- Second - the jet lighter works fine here at 8,000 feet. I am still a bit hesitant with putting the torch on the VM and thinking I am wrecking the mica or the finish but I'll get over that.
@mtnclimber Your lighter is working on 8,000 feet, really? Wow, this turns everything upside down of what I thought I knew about these lighters. Why did my lighter not work well on 5,000 feet? Is the atmospheric pressure higher in the States than here in Europe? Just kidding, but seriously, what is happening here and why did I here so many times, that people had problems with their lighter at high altitudes?
In the end, I am happy to be wrong and to read that your lighter works!
You know, I think we've only.. no, it's two! We've only used two different mj bags since Vapman came into our lives. Anyway, the last bag has lasted a long while, but we're finally out and we busted into this new bag yesterday, and it's all different and I'm wondering if the strain of the mj is what's causing it..
Uh, Vapman needs more than 6 seconds with this stuff, where the other stuff only needed 4.
@Choughed You are reading my mind, I was going to do a post yesterday about this subject. After opening a new bag of weed, I also realized that I have to heat almost a third longer compared to the stuff I was using before. I experienced this many times before, it is absolutely normal that plants differ from each other, sometimes a lot. Where some plants turn brown after a few seconds of heating, others are still green at very high temperatures. Plants are not digital, thanks God or whoever is responsible for this.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, But i have heard mica dust is not very good to inhale, I dont want to take the chance that my mica may someday chip, exposing me to said dust. I may be completely wrong, and someone please correct me if I am. I want to get the best quality/safest possible.
@Spocks_Katra This is a good occasion to repeat of what I already explained to clients 11 years ago.
Safety was number one priority when I designed vapman. Important, a vaporizer should also be save when over heated because we can't expect that everybody is doing everything correctly at all times,
especially when it comes to vaporizing psychoactive substances.
When thinking about safety of materials, we have to distinguish between dust and toxicity!
Any dust is bad for us, regardless if the particular dust is toxic or not. Of course, toxic dust is the worst case and has to be avoided at all means!
Now, lets look at silicate (mica) and the dust of silicate in particular.
Silicate is the most common mineral on this planet and absolutely non toxic! Glass is made of silicate
and no one thinks of glass to be toxic.
Mica is made of silicate and used as a heat insulator for over hundred years in all sorts of devices of our daily life (toasters, hairdryers….) and is absolutely non toxic!
Because silicate is the most common mineral, we have to expect that we breath in dust of silicate whenever we walk on the outside and the wind is whirling up some dust from the ground. Some beaches have sand made of silicate and no one is scared of inhaling some silicate when going to the beach or climbing up the mountains.
Non toxic dust is only dangerous in great quantities and the dust has to be super fine to reach our lungs. People working all day in dusty surroundings should always protect themselves with masks
and ventilation systems but we don't need a mask on the beach, really.
In fact, dust of wood is far more dangerous than the dust of most minerals (asbestos is very dangerous) because it is organic and can carry bacterias and toxic substances.
I know this from my work!
Small chips of mica is not dust and can't be sucked in to the lungs anyway, the risk of breathing in dust of mica when using vapman is not real and not a risk in any way!
BTW, you don't find any warnings about mica in any insurance policy concerning working regulations. This is the strongest sign of mica not being a risk because insurance companies protect themselves really well against any claims!
I wish you all a safe day with vapman,