Great job! Love it.Gave my vapman a slight makeover...
I swear yall are a fountain of gems.
Thanks! We can trade for the black engraved one you haveGreat job! Love it.
For some strange reason, after the color change I enjoy using it alot more...because mentally it's like a new vapman.
Funny thing you say that, after I charred it...I showed it to a couple friends and realized that I NEVER showed them the vapman before.and if you let friends use it no more worries about burn marks.
I use a little wood butter (walnut oil & beeswax) from time to time and it keeps it looking great.
Yeah, here's new bowl fitted with 0.25mm grind off aluminum brackets. Crack @12 o'clock,Post pics?
What is this a picture of? I'm thinking of giving the vapman another try before I give up on it. I tried for a while and ended up with charred wood and burned fingers. Also where would I buy a station and how does that work? Is there a video of setting it up with water?Happy New Year!
What is this a picture of? I'm thinking of giving the vapman another try before I give up on it. I tried for a while and ended up with charred wood and burned fingers. Also where would I buy a station and how does that work? Is there a video of setting it up with water?
What is this a picture of? I'm thinking of giving the vapman another try before I give up on it. I tried for a while and ended up with charred wood and burned fingers. Also where would I buy a station and how does that work? Is there a video of setting it up with water?
Cool. How about a custom VM steering wheel rest? Maybe magnetically retained. Perhaps, for the Lexus owners, with a built in Heating Station?
Only for off highway use on private land.....or course.
Exactly how I learned, although I could never get satisfactory clouds from flowers without accidentally combusting. Still, got the single most epic clouds I've ever gotten from non-melty hashes (bigger clouds than the sublimator, without a word of a lie!).My first few tries with the Vapman were a disaster. The Station helped me a GREAT deal and I've even got the torch pretty well figured out if I keep it dry. You will love this vape, just pull hard and don't overheat.
So is the station worth the cost- around $250? I wonder if some of my scorching problems have to do with the vapman I'm using. Has anyone tried the basic and the classic and noticed a difference?
Where do I find the package deal if it's around?There's no functional difference between the basic and classic. The mica is just there to prevent the visible scorching of the wood. Take it low and slow with the torch. I have a tendency to overheat every torch-powered vape I own or have owned. I do it with the Vapman when I try to rush a session or get that last bit out of the bowl.
I think the station is worth it, especially when purchased in the package deal (if its still being offered). I owned a station when they first came out and loved it because of the ease of use and consistent results it produced. Unfortunately a career change has severely limited my vaping, otherwise I would've bought another station when they were re-released.
Afzelia or Amboyna....I always get the two confused lol...maybe @Ed's TnT can clarify.