Love all this Vapman love going on here.
Throw the Vapman into the rotation every few days.
Always hits my eyeballs harder than other vapes with the same strain.
Instant squinty eyed stranger face every time.
Cant afford the Station just yet, but will one day.
While they were out of stock and not available till September, I was tracking/stalking his site daily waiting.
Life happened and my Station funds went elsewhere. Out of habit, kept tracking the availability of these on his site. The day they became available, I had not looked at the Vapman site yet. Rene posted in here about something we were discussing, cant remember what exactly, something trivial, just being one of us.
Go to his site and the Stations were available to add to cart.
He did not mention a word or create fanfare leading us to them, just casually popped in like just another day.
Kind of rare finding that laid back of a company owner.

So till I pull the trigger on my Station, this will have to do.