Vitolo said:I use my NO2 daily. It works well, and does not leech toxins.
The thermostat is accurate. The vape is one of my favorites!
Tim said:I think the route we're going with is "safe until proven otherwise."
As long as you let it air out and burn off, the residue and smell goes away.
budballer said:So why isn't this unit more popular then? I'm just curious. It seems like a great product. Portable, temp accurate, very efficient..
WatTyler said:edit: goddam it lwein, you beat me again. 2nd time in a few posts!
willieR said:Tim said:I think the route we're going with is "safe until proven otherwise."
As long as you let it air out and burn off, the residue and smell goes away.
Not to stir the hornets up, but that's not my experience or that of several others who were never able to get the unit from smelling very bad. Just wanted to clarify
Nice that it appears temp accurate, though. That's a big plus.
lwien said:budballer said:So why isn't this unit more popular then? I'm just curious. It seems like a great product. Portable, temp accurate, very efficient..
In the overall vaporizer market, I would imagine that it is VERY popular, far outselling some of the most popular units mentioned here at FC.
But here at FC, we are a pretty knowledgable group when it comes to vaporizers. Vapir has had some major quality control issues in the past, everything from leaking vapor to very bad smell and tastes, along with units just flat out not working, and I have no doubt that these concerns filter down to their most recent products as well. Some very qualified users here have expressed some concerns regarding the N02. At the exact same time that these concerns were being expressed, there were a few people who joined FC and their very first post, and ONLY posts, came in to say that they were all wrong and that the N02 had no such issues. This raised suspicions as to who these new members really were and if they were affiliated with Vapir in any way, which further exasperated the problem.
Recently, however, there have been some quality members here who state that their experience with the NO2 has been more than satisfactory, so maybe, Vapir has addressed these issues, and for the most part, the NO2 may in fact be a quality vape.
For me, considering that there are other vapes on the market that have never experienced the same, apparently QC issues, that have plagued Vapir products in general, I would continue to recommend other alternatives.
FLskwat said:What is happening here?Have you got fever Lwien?
Willer, do you have same symptoms?
FLskwat said:What is happening here?Have you got fever Lwien?
Willer, do you have same symptoms?
LOL. I feel like I'm being stalked. The only time you show up in this thread, Adaox, is when I post here.Adaox said:FLskwat said:What is happening here?Have you got fever Lwien?
Willer, do you have same symptoms?
Quiet shill! We aren't done vapir bashing yet!
lwien said:Vito has said that it is as efficient as his Zap, but this is the only person that I think I've heard ever state that.
lwien said:LOL. I feel like I'm being stalked. The only time you show up in this thread, Adaox, is when I post here.
Adaox said:You're not that important.
Adaox said:WillieR continues to impress me with his stand on this unit, given his less than reputable dealer....
So I went to the shady store and got a great price on the shady item. OHMAGAWD IT DOESN'T WORK PERFECT!!!! Must be EVERY unit.