Something tells me all the feedback
@vapman have been getting from this place amongst others will inspire some new add ons for the Vapman when the heating stations are shipped and taken care off

Remember what a change even the simple idea of concentrate screens was! Yesterday I saw a Vapefiend video where he showed GoBoof's new concentrates screens for the Alpha. Now, I'm not accusing anyone of stealing ideas. That's not how progress and innovation works. The Alpha has a heating pin, and adding a screen for concentrates just makes sense. I'm merely pointing out that René has a knack for finding solutions that are brilliant in their simplicity. His one of those guys who make you go "gaaah, why didn't I think of that?!"
And also, Vapman is a European company, and this whole glass culture isn't as wide spread here as in the US and Canada, so honestly I don't think René was aware of the demand for WonGs etc untill recently.
But I'm no mindreader, so René will probably answer all these questions himself when he has time. Or just pop up with an amazing product that answers all our questions.