

Well-Known Member
My main concern with the magic sponge method was that the Myca started flaking off (I assume because I spilled some Iso).
I just use the magic sponge with water (slightly damp), not iso. I rip off a small piece of sponge, wet it, then lightly squeeze some excess water (don’t want water dripping down the tubes), then scrub away (mostly upside down).
In the end, did no one ever try the mustard?

VM as heavy used daily-driver just got out of cleaning:


Well-Known Member
In the end, did no one ever try the mustard?

VM as heavy used daily-driver just got out of cleaning:
Thanks for the advice! I tried it today. It is indeed quite fiddly, and I did not manage to spare the nozzles as you did, but I managed to clean them with thin needles. Left the mustard mixture for 1 hour sharp and it came out clean for parts - which is a progress. Guess I will go for another mustard cleaning round next weekend and let it soak a little longer...
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Well-Known Member
So, I just went through the whole process of cleaning my VM. Left the metal parts for a few days in ISO, and scrubbed leftover with magic eraser, result is as new ! Wood middle piece was left in acetone for an hour and results is amazing. Like new :) and for the pan, magic eraser did the job aswell :) I am pretty happy with the result, even if there may be a few scratches, but nothing horrible !


I will be trying mustard tech next time, but am I supposed to use mustard powder (like Colemans) or mustard seeds that you just crush and add some water ?
magic eraser

When you talk about magic eraser you mean "Magic Eraser it's a type of hard plastic, and when it is made into a foam a fine porous surface is created. The foam is made of super-fine fibers that lift and trap dirt and rub out marks. These thin, glass-like fibers are abrasive, so Magic Erasers can be thought of as a cross between a sponge and fine sandpaper"?

Abrasive it's bad for gold plated pan. It take gold off.

Colman's mustard powder - it's perfect.

Don't put too much water. Paste, not liquid. And after apply on pan - put Vapman up side down - so the mustard will not move to the nozzles.

Last time I applied mustard twice. 45 minutes and 45 minutes. Second round just to get the pan really shiny.

Toothpicks didn't work so well - it's problematic to move mustard around the toothpicks. I just applied around nozzles. And cleaned little bit mustard that got in to nozzles by using 1 meter of wet sewing thread with knots on it. Moving the sewing thread through the nozzle from outside to inside of the pan. Moving sewing thread, washing sewing thread in hot water, moving again.


Well-Known Member
Magic eraser seems to be what you are describing. With a little more research, it seems to be made of quite a lot of unhealthy stuff. I know these kind of concerns are a bit picky, but that is why I wanted to try mustard next time, it seems less chemical, and less abrasive for the bowl. I was a bit worried about this abrasive aspect of magic eraser but from what I read, if not done too often (my case lol) it isn’t a big deal. In any case, next time will be mustard, have to give it a try ! And thank you for the Coleman’s info :)

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Greetings I put my collection in the avatar photo because I still do not know how to insert photos....I hope you can 15th one is the new new one is a YEW wood...anyway, looking forward to the station it will benefit me immensely. Have a VAPMAN day everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Greetings I put my collection in the avatar photo because I still do not know hoe to insert photos....I hope you can 15th one is the new new one is a YEW wood...anyway, looking forward to the station it will benefit me immensely. Have a VAPMAN day everyone.
How is 2.0??! Any major differences in flavor or cooling?


Well-Known Member
Greetings I put my collection in the avatar photo because I still do not know hoe to insert photos....I hope you can 15th one is the new new one is a YEW wood...anyway, looking forward to the station it will benefit me immensely. Have a VAPMAN day everyone.
Such a beautiful collection! I'd also be interested in hearing what you think about the 2.0, if you've had time to take it out for a spin. :)

Oh and feel free to send me a PM if you want a quick guide on how to upload photos, it's really quite simple and it'd be great for everyone on here to get to see more of your little army. :tup:

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
How is 2.0??! Any major differences in flavor or cooling?
I have not received my 2.0 15th Vapman will be that one when it comes. I believe its olive wood. I cannot tell you yet. I am not sure they have sent them out yet. Have a great day...

...I appreciate the help with photos. I will wait until my son comes. But, yes...I know others have tutored me but, I am not savvy like that. I went back in the thread to see where the instructions were. Some very nice individual tried helping me in the past...I got sick and did not do it...I am still in bed recovering.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
I have my order confirmed....So, im just Waiting....maybe something with my Email preferences.
Im Not concerned at all.
Nice Greets!


Well-Known Member
We are supposed to get an update this week according to this quote

@coolbreeze, did vapman email you or did you inquire? I didn’t get an email either.
They emailed me. I assumed it was because I was only getting a midsection and they wanted to make sure they could send out full vapes first. In any case they said end of February so we should be close!

David and Michael

Hello guys!
Short update, vapman 2.0 is ready soon, only a few days left ;)
Regarding the station, we are still in production, it takes so long, and there are so many steps... but we will soon send you an email out with the final launch date and payment link! :)

all the best
David and Michael
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