Ok, so I got my NO2 today. Here's how it went, this is my third vape after the MFLB and the DBV:
I've been thinking about this purchase for a little while, and then I saw the few last posts from Vitolo in this thread, which convinced me to make the plunge. Furthermore, I found an LHS that would honor the 1 year warranty in-store, so that really influenced my decision. They assured me they were dealing with the only canadian distributor, in fact they have to price the item in USD and then convert it in CDN in order for the warranty to be valid. In other words, they must sell it at a specific price (179$) so Vapir will honor it. They threw in a free long whip for my MFLB and 2 packs of very fine rolling paper from spain (yes, I do combust sometimes

) as for freebies.
So my wife was gone for about two hours, just enough time to familiarize with the product, clean it, charge it and perhaps take a hit...
I put some water to boil...
I open the box. The unit is smaller than I thought. Feels right in the hand though. It's all plastic, but seems solid. Yes, my first reaction is to look for that plastic smell or as other have called it, for the 'toxic smell'... Ok, yes I can smell the 'new' odor, typical with new electric or electronic devices but nothing alarming.
As noted by Vitolo, I took a swiff from the side fins on the unit, and yes I could definitely taste and smell that 'new plastic' odor described in this thread. Ok, fine I was expecting that after reading this thread.
At this point, I'm very hungry and my shawarma is looking at me, desperately. So I putthe hot water in a bowl and drop the whip and the mouthpiece in it and leave it to rest while I eat.
I get out on the deck outside, there is a nice breeze, so while I plug in the NO2 unit and turn it on to start charging the battery, I remove the top part and put it aside. I'm hoping to 'naturally ventilate' the unit while I eat and read the f'in manual.
About 15 minutes have past, my Shawarma is now history and the manual says that you can use the unit while it is connected to AC and it will continue to charge the battery...
Hmmm so while leaving the unit connected to power, I turn it on and put it 400F. It reaches the temps in less than 30 seconds. I can smell the typical odor described in this thread from about 6 inches from the unit...
So while the unit is breaking in at 400F, I take out my herd, grind it up really fine, fill up the supplied small scoop.
I adjust the temp to 370F and wait about 5 seconds. Green light. I drop the scooped herb in the unit. I'm tempted to dab it down like I do with my DBV wand, but I leave it like that.
So using the supplied whip and mouthpiece, and start to pull my first draw... I can definitely taste MY HERB - There is no plastic taste whatsoever at this point.
I exhale, the vapor is thin but I can really taste my hash plant really nice.
The seconds and thirs draws are much richier and thickier. When I exhale, I can see a little more vapor than the first draw. Taste is changing, but still not plastic.
Fourth draw did not produce much vapor, so I cranked up the heat to about 375F. Then on fifth and sixth I could taste the popcorn, and then a little of the plastic taste at the end of the draw. That taste would go away on exhale though.
My vaping session did last about 10 minutes. So while I take the unit apart to clean it, that's when I realize that I am quite vaped

This unit really works! Then I saw the evenly-brown ABV that came out of the unit and was really happy with the results. No more shaking and fidling like with the MFLB.
My wife is probably the most ignorant person I know when it comes to MMJ and paraphernalia. So she's a very good judge when I want an honest non-user opinion on these things...
So eventually she came back from shopping, and I was still sitting on the deck using the NO2. She comes through the patio door and asks me nonchalantly for help with the grocery... she does not notice the NO2 unit...
Ok, so I go in the house with the unit in my hands and my head in the clouds. As usual, she's talking about something not-so-important so I'm looking at her not really listening, and I simulate sipping from the NO2 unit that is now Off. So she keeps talking but I can see in her eye that she's wondering what I'm doing, but just keep going...
So I'm thinking, that's fu'in good - talk about stealth! lol
So she finally ask me, what is this? I say, what do you think this is? "
Well, I don't know. It looks like you're drinking something... can i see?" That was it for me, I knew right at that moment that I just purchased a winner
So then I ask her which between the NO2 and the MFLB she would prefer I use on the deck and around the house (we have neighbours close) and her answer was the NO2 all the way. She says it also looks like a medical device of some sort, for asthma or something like that...
I vaped about 3,5g in the NO2 today. I tried different temperatures, different drawing techniques, and I'm starting to really enjoy this unit over my MFLB... The 'new unit plastic smell' is completely gone at this point. For example, if I was to take my unit right now while it's cold and I would draw through the whip, I would actually get a taste from my herb a little bit. So that 'plastic smell' is definetely gone.
There will always be a place in my heart and in my travel case for the MFLB, but I think the NO2 has just taken the first place of portable vaporizers in my book.
I also tried some uncompressed keif mixed with herb and the results were pretty amazing. I still have to experiment differents temps, but so far I really seem to enjoy the 370-385F range.
My only wish would be that you could pre-fill the unit. Unfortunately, you must pre-heat the NO2 before droping the herb in it. It's not a big deal, but just a wish.
.Small form factor
.Lifetime warranty
.Simplicity vs effectiveness
.PA is a must but then it brings the price closer to other portables like the NO2
.Inconsistency - caused by batteries, not shaking enough, not grinding enough, etc...
.Can become clogged under the screen
.Easy to combust the herb if you're not carefull
.I have to do multiple trenches in order to have the desired effect. This can look ackward on my deck for 15 minutes: brush and clean, drop herb, sip and shake couple times, drop the ABV, repeat 3 times...
.No temp control
Form factor makes it stealth (my wife is the proof!)
Easy to use
Impossible to combust
Accurate temp control
Easy to clean
New plastic smell out of the box - though goes away after few uses
Durability is unknown
1 year warranty only
Pre-heat needed
I tried my "GPS Car power adapter" with the NO2 and it works like a charm. I got this off ebay for like 5$ shipping included. Please make yourself a favor and do not buy the Vapir OEM car charger for 30$ or 40$! Not worth it - shop a little.