
im not a robot

Well-Known Member
vapman is here.

this must have been the quickest acting vas for me yet: it took me a half day to realize i really wanted a vapman, and about 15mins of (well timed) summersale for me to buy one.
i had been aware of it for many years without needing to buy one. the butane was a turn-off initially. but dynavap softened me up. and i think maybe the sideroads with other vapes were necessary in order to build up an imagination of what the vapman could be for me.

i have only had this tiny thingy for an afternoon, but it looks a lot like it is exactly what i hoped it would be. learning curve seemed minimal once i installed the microdosing sieve (which took me a while to locate in the vapbag even though i looked thoroughly, i thought, before writing an email to @vapman hey where is my microdosing sieve - apologies once again).

i have always been amazed with how well my woodscents managed with tiny amounts, and i love it to bits, but the vapman can deal with even less - the tiniest slivers of material can produce satisfying results with good flavour, it is really quite extraordinary.
but this thread has been around 14 (!) years, so i doubt i can contribute anything new here :)
i just have to be careful i dont loose it in the floor



Well-Known Member
vapman is here.

this must have been the quickest acting vas for me yet: it took me a half day to realize i really wanted a vapman, and about 15mins of (well timed) summersale for me to buy one.
i had been aware of it for many years without needing to buy one. the butane was a turn-off initially. but dynavap softened me up. and i think maybe the sideroads with other vapes were necessary in order to build up an imagination of what the vapman could be for me.

i have only had this tiny thingy for an afternoon, but it looks a lot like it is exactly what i hoped it would be. learning curve seemed minimal once i installed the microdosing sieve (which took me a while to locate in the vapbag even though i looked thoroughly, i thought, before writing an email to @vapman hey where is my microdosing sieve - apologies once again).

i have always been amazed with how well my woodscents managed with tiny amounts, and i love it to bits, but the vapman can deal with even less - the tiniest slivers of material can produce satisfying results with good flavour, it is really quite extraordinary.
but this thread has been around 14 (!) years, so i doubt i can contribute anything new here :)
i just have to be careful i dont loose it in the floor

Awesome man, loved my vapman honeymoon! I think I’ve be using the sieve backwards though, not sure which way it’s meant to be used…. I fill the gold bowl with hash and then cover it with the sieve like a cap.@RxPlorer photo probably the correct way.


Well-Known Member
I’ve be using the sieve backwards though, not sure which way it’s meant to be used….

I think there is no right and wrong with the Vapman, it is made for finding your individual preferred way of vaping.

However, the screen was originally designed to vaporize a small amount of resins and extracts on it (or between two screens).
For very liquid extracts, two sieves can be placed on top of each other, these will absorb the dabbing oil.
This keeps the pan cleaner and the air holes are not so quickly clogged by the possibly flowing down resin.
(And if the holes do get clogged, it's not the end of the world. In the warm state with a pin they are quickly free again.)

Some use the sieves even with very finely grinded herbs on top.

And so the circle closes, everyone can find his way, as it suits him best.


Well-Known Member
I doesn’t use my vapman frequently for the past year.
Now I was in vacation for some days and first wanted to take my TM.
But finally I grab the Vapman OG, filled up my lighter with butane, stored Al little amount of grindet flower and what schould I say…
I really love that little thing!
Great taste by extended sessions, which I never get before.
Will definitely get a new one from the ital guys for sure!
It will get a lot more use in future….:rockon::leaf::peace:


Team Hash
With regards to hash (Moroccan style) I have been using hemp fiber with all my devices, including Vapman which is probably my favorite for that purpose. What I do is I use scissors to cut the hemp fiber, crumble my hash to small pieces and then tumble it in a hemp fiber-covered surface until each little piece gets covered with it.

In theory it shouldn't work that well with the Vapman due to conduction heating, the idea being that the hemp fiber creates a 'shield' between the pan and the hash resulting in uneven heating, however my experience has been good so far and my OG Vapman is squeaky clean :)

But as I am new on this site and vaping in general, I welcome your opinions about whether I am not extracting with maximum efficiency that way.
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Well-Known Member
What wood is that?
That one is a jew.
(It is very rarely in use)

You have the awesomest collection!
Thank you very much!

My collection of Vapmans has evolved over the last 10 years. Most of the Vapmans I probably gave away to friends, I kept mainly the more special woods and my "workhorses". However, there are other collectors who have far more complete Vapman collections than I do.

Whereby the friendship with René is very helpful to indulge my Vapman collecting addiction. 😂


Well-Known Member
Hope you'll share our appreciation with him. Especially for caring enough to find successors and help them get started!

Please let René know my Vapman is my favourite vape above all the heavy hitters I’ve had, and that I’ll be keeping it for life :D

On a different topic, I’m loving that this thread is bursting to life these last few weeks. So many new owners and people coming to share their love for this unique wooden marvel. This thread is starting to rival the DV one for best vibes


Well-Known Member
I think there is no right and wrong with the Vapman, it is made for finding your individual preferred way of vaping.

However, the screen was originally designed to vaporize a small amount of resins and extracts on it (or between two screens).
For very liquid extracts, two sieves can be placed on top of each other, these will absorb the dabbing oil.
This keeps the pan cleaner and the air holes are not so quickly clogged by the possibly flowing down resin.
(And if the holes do get clogged, it's not the end of the world. In the warm state with a pin they are quickly free again.)

Some use the sieves even with very finely grinded herbs on top.

And so the circle closes, everyone can find his way, as it suits him best.
Thanks for the solid clarification on the intended use @Gourmet!

I just got my package in the Northwest U.S., I think that was under 4 days! I have 3 vapman’s with a cost ave of about $125, dang good deal considering US retailers still have it priced very high due to old exchange rate. Thank you @vapman and I will make sure to let René know how much I dig his pear!
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Well-Known Member
I’ve been in the process of moving, and the only vape I’ve used for the past month has been my Inifinite Knot in walnut dry through either a Grav wave bubbler or a biao saki bottle from Greek Glass. I’m using the Vapman mouthpiece from @RogueGuy right now, but I also bought a WPA from @VGOODIEZ. It’s a pleasure. I’ve already unpacked most of my vapes and yet I keep coming back to the Knot. It’s seasoning beautifully. I keep thinking I’ll wax it but then I think why mess with a good thing? The beauty of the used thing.
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