend house. As I wanted to share the peace herb but not to combust I brought 2 vapman with me. After three days with it he just had to buy one. He got charmed by the craftsmanship, the ritual, the taste and the high he got from such a small amount of herb.

But he is not totally converted as he is still smoking cigarettes (nicotine is a b*tch) and sometime joints. But my experience tells me that a conversion can take a lot of time.

I must confess that even if I bought my first vapman back in 2013, I still combusted here and there from time to time. It took me nearly 10 years (and buying 2 others vapmans) to definitely fuck combustion. It has been a long shot but now I know in my heart that I am done combusting.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
3 out of 8 bought a vapman, that's a fucking nice ratio ! You must be a preacher or something...

For new year I spent a few days at a friend house. As I wanted to share the peace herb but not to combust I brought 2 vapman with me. After three days with it he just had to buy one. He got charmed by the craftsmanship, the ritual, the taste and the high he got from such a small amount of herb.
It is super hard to quit...that is for sure. But it's a decision. My best friend had a health scare at the dentist office. He is diabetic as well and would lose some teeth. I kept telling him you must stop smoking...the Doctor said to him STOP SMOKING that is the main cause of your mouth problems. He did. He was a hard-core smoker. He just stopped. He vapes now too...bought himself a Volcano. His life changed. He does not cough any longer. I myself was a smoker of herb for years. I will not smoke anymore. The last time I did the taste was exactly like an ashtray.

The Vapman is just a very fun piece and it makes people curious...then, once they try it. Bam! Changes them. That has been my experience.


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
Found this great video on the Premium Vapman Classic by ... wish I hadn't been so busy last month for the 420 sale to raise the temptation temperature ... thanks for all the great posts in this thread ... next sale drop (Father's day?) it'll be mine ... olivewood/AFC Titanium MP 🥰 ... after all an Italian should own a vapman



Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been lurking around this phenomenal thread for a while now and have already had a bunch of my initial questions answered back when I was deciding if a vapman would be suitable for my needs. However, I still have a quick one for the people that use/have used the heating station that's still on my mind.

Long story short, I use my vapman mainly for hash and I'm overall pleased with how it performs. The one thing that I feel has potential for improvement would be the heating aspect, and that's why I'm interested in possibly getting a station when it relaunches.

Question: Does the increased heat-up time make you lose any taste on the first few hits compared to using a torch? Seeing as the hits "degrade", my worry is that you'd kind of be starting on hit number two or three flavorwise with the station (if that makes sense).

Thanks in advance, I would very much appreciate some insight from the stationeers! :)
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Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been lurking around this phenomenal thread for a while now and have already had a bunch of my initial questions answered back when I was deciding if a vapman would be suitable for my needs. However, I still have a quick one for the people that use/have used the heating station that's still on my mind.

Long story short, I use my vapman mainly for hash and I'm overall pleased with how it performs. The one thing that I feel has potential for improvement would be the heating aspect, and that's why I'm interested in possibly getting a station when it relaunches.

Question: Does the increased heat-up time make you lose any taste on the first few hits compared to using a torch? Seeing as the hits "degrade", my worry is that you'd kind of be starting on hit number two or three flavorwise with the station (if that makes sense).

Thanks in advance, I'd would very much appreciate some insight from the stationeers! :)
Can't speak to hash in particualr, unfortunately, but with herb it's very much flavor on the first hit, more vapor on consecutive hits as usual, it's just that the flavor lasts over more hits. I think the heating is more gentle than torching and the time is really not longer per heating, I wouldn't say, but you do have to wait 2 or 3 seconds for the heater to get back to ready, but it's always good to go by the time I'm done with my hit.

In other words, you may get better flavor results with the station from the first hit, and you may find that the flavor lasts a bit longer as well.


Well-Known Member
Can't speak to hash in particualr, unfortunately, but with herb it's very much flavor on the first hit, more vapor on consecutive hits as usual, it's just that the flavor lasts over more hits. I think the heating is more gentle than torching and the time is really not longer per heating, I wouldn't say, but you do have to wait 2 or 3 seconds for the heater to get back to ready, but it's always good to go by the time I'm done with my hit.

In other words, you may get better flavor results with the station from the first hit, and you may find that the flavor lasts a bit longer as well.
That sounds great! Thanks a lot, exactly the kind of info I was looking for! 👍


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
You'll find this sacreligious, but barkeepers friend on a qtip did wonders for my bowl. Then 9 or 10 water soaked qtips to mop up. I'm glad I did this, but don't plan on repeating for at least 12 months. Nor will I use hash without the seive any more
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Well-Known Member
Does the increased heat-up time make you lose any taste on the first few hits compared to using a torch? Seeing as the hits "degrade", my worry is that you'd kind of be starting on hit number two or three flavorwise with the station (if that makes sense).
Hello T9R, welcome to the forum!

In short, a loss with the station I could not notice, on the contrary.
due to the more even heat distribution, the result is better (not only for me ;) ).

more blah blah about heating hash with the station :D
If I vaporize hash in the vapman, then only with 2 screens ("sandwich method"). there is a little more metal in the pan,
so it takes a few seconds longer to get up to temperature.

(this is a big load, so i heat up and draw 5-6 times. )

Softer hash needs level 5, very hard hash the highest level 6 (if the new station will still have the same scaling).
But it's true, we don't leave the vapman on the station for too long. As soon as the light is on green, we draw.

The first hits always have more aroma, as you mentioned, but with the latter draws come all the
cannabinoids with higher vaporization temperature.

For this reason i recommend to draw one or two more times to be able to absorb as many
active ingredients as possible, even if we can't taste anything in the vapor.

I hope Lee gets a WunderLampe!
Same thought, the combination could also be very successful!
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Well-Known Member
Hello T9R, welcome to the forum!

In short, a loss with the station I could not notice, on the contrary.
due to the more even heat distribution, the result is better (not only for me ;) ).

more blah blah about heating hash with the station :D
If I vaporize hash in the vapman, then only with 2 screens ("sandwich method"). there is a little more metal in the pan,
so it takes a few seconds longer to get up to temperature.

(this is a big load, so i heat up and draw 5-6 times. )

Softer hash needs level 5, very hard hash the highest level 6 (if the new station will still have the same scaling).
But it's true, we don't leave the vapman on the station for too long. As soon as the light is on green, we draw.

The first hits always have more aroma, as you mentioned, but with the latter draws come all the
cannabinoids with higher vaporization temperature.

For this reason i recommend to draw one or two more times to be able to absorb as many
active ingredients as possible, even if we can't taste anything in the vapor.

Same thought, the combination could also be very successful!
Woohoo! I'm very happy to hear that. :) Thank you.

I guess I thought that you'd potentially end up losing a little bit of vapor during the time that the station is heating up, thus missing some of the "terpene magic" that IMO is exclusive to the first two or three hits, but your reports are reassuring. Maybe I overestimate the time it takes for it to be ready to go.


Well-Known Member
I guess I thought that you'd potentially end up losing a little bit of vapor during the time that the station is heating up,
As my grandfather said, there is always a bit of loss. :D

If the vapman is strongly preheated, a small vapor can already rise when heating again.
However, in my opinion, the fact that the heating only takes place shortly before drawing
is the reason for the economy and high efficiency of these little guys.


Well-Known Member
Hello Vapman team!

Great to see this thread active!!
I have a question...
I had already noticed that there was a little oil above the grid... it was very light on my walnut OG version...
with my version in olive tree, it has become quite an important phenomenon...

with each use, I have to prepare a q-tip to clean the residue generated by use...

I don't know if it's because the wood is lighter and it's more noticeable.. or more likely if it's because the grid is less well adjusted to the wooden part and the oil flows more easily...

but it's irreversibly staining my unit so if you have any advice, I'll apply it as soon as possible!

I share two photos to give you an idea!!

Thank you in advance for your advice,
Happy vaping everyone!
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