@AJSAfter a week of normal Vapman use I took off the screen to check on the mica washer. Unfortunately I got ahead of myself and started removing it with out a photo. I took the screen off while it was still warm, it was a bit stuck. Next I placed the screen onto of the pan and gave it heat. Seen some vapor or smoke so stopped and reached for my tweezers to hold the hot screen and another pair to great the washer out.
This is what I ended up with after the removal...
Nothing was stuck to the screen or middle section. It just broke while trying to get the tweezers under and lift it off.
This was probably completely user error. I did not sand my middle section down because I lacked sand paper. This is something I plan to pick up soon and give a nice clean up job on the middle section.
Here is what my middle section looks like...
Fresh washer in the screen..
I can definitely say the washer did not leave any funky taste or any noticeable difference to the vapor. It did help out locking the middle section into the springs with a nice tight hold. I really like how much stable it feels with the washer spacing adding just that little bit difference.
My Vapman turned one on November 22, I was trying to share some pictures of wearing on the under section and the over all Vapman. The above pictures show the middle section.
Here is the bottom but keep in mind I did attempt a poor imitation of @Mojo amazing two tone charring.
I have noticed two small cracks but nothing major, I believe my Vapman performs better than ever and is still my daily driver. I don't know if this would be the perfect vape for everyone but its pretty close to the perfect vape for me!!
If I buy a station should I buy the basic instead of the classic? Does it conduct the heat better?
The station can heat the pan a little bit more evenly than with the torch and thats why it increase the effectiveness a bit, seen from my experience.Is the vapman station going to cause the Vapman to function differently than with a lighter?
I like to use the VM and two screens for concentrates (mostly QWISO or viscous oil), and I make the Vapman-sandwich, which means: screen-oil-screen.It seems like the concentrates need the quick burst of the flame.
No difference in performance, the key parts are identical. However, given the price of the Station on a VM I think the few extra dollars is a small percentage of the total to have 'the best' appearance wise. Unless you have something special planned for completing the basic model. The factory finish on the classic is much better than most of us are likely to be able to do and IMO the Mica (with it's tiny screws) is a very nice 'touch'. It would, IMO, be a pity to be really enjoying the rig and to think 'for less than 10% more in cost I could have gone POSH all the way'.
Quick trivia freaks, where does "POSH" come from (why is it a useful comparison......or is it?).
I thought it stood for 'port side out starboard home' and the upper classes would have it written on their luggage?
IMO the Mica (with it's tiny screws) is a very nice 'touch'.
I always found the mica layer unattractive and detrimental to the overall appearence of the Vapman.
Sorry but I thought this was hilarious when I read the first line. Awesome idea tho wjrh the one handed setup. Rig one up and let us know!I like using my vapman while driving.
Most of the time I can hold the torch, the VM and then maneuver the wheel with my pinky finger.
This probably isn't too 'safe' to say the least.
@vapman ever thought of a low tech 'clip' what is flexible (rather bendable) that could attach one end to the torch and the other to the vapman to make one handed functioning possible?
I like using my vapman while driving.
Most of the time I can hold the torch, the VM and then maneuver the wheel with my pinky finger.
This probably isn't too 'safe' to say the least.
@vapman ever thought of a low tech 'clip' what is flexible (rather bendable) that could attach one end to the torch and the other to the vapman to make one handed functioning possible?
@vapman ever thought of a low tech 'clip' what is flexible (rather bendable) that could attach one end to the torch and the other to the vapman to make one handed functioning possible?
I like using my vapman while driving.
Most of the time I can hold the torch, the VM and then maneuver the wheel with my pinky finger.
This probably isn't too 'safe' to say the least.
@vapman ever thought of a low tech 'clip' what is flexible (rather bendable) that could attach one end to the torch and the other to the vapman to make one handed functioning possible?
Anyone have any pictures of a heavily used basic vapman used with a torch?
Do most people have the basic or the classic? I really like the idea of the oiled wood! But the rawness of the basic is also appealing!
Hey guys!