What other two flame based vapes do you have?

Just curious. I own the VaporGenie and the Vaponic and have a Lotus on the way.
Would very much like to add a Vapman to my collection although it's use would be similar to the Vaponic with more durability but much more difficult to load (and i don't grind in my Vaponic).
But i find i reached the same conclusion as you did, flame based allows for much smaller units, better taste and much higher autonomy. You only lose on stealth to SOME units, and it's not silent but it's not extra loud either.
I have used it in buses, cafes and bars, out on the street, bathrooms and there is very little instances where i can't use the Vaponic.
Usually places that i can easily drop it like in the middle of the crowd in a concert, or in the movies, or somewhere or sometime when you need to be absolutely silent... most times it's easy to figure out a way to bypass that but i end up not bothering and just vaping sometime later.
I still have a MFLB but i am sick of batteries and charging things that need charging two hours later, plus, the autonomy of a unit is inversally proporcional to it's flavour, meaning the better the taste profile, the worse the autonomy.
For a taste nut like myself, i rather bypass some stealth and/or some autonomy than some flavour. Something i only realized after having bought a MFLB, a DaVinci, and a Solo. MFLB has got the best stealth, DaVinci is a nice equilibrium between stealth and autonomy but with bad taste for my standards, the Solo has very good taste and autonomy but its not stealthy at all.
Flame based units like the Vaponic and the Vapman, have got the best taste and 20x the autonomy of others, while sacrificing a bit on stealth. I believe that is a very nice tradeoff, for taste nuts at least.
The problem is that we have come to distance ourselves as much as we can from combustion, and there is this weird stigma with jet lighters and happened to be used to smoke heroin and crack but that is ridiculous.
It is a lighter guys, its noisier than a battery (of course!!), but it's not that noisy,someone speaking will easily mask the sound. And 95% of situations there we'll be something that is louder than that, or else i live a very noisy life in very noisy places.
People are always praising the Cloud for it's capacity to maintain heat and adjust temperature, well, if you think about it, a lighter that gives you a 1300C/2370F flame does the same of the Cloud system, if you learn to maintain temp by how much and how far you heat your vape.. The only difference is that it is YOUR technique that makes the best or the worst experience.
A lighter, especially a jet lighter, in someone who has excelent technique and can manipulate and maintain temperature, will in theory have a better heating system than 95% of vaporizers when it comes to maintaining temp and fast manipulation of temperature with flame distance and air speed.