After giving the German department of health and consumer protection a deadline of 10 days, we received an answer the very next day! I wrote, that we will take this case to the next higher step, in case we don't get an answer within 10 days. To have to threaten to get an answer is really cheap and pisses me completely off. They wrote us, like
@Hogni correctly suggested, to register our company in order to be allowed to send our product to end users. Reliable as a swiss watch, we did exatly this but guess what, we don't get an answer since two weeks and I couldn't care less. I am sick of this business, i want to do something else, I hate bureaucracy and paper work, I really do.
To lighten up this forum, I like to share some good moments and projects with you guys:
I made the first yew tree models from a tree I could acquire from a building site two years ago.
What a fantastic feeling to make something of your own wood, it is the opposite of boring paper work, here is the first result:
@Gourmet brought me a piece of beautiful Cocobolo wood around and asked me to make vapmans of it. The only problem was, the measurements were very tight and I had to cut the block in a complex way, luckily it came out well!
I had to mark the exact cutting lines on both faces.
Setting and aligning the piece of wood on the small milling machine.
Because the block wasn't square, I used two steel pins as reference points.
Cutting with a small circular saw.
Almost there.
Ready for the lathe.
From square to round. Enough wood for 12 base parts.
Beautiful Cocobolo.
This wood already shines after turning on the lathe. Unfortunately, I missed making pictures of the finished vapmans, they are all gone. Believe me, they looked real bad.

Every time I turn the vacuum cleaner on, it starts to smell very nice like Cocobolo, I won't empty the shavings as long as possible!
Here a glimpse on the latest project. I am in the process of making a portable and light weight sawing mill, giving me the opportunity to cut my own wooden boards from native trees. My plan is to make unique furniture from all sorts of trees. I need a second leg as the business with vaporizers and vapman in particular, is becoming more and more difficult. The first furniture project will be a drawer cabinet made of 100% yew tree without using screws and nails, all joined with conical pins of yew. I will only use screws for mounting the high tech pull-out drawer systems and they won't be visible.
Sequal follows!
Hope you enjoyed this post!