Hey guys
I am still hanging in there and I am fine, thanks for asking!
On the 2nd of May, 11 weeks after the request, we finally received the email shown below from the justice department of European affairs. It says that we are now registered in the state of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany. I don't even know if this registration is valid for the whole of Germany or just for
the mentioned state only. After reading the paragraphs of the new tobacco law, I understand, that we have to modify our website and implement an age verification system plus registration in Switzerland as well.
Fact is, we still can sell to all end users in all European countries with the exception of Germany and Austria. My maine question is: how much will the full registration and modifications cost and is it really worth it as the business with vapman is a really difficult one as it is already?
I am not sure why it is so difficult with vapman. Is vapman too expensive, is the usage too difficult for most people, are torch driven vaporizers a niche and stay a niche? Having still these questions after 13 years on the market, it may be time to quit and face the fact, that vapman may be a great vaporizer for some folks but will never be big enough to make a decent living from it. May be, if vapman would be an invention from California with a huge market at its feet, the story would be a different one?
In the mean time I finished the mini saw mill and it is working really well! I will post a short video as soon it is ready!
Kind regards to everyone!
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit bestätigen wir Ihnen, dass Ihre Registrierung vollständig ist. Sie können dieses Schreiben als Bestätigung der Registrierung in Schleswig-Holstein gemäß § 22 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 des Tabakerzeugnisgesetzes und Artikel 18 der Tabakprodukt-Richtlinie 2014/40/EU verwenden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christina Clemens
Ministerium für Justiz, Europa,
Verbraucherschutz und Gleichstellung
des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
-Referat II 42: Lebensmittel pflanzlicher Herkunft, Bedarfsgegenstände und Vermarktungsnormen-
-II 422-
Lorentzendamm 35
24103 Kiel
T +49 431-988-7365
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