I am looking forward to your experience with the Station.
The "sudden" existence of the Station was a game changer for me. I had an eye on the Vapman for years, but could not motivate myself to pull the trigger on it.
I just found out about the heater some days ago, somehow the Station never appeared to me before.
I will use the Vapman mostly at home in future. I have other alternatives for mobile use, that probably fit my profile better. But being able to enjoy the famous great taste and build quality of the Vapman, without any risk of overheating my material, on demand, at home, on my table, sounds like pure honey.
Goddam VAS. I went way over my vape budget for this year already in August...
Then, several VapCaps, a Fury 2, a Milaana and now the Vapman came along.
I really have to take a FC forum break for some months.