
The Beagle

Bubbles & Bags
@The Beagle: Very nice looking set up you have here!:)

I also made a video to show it to a friend, here it is:

AVB from that hit:


Well-Known Member
It is important to know, that blowing into the mouthpiece causes clogging of the tubes!

Very good point, the tubes are inlets and like your car's valves it's the exhaust that fouls not the intake.

However there's another way to get 'backwards flow' of vapor back through the tubes: Use a WT with your VM? Unless you're very careful to always remove the VM before you end the hit as the hit ends and the water goes back up the downtube to it's 'resting level' from the 'working level' that volume of vapor is 'pumped backwards' into the VM and out the vents (making such fouling possible in the process). It shouldn't be much volume of course, but the tubes will be cool enough to invite condensation.



Rexcornish on IG, Vaping since '02
Very good point, the tubes are inlets and like your car's valves it's the exhaust that fouls not the intake.

However there's another way to get 'backwards flow' of vapor back through the tubes: Use a WT with your VM? Unless you're very careful to always remove the VM before you end the hit as the hit ends and the water goes back up the downtube to it's 'resting level' from the 'working level' that volume of vapor is 'pumped backwards' into the VM and out the vents (making such fouling possible in the process). It shouldn't be much volume of course, but the tubes will be cool enough to invite condensation.


Always catches the newbs out ... especially on my ssv .. avb flying out the wand onto heater cover :(

Always remove the vapman before finishing the hit.


Well-Known Member
Wooh! Pulled the trigger finally. Had a hard time choosing, my eyes were set on the Yew tree but went with the classic pear tree one instead. Might as well save the difference for the station when it becomes available again! :p Now the wait begins...


Hello Vapmaniacs
Some pictures of my walnut basic after some sanding oiling and polishing job
Two tones for station....
Hope you like it...


And a family picture....



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Well-Known Member
Hello Vapmaniacs
Some pictures of my walnut basic after some sanding oiling and polishing job
Two tones for station....
Hope you like it...


And a family picture....



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I'm just about to start sanding mine as well... But I thought of charring it first on the outside to imitate @M0J0 chocolote version. Is there any way to remove the bowl without disconnecting the air tubes from the crucible? If I could separate the bowl from the wood I would try to ISO-Soak the bowl while sanding and polishing the wooden body.


Well-Known Member
I'm just about to start sanding mine as well... But I thought of charring it first on the outside to imitate @M0J0 chocolote version. Is there any way to remove the bowl without disconnecting the air tubes from the crucible? If I could separate the bowl from the wood I would try to ISO-Soak the bowl while sanding and polishing the wooden body.

No you have to remove the air tubes. I've tried to do the same 1 week ago.


Well-Known Member
Is there any way to remove the bowl without disconnecting the air tubes from the crucible?

Nope. Not on existing basic models, future ones will have a larger hole at (I think) Mojo's suggestion. I suspect if you were careful a lot of careful needle file work could enlarge the hole with the pan installed with a minimum of swearing?



Well-Known Member
Greetings. The desire for a vaporizer that didn't require batteries led me to the vapman. Continued research brought me here to this thread. My initial reaction, i was blown away by 3 things - the dialogue amongst the members in this thread is fantastic, René the the man behind the device is an active member who seems overjoyed to participate and receive feedback, and finally the fact that this thread has been active for 8 YEARS! I've never seen such a community. This whole equation = Mind made up. SOLD!

Just received my Vapman 2 days ago. Classic Walnut. My go to vape is a crafty (love it), however after one warranty claim i now have to baby the crafty. This being the start of my Vapman journey, Crafty will rest for the next few weeks!

Still learning what works best for me, now that I'm a registered menber I'll be back to share my thoughts on this device. I will say with all certainty though, .05 maybe less in the bowl, Yet I'm exactly where I'd like to be?! It's amazing/insane how potent such a small amount of material can be!

@vapman and the entire FC Vapman community, i appreciate all the input and knowledge imparted here. Nuff Love!

... Hmm I'm not sure how to upload pictures, nor do i see a 'how to' section. I'd appreciate some quick tips


@OF thanks!
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Well-Known Member
Nope. Not on existing basic models, future ones will have a larger hole at (I think) Mojo's suggestion. I suspect if you were careful a lot of careful needle file work could enlarge the hole with the pan installed with a minimum of swearing?


I guess I need one of those future VM for easy cleaning by submerging only the bowl.

Even if a needle file could work with enough time and effort, I would probably scratch the pan and the air tubes... So far I simply spin the bowl around while sanding the inner walls down.

Btw, I managed to poke steel wire through the air tubes from the bowl side to declog them...

Edit: if I could get a spare crucible I would sacrifice the current one and break of the air tubes, sand down the inner walls of the wooden body until it has reached the diameter of the bowl and reassemble it.
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Well-Known Member
I would like to share with you my last handicraft, to make a black Vapman, because black is beautiful.:nod:

So I bought the newest basic model with the bigger bore diameter (for the moment only in walnut available, ask René for more details), which allows us to take the complete pan with the legs off.

But first, let me say the most important thing:

Don't do this at home ! Even not in the car or in the garden ! ;-)
Seriously, you risk to destroy your brand new Vapman, especially if you are gross motor skilled like me !
And you risk to burning your irreplaceable fingers if you haven't a reasonable heat protection! Please look at your safety first!

Ok, after the warning, let's start. First comes the question, why I do such a dangerous thing? Well, because I'm silly and I want a VM only for the station, especially for extracts. If it is black, I don't have to clean the wood, I only have to polish it. ;-)

If you are more intelligently than me, you buy a two toned and perfect good looking Vapman from @M0J0 . ;)

But here is the precious object, I gonna mistreat. As you all know, the luck is with the stupid, that's what I can reveal for the moment. ;-)
And I have to apologise to all cellphone user and such with a slower internet, I loaded 20 pictures up....




Then I took some small bowls for the little pieces I gonna remove, and have a bit a photo fun.


The middle section gets inside some lines, so I know after, where the metal pins was.


On the leg and the clamp in direction to the Vapman-branding I put some marking (not visible on the photo..). This way I know how to re-assembly as it was.


Then I remove the pan. By the way, you can do the job with the funny little screw driver, René sells in his online-shop.
But I would recommend a serious tool, it's much easier. Meanwhile I celebrated the ascension with my silvery screw driver, so I have to do the job now with the funny blue one. :hmm:


But why a brand new VM has this burned spot?
Thats because René heat up every new VM himself and tighten up the screws on the clamp, before a VM left the atelier. It is also the final examination by the hand of the master.


Here the first test with some equipment and test-wood. The sand paper and polish sponge you don't need, in fact it's counterproductiv to use it.
But the more we need the welding gloves and a strong little brush. The big torch is good for the surfaces, but for the edges and corners, the little torch is more precise.


First I tried the middle section. The mouth piece served as a holder.


Then comes the ring.


After one round, the carbon layer wasn't as black as I wanted it.


So I did a second burning and brushed it after. The first polish I did with fine silk paper and of course with my fingers. ;-)
As you see, I wasn't as prudent as I should have been and the formerly sharped edges are now significant rounded..

The back side, only polished by hand. Technically, I could re-assembly it now, but I want a boiled linseed oil coating.


That's the look after the first varnish (24h drying, polished with a dremel tool and a felt-tip).


The second coating and polish. Now it's more what I searched for.


But we also see clearly the undulating surface, cause of burning. Next time I will be more prudent!


Now the re-assembling. The pan was a bit tricky and it's definitely not a job for me. But after some straightening work, the middle-section sits again relatively straight on the pan. i learned too, not to press the metal pins of the middle-section too deep in the wood.


It has now some cosy leather couch look. ;-)


Here you see the red marking on one leg. I decided to varnish also the inside of the ring, because I only use it with the station. The heating test demonstrated no smoking or smelling at all, even if I let the VM too long on the station. So I took the torch and tested it.. and burn the coating near the pan away. Now I could use it even with the torch. ;)


Finally, I had a good time to crafting with it. But I also needed a bunch of time for, with the coatings you need at least 2 days, meanwhile your VM is out of order.

i hoped you enjoyed my report and, as always, you excuse my bumpy English skills.


Well-Known Member
I have always tought about a glass midsection

Just for your amusement :D ...

I need to clean the bowl too

Magic eraser would get that bowl looking almost new again, some people love it some wouldn't use it on a vape, personally I use it and just make sure it's properly cleaned after...and I'm not dead yet :lol:


Well-Known Member
Wow that's great!
I can't tell from that pictures but did you use a regular midsection filter?
What kind of adapter was it in first place?
Nice job!

It's a crafty/mighty 18mm easyflow adapter (had a spare one from a warranty claim) and it's just a normal screen inside (has a recess for a screen) with a hole for the pin in the bowl, if I spent more than 5 mins putting it together I would have drilled holes and used a stronger metal for the pins along with a modified screen (very similar to the regular midsection filter but without the screw holes on the side) then maybe some sort of wooden sleeve to pretty up the bottom section where the o-rings are and add those three air holes in the midsection to help with draw restriction and to stop the bowl cooling too fast unless hitting while drawing, but that's all just yet another crazy idea in my head that will probably never see the light of day.


Well-Known Member
Crafty and AAir. thats all i know. what i'm accustomed to. session vapes... Vapman has changed/furthered my perspective on vaping. instant vapor. instant flavor... isn't that somebodies tag line??.. someone mentioned that if you want flavor, on your first heating, take a draw, second heating, take a draw.etc.. so instead of warming the bowl twice than heating once again before taking my first draw, i start to draw right away and enjoy the flavors. My sessions last from 2mins to 10mins. I find the hands on immediate control is far superior to digital buttons and wait times. This aspect alone has me falling in love. Not to mention potency. I was both shocked and pleased at how potent a .05 can be. Vapman is easily more potent and more efficient than my crafty.

Flavor. i enjoy the woody vapman taste. i'm glad its decreased alot over my short time. hope it decreases more. The flavors i'm getting are nice, but the added woodiness i feel takes away from just having that 'pure' herbal vapor taste. My crafty wins that battle. i can see why the Lotus would win that battle as well. only makes sense. i can get big clouds with my vapman, but heres where my understanding has grown as well... vaping at lower temps to experience more flavor with vapman, i inhale till i'm almost about to choke on vapor, taste nice flavor, than exhale no clouds, in the end i'm well medicated. days of experimentation, i no longer equate big clouds to satisfying hits, i now prefer a big flavorful hit with no cloud over a strong hit with crazy clouds!

efficiency, potency, discreetness, unlimited usage without the need/worry for batteries. the Vapman is a winner. i was looking for a Crafty killer. perhaps i've found it.


Well-Known Member
My backup vapman got stolen out of my car :cry:

I have a very lonely vapman station.

Do new ones come with the SS screen built in? If so i should probably send the ones i bought to people who still their vapmans!

Mr Mellish

Well-Known Member
My backup vapman got stolen out of my car :cry:

I have a very lonely vapman station.

Do new ones come with the SS screen built in? If so i should probably send the ones i bought to people who still their vapmans!

Cats AND catnappers? You're having a bit of a bad run. I have a basic hibernating at a friend's house. If I could get my hands on it, I'd happily send it to you. She will never use it. Problem is, she may not know where it is...


Well-Known Member
Cats AND catnappers? You're having a bit of a bad run. I have a basic hibernating at a friend's house. If I could get my hands on it, I'd happily send it to you. She will never use it. Problem is, she may not know where it is...
You're too nice but I don't need any handouts!
I got some stuff in classifieds to fund a nice new chocolate tone vapman.
You're too nice but I don't need any handouts!
I got some stuff in classifieds to fund a nice new chocolate tone vapman.

Hope it picks up for you bud, have you still not used your backup VM? I need to get a backup of the new style, a stainless washer too...

I'd be gutted without my vapman, one of the only vapes to stay in my rotation regularly. Took it fishing yesterday, was actually a poor choice since I was fishing for cats with punchbait.. The intimacy of the VM ritual is one of my favorite features, but i'm afraid a bit of the magic is lost among stinky fingers.


Well-Known Member
I am really surprised that the station is out of stock! I was going to say that after the contest, there's going to be a run for them, but forgot.. and now they're not available until August?? Yikes.

No matter.. I imagine that I'm not the only one feeling a teeny bit disappointed, is all. :)
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